What's up with blood pressure?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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What's up with blood pressure?

Post by BaronZemo » Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:30 pm

Recently I have had some swings with blood pressure that as of yet I can't explain. It all started about 3 weeks ago when I began taking my bp. I had just started using b6 on the reccomndation of dr.Sardi who stated it could lower blood pressure. My bp has occasionaly spiked high, but is usually borderline and at times, especially towards the evening, normal. However, I wanted to see if I could get it more in the normal range. Also. I had seen a accupuncurist for another problem (back pain) and asked him if there was a herb I could try for the bP. He gave me something for bp, and after 2 weeks I took my bp to see how it was with these new supplements.

well to my alarm, my bp was 190 over 115 , a good 60 to 30 points above what it normally was. I took it a few more times , and it was a little higher and a little lower, but still in that area. A few days later, I had a dr. appointment in order to get a prescription for my hypothyroid drugs refilled. I knew that he would take my bp, and if it was higher .. yadda yadda yadda etc etc and he would tell me horror stories of amputations, blood vessels bursting in peoples brains, heart attacks and a host of other stories that would entertain my imagination well into the next presidential election.

When that fateful day came, I ate a few things (4 bananas 2 rolls) that I presume might lower it . In the past bread would make me tired and the bananas were high in potassium, so maybe that would lower it. So I get to the drs office, have the bp taken, and my bp is off the charts, like 200/115, 190/105. He goes into prescription test mode, and wants to have my blood drawn for thyroid , kidney, prostate, and cholesteral. Even though I have been on the Pauling Protocol for 4 years, I am still leary about having a cholesteral test unless it includes the lpa measurement (the measurment that lysine is supposed to keep in check) . I hand him a story about having eaten a breakfast filled with sausage and eggs, so he declines to administer test. however he does the rest and gives me a bp drug (linosopril).

I call back the next day and he tells me my thyroid levels are fine, my kidney is fine , electrolytes ok, but that my blood sugar maybe prediabetic, but he says he needs to do more blood tests...3 month back test on diabetes, prostate and cholesteral test. I decide to not go back in because if readings are not el perfecto according to the accepted benchmarks set by the doctor panel appointed by the pharma cartel, I'll be waliking out of the docs office filled with a box of drugs. No way.

So I take the bp drug, and my bp drops down to 118./88 with my last reading. The offshoot is that a side effect of the bp drug is tiredness, and I feel a little run down. I decide to quit taking all my supplements for a week, and then take a bp reading after I have quit taking the bp medication a for a day or two. The first time I take it under these conditions it is a bit high, but after the fourth time ina half hour period, I get a reading of 137/95. Iw ill take a reading again, and then add supplement by supplemet and see if any of those are causing the upward spikes
My supplemt line up is a ss follows:

coq10: 100mgs
proline 1000mg
E 800 iu
ioodoral iodine/iodide 25 mg
b6 200mg
lysine 4000mg
a 36,000 iu
glucosomine/chondroitin /gelatine/d/msm
niacin timed release 1500 mg
d 4000 iu
fish oil 4800 mg
selenium 400 mcg
magnesium 400 mg
c 15,000 mg time release[/quote

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Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by Jacquie » Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:28 pm

What were the supplements from your acupuncturist?

Have you had your vitamin D (25-hydroxy) blood levels tested? 4000 IUs isn't always enough.

You're not taking vitamin K/K2? You need it to keep your arteries from calcifying. Arteries have to expand and contract to keep control of blood pressure, and hardened arteries can't do this, so blood pressure goes up.

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Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by BaronZemo » Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:37 am

What were the supplements from your acupuncturist?

I am no longer taking that
Have you had your vitamin D (25-hydroxy) blood levels tested? 4000 IUs isn't always enough.

I will probabaly up it to 10,000 now

You're not taking vitamin K/K2? You need it to keep your arteries from calcifying. Arteries have to expand and contract to keep control of blood pressure, and hardened arteries can't do this, so blood pressure goes up.

Itried this in the past, didn't have any effect

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Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by Jacquie » Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:21 am

I am no longer taking that

Some herbal supplements can raise blood pressure beyond the day you stop taking them.

I will probabaly up it to 10,000 now

Great, but if you really wanna pinpoint the problem here, it'd be best to get your blood level measured. The occasional person needs higher doses than that to get blood levels in the 40 - 60 range.

I tried this in the past, didn't have any effect

What type, how much, for how long? Everybody needs K/K2 every day, or their soft tissues calcify. It has many effects beyond blood pressure control.

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Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:27 am

I hope when you "stopped all supplements" - that didn't include vitamin C :)

Two things jump out.

but that my blood sugar may be pre diabetic,

Do you eat processed foods with trans fats? If so, a cell membrane repair process could be clogging your vitamin C transporters through cell membranes (and also keeping your blood sugar high.)

