CVD, Diabetes and Cancer - Help

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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CVD, Diabetes and Cancer - Help

Post by ofonorow » Thu May 03, 2012 2:24 am

Hello Mr. name is Dave [deleted]and I have heart disease, diabetes and some cancer (two cancer surgery's) that I am dealing with. Years ago I read Dr.Pauling's book on vitamin C and its benefits, I tucked away the information and did not really do much with it, but I did start taking small amounts of Vitamin C on a regular basis, evidently not enough though to do me much good.

I found your website and read your information and listened to the radio broadcasts and was convinced that I needed to try Dr.Pauling's program and see if it could help me. I purchased two jars of Heart Tech to get started and see how I respond to the treatment.

All that to bring me to this...I was hoping you could help me with the dosages and the amounts that I need to take to do me some good...I believe in you and Dr. Pauling's work and research efforts. I really want this to work, I need this to work because I feel terrible all the time and frankly I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Please could you help me?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my request, I am looking forward to hearing from you and thanks once again.
Dave G.

Dear Dave,

From the Cathcart's chart (bowel tolerance) we know that people with cancer may require more than 30,000 mg of vitamin C daily - 30 g. With the 6 g in Heart Technology, you'd only need an estimated 24 g more vitamin C daily!

You can add some of our vitamin C powder to your Heart Tech drinks, and perhaps half your vitamin C sodium ascorbate wouldn't be a bad idea too.

We know thanks to Drs. Hickey/Roberts that the half-life of vitamin C in the blood is about 30 minutes, and that taking a good dose every 3 to 4 hours keeps blood levels steady at their maximum. Here is a protocol we give to new folks to help them determine their tolerance:

Also, the liposomal delivery systems appear to be wonderful, increases the amount of C absorbed and utilized) and the Lypo-C may be worth as much as 5000 mg of ordinary C. e.g. 1 packet (1 g)

I notice the diabetes and lowering blood sugar naturally (curing Type II) is possible. I would start reading Mr. Smith's articles at
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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