Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

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Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:43 am

I have decided to start the Pauling regimen but want to know if there are any known side effects?

As we try to point out in the book,, any "side effects" are generally from not dosing high enough, i.e. not taking an optimum amount of vitamin C and lysine.

The side effect from not following Pauling's advise is heart disease.

But to answer your question, both substances have no measurable toxic dosage (you cannot kill a laboratory animal with either vitamin C or lysine), both substances are required for life in some smaller amount (vitamin C 10 mg, lysine 1000 mg) and other than a questionable report of elevated cholesterol in an animal experiment, there are no known adverse side effects to Linus Pauling's heart therapy, other than diarrhea if you take too much vitamin C at one time.

Take a look at this starting protocol, because some people are limited by how much they can take orally - let us know your bowel tolerance, and we can recommend some products.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

Post by Bossman » Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:40 am

I just saw this topic and am a bit puzzled.

I have been taking 1,5 gram of vitamin C and 1,5 gram of l-lysine twice a day lately.
Are you basically implying that by doing this I am worse off than by taking no vitamin C and lysine at all?


Re: Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

Post by VanCanada » Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:45 am

Researchers Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts have an interesting take on this question in regards to people who have cancer. (However Owen wasn't talking about cancer patients.)

Also, Dr. Stephen Sheffrey has an interesting perspective about this in his book Vitamin C: how best to use it: how improper clinical trials have misled us!: separating fact from fiction to ensure proper use / Stephen Sheffrey, D.D.S. -- 2nd ed. (2002)
ISBN: 0-9629372-3-1
Published by Service Press, Box 130104, Ann Arbor, MI 48113

Sheffrey is concerned about those who are hospitalized and subsequently go without their usual vitamin C intake. I think it's called the rebound effect. In those cases, regular prior supplementation is not necessarily a risk-free proposition. He covers a few other situations where the risk is not zero; the book is an excellent summary of his thousands of hours of research into the subject of vitamin C. Sheffrey's book was recently for sale on amazon for less than two dollars. I transcribed a whole chapter of it here for us vit c foundation readers.

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Re: Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:46 am

Bossman wrote:I just saw this topic and am a bit puzzled.

I have been taking 1,5 gram of vitamin C and 1,5 gram of l-lysine twice a day lately.
Are you basically implying that by doing this I am worse off than by taking no vitamin C and lysine at all?

Well, maybe I wasn't clear. I was just trying to say that more is usually better.

First, your reported 3000 mg of vitamin C/lysine is in the range of Linus Pauling's recommended "preventive" dosage, and probably keeps you in good shape over the long term - unless your metabolic requirement for vitamin C is a lot higher. We are all different, and Cathcart's bowel tolerance is a pretty good measure of what your optimal intake should be. (But not perfect if someone needs C but can't absorb it through the intestinal wall.)

Over the years, based on discussions with scores of heart patients and their vitamin C intakes as they reported to me over the phone, I came to the conclusion that some people taking up to 5000 mg of vitamin C daily could still suffer heart disease, but I never found an example of anyone who was taking 10,000 mg of vitamin C (or more) who had heart disease. (I believe there has been one report at this forum.)

I take about double that - because I can - and with all the hospitalizations lately - the cardiologists ALWAYS report my heart strong, no blockages, etc.

As johnwen points out there are other issues, i.e. body weight, but my point was that CVD symptoms disappear as you increase vitamin C intake. There is nothing really wrong with 3000 mg daily, and it might be just fine in your case - unless you really do require a lot more vitamin C to keep your arteries and veins strong. (We had one poster who reported taking 30,000 mg daily - with no known health issues.)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

Post by Bossman » Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:14 pm

Thank you for the clarification.
I understand your point and may decide to increase my intake, although I take vitamin C/lysine as a preventive measure.
Of course, I can't tell whether it is actually preventing CVD in my specific case. I feel good taking this amount of Vitamin C/lysine, but I also felt good before I started on this regimen.

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Re: Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

Post by ofonorow » Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:43 am

Of course, I can't tell whether it is actually preventing CVD in my specific case. I feel good taking this amount of Vitamin C/lysine, but I also felt good before I started on this regimen.

This is where Dr. Bush's retinal photograph analysis comes in (Cardioretinometry). If you can get pictures that meet his specs:
Hi Owen

I work from 45 degree fundus fotos in full colour and (ideally) 1Mb. min. but often 750Kb is acceptable
Nothing else.

- from an eye doctor, he'll give you an analysis for a small consultancy fee. (People have sent him black&White and he won't do the analysis. Must meet his specs.)

CR is a completely non invasive way to determine how healthy your arteries are, i.e. whether your vitamin C intake is adequate. Another indicator can be total cholesterol, e.g. if around 180 mg/dl, your C intake is close to optimal.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

Post by Bossman » Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:40 pm

Thank you Owen for this advice.
That indeed seems to be a reliable and not costly method. I'll have a chat with an eye doctor.

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Re: Are there any Pauling Therapy side effects?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:33 pm

bump to find and move to archive
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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