You're not taking vitamin K/K2? You need it to keep your arteries from calcifying. Arteries have to expand and contract to keep control of blood pressure, and hardened arteries can't do this, so blood pressure goes up.

I tried this in the past, didn't have any effect

Have you been on antibiotics? The intestinal flora will produce vitamin K, but if they die off, you will have to a) take probiotics, b) eat a lot of leafy green vegetables, and/or c) supplement with vitamin K (esp. k2).

But Jacquie is correct. My understanding of blood pressure is that it is a gauge to narrowing of the arteries, as a small narrowing can cause an exponential increase in BP. If arteries cannot expand, say because there are calcium deposits, your blood pressure will read like yours. And the only way our experience shows to reduce is vitamin K (remember the story of the President of Tower labs - clear arteries but high BP until he added vitamin K, but his next reading was a year later.)

I would also consider different/better brands of Omega/3s and Magnesium and perhaps increasing the dosage.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by BaronZemo » Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:37 am

but that my blood sugar may be pre diabetic,

Do you eat processed foods with trans fats? If so, a cell membrane repair process could be clogging your vitamin C transporters through cell membranes (and also keeping your blood sugar high.)

yes some, like frozen pizza once a weeks sometimes, sometimes frozen mexican food, salad dressing, extremely hard to avoid all processed food

You're not taking vitamin K/K2? You need it to keep your arteries from calcifying. Arteries have to expand and contract to keep control of blood pressure, and hardened arteries can't do this, so blood pressure goes up.

Will try for a prolonged period

Have you been on antibiotics? The intestinal flora will produce vitamin K, but if they die off, you will have to a) take probiotics, b) eat a lot of leafy green vegetables, and/or c) supplement with vitamin K (esp. k2).

No antibiotics, I eat a fair amount of leafy green

But Jacquie is correct. My understanding of blood pressure is that it is a gauge to narrowing of the arteries, as a small narrowing can cause an exponential increase in BP. If arteries cannot expand, say because there are calcium deposits, your blood pressure will read like yours. And the only way our experience shows to reduce is vitamin K (remember the story of the President of Tower labs - clear arteries but high BP until he added vitamin K, but his next reading was a year later.)

I will try K2 again, maybe it takes a while

I would also consider different/better brands of Omega/3s and Magnesium and perhaps increasing the dosage.

I take nature made, I have increased fish oil in the past had no effect...tried all kinds of magnesium can't take anymore otherwise loose stools, had no effect on bp

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Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:13 am

Okay, then the 15,000 "timed release" vitamin C sticks out. Why not try a powder for at least some of the vitamin C? Some could be sodium ascorbate, and you could put the powder in capsules (home capsule making kit). Eliminates a variable that some vitamin C is being "released" past the point of absorption in the intestines.. (But then you should experience bowel tolerance issues.. hmmmm)

Have you ever had one of these "Fast CT-Scans"? I would be interested in your calcium score, as I predict it would be high. If not high, then the vitamin K(2) would not be expected to help, and something else (strange) is going on.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by BaronZemo » Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:16 am

I measured my blood pressure last night and it was 130/88 without medication. Meaured it this morning it was 150/95, but still much better than before. usually the first measurement is high, but when I take it again it drops. BP usually follows this pattern, higher during day, lower at night...any ideas?


Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by VanCanada » Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:59 pm

BaronZemo wrote:...tried all kinds of magnesium can't take anymore otherwise loose stools, had no effect on bp
Consider transdermal magnesium oil.

Consider supplementing 5 grams or more daily of the amino acid L-Arginine and eating foods rich in Arginine. Each supplement dose should be over 2 grams or you could be wasting your time with it. My sister did very well in reducing her blood pressure using L-Arginine. She saw dramatic results within 2 weeks of starting it.

Good luck, be well.


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Re: What's up with blood pressure?

Post by Rife » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:06 am

From my observations with family and friends, certain additives, preservatives, food coloring, foods, and food allergies/intolerance can trigger spikes in blood pressure and other odd symptoms, like excess mucous.

For my husband, gluten was a culprit.

I'd go on an elimination diet and go gluten free, dairy free, processed sugar free for a month, and see what happens to your blood pressure.

Keep a food journal along with blood pressure measurements and see if you notice any patterns, and make adjustments accordingly. I'd even go so far as to self-test your blood sugar, before a meal and 1 hour after a meal and document that as well.

Your being prediabetic rings warning bells to cut grains out entirely and get your insulin sensitivity improved. In my humble opinion, a change in diet (i.e. Specific Carbohydrate or Paleo) is necessary. Have a look at Dr. William Davis blog and his work.

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