Vitamin C Conquers Poison Ivy

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Vitamin C Conquers Poison Ivy

Post by raybord » Thu May 11, 2006 8:30 pm

I've always been highly allergic/sensitive to poison ivy. Three days ago I was removing some trees from my property, when I accidentally brushed against some P.I. I dreaded the outcome. Nothing happened. The next day I intentionally touched the stuff. Same result. I finished the job today with total disregard for the noxious weed and nothing happened. I figured that the only explanation has to be the megadoses (10-15000mg/day) of C that I have been taking for the last two months. Has anybody else had similar experiences?



Post by JayZee » Fri May 12, 2006 6:12 am


During puberty my daughter became hypersensitive to PI.

Her face blew up, the poor thing looked like an extra on a Weird Al music video.Luckily it didn't effect her breathing.Rushed to an allergist who could offer only prednisone, she took it "twice" in one month. I realized the potential damage to her young body and the fact that this very expensive and super busy specialist had not an iota of concern for the wellness of my daughter so I fired him and put her on vitamin c several grams a day and it worked perfectly - no recurrence.

The fact that I had to protect my daughter from the harm of medical science really turned my head around.

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Joined: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:05 am
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Post by DanSco » Fri May 12, 2006 7:18 am

I sprinkled ascorbic acid directly on the PI area. It got rid of the itch for many hours.

Note: I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be one on the internet. Do not duplicate what I do without a pat on the head from your doctor and a note from your mommy.

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