Trying Cardio-C for Shortness of breach...

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Trying Cardio-C for Shortness of breach...

Post by ofonorow » Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:26 am

> What "problem" you are trying to deal with? Maybe I can help?

Thank you... it is appreciated. You might regret asking! :-)

Please understand that I am not a huge proponent of western medicine and the use of pharmaceuticals to treat everything that ails us. So with that as a preface, I spoke to my doctor about 4 years ago (that was the last time I've seen him) about "shortness of breath" or a rales sound that I was experiencing most especially at night when lying in bed. I was not sure if it was related or not but it also bothered me that the lower front part of my legs were always cold and I had lost a noticeable amount of hair in that area. At the time of my examination, he checked my heart, did an EKG, I went for a respiratory test, and he checked the BP in my lower legs and nothing really showed up.

So, as an experiment, while I was waiting for all these test results, I quit drinking caffeine (coffee) and the problem seemed to just go away on its own.

That was four years ago and it was not long after I had given up all caffeine that I realized that the problem with shortness of breath was back and caffeine did not make a difference at all.

My past medical history included a mitrial valve prolapse and I have had at times experienced tightness in my chest. So with that history in mind I set out to try different, natural, heart-related, protocols hoping that one might help my shortness of breath and the circulation in my lower legs. I've tried Dr Whitaker's and Dr Sinatra's natural treatments for several months and nothing has worked to help with the shortness of breath or with the circulation. Then, I read all the information on your website about Dr Pauling and thought I would try his suggestion.

During all of this I had noticed that when I took Vitamin C with Rosehip (for allergies and cold limitation) that my "shortness of breath" and the rales would lessen. So I read all about Dr Pauling and his protocol and added Lysine in the form of tablets to my Vitamin C and it seemed to help even more. The problem was I was taking 10000-12000 grams a day and I still felt some shortness of breath and some rales so it did not fully solve the issue.

I finally came to the conclusion that purchasing pharmaceutical grade vitamin c in the form of cardio-c would be the best way to see if Dr Paulings protocol would help me.

So after 30 days of taking the Cardio C I can report a noticeable change in my "shortness of breath" and the rales while lying down and a slight difference in the cold feeling in my lower legs. But as with any protocol I've tried to give it a fair shake of 6 months before coming to any conclusions and that is what I intend to do with Cardio-C.

So long story short, (now aren't you sorry you asked?) I do not know what is wrong with me, if anything at all. I am experimenting on myself rather than having someone else, who is supposed to know better, (my doctor) experiment with his/her pharmaceuticals which I DO NOT TRUST!

If you have any suggestions please feel free let me know. Thanks again for the great information and I have no doubt that it helps countless people.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Trying Cardio-C for Shortness of breach...

Post by Johnwen » Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:42 am

What we know!! Vitamin C is the key for the production of Collagen.
A person with Mitral valve prolapse and shortness of breath could benefit from Vitamin C. Why?
Chordae tendineae are approximately 80% collagen, while the remaining 20% is made up of elastin and endothelial cells.

These are the cords that pull the mitral valve closed. When they get weak the valve dosen't close properly allowing blood to pool in the lungs causing shortness of breath and chest pain.

When they get weak and streched this is what happens.
Giving the body what it needs to repair the damage can give relief and HOPEFULLY reverse the problem.
However most people let it go to far then look for cures. It takes TIME for the body to repair itself sometimes the Time has passed and surgery is the only option.
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