Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:33 am

Aha - I'd idly wondered what could cause someone to be a "low mercury excretor". Low cholesterol production makes sense. So the question becomes, can you eat enough dietary (or supplementary) cholesterol to make up for what the liver isn't producing?

Another interesting research topic! Such a correlation should be easy to make. However, after hearing Dr. Chris Shades lecture ( I think) I am dubious that it is as simple as cholesterol levels. Certainly might be part of the problem. (The woman I am helping who is a low mercury excretor, and several members of her family are also low excretors, has very high Lp(a) but I don't remember her total cholesterol.)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by scurvyencounters » Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:20 am

Owen, I would be interested in an update from Mrs. S, if and when she may be willing to share. What dosage of ALA did she use? Did she react to ALA at all before starting the Cathcart?

I have some questions about the protocol:

Have you given any consideration to oxygenation? Conversion of AA to DHA is dependent upon oxygenation. It seems to me that hypoxic persons will likely carry less DHA across BBB, but those hypoxic persons will probably benefit the most from the DHA that ultimately crosses the BBB. Perhaps the IV solution could be oxygenated immediately before the rapid iv is begun???

If an individual reacts to ALA, should that influence your dosage of the rapid cathcart? Should you make any attempt to coordinate the dosages of ALA and Cathcart IVC?

Has anyone considered the possibility of using conscious sedation along with the IV??? For individuals like my son, this might be a reasonable option if any doctor would be willing to carry it out.

Thanks for your consideration.


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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:46 am

Owen, I would be interested in an update from Mrs. S, if and when she may be willing to share. What dosage of ALA did she use? Did she react to ALA at all before starting the Cathcart?

Best laid plans... She has been doing everything orally (plus dmsa) including Shade's IMD and at least 600 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid on the days of the C IVs, and she included garlic at our alt. docs suggestion. She is feeling better, however there is a complication. She got side tracked from the Catchart IVs a couple of weeks ago. (She has Lyme disease, a form of bone cancer, Mythenias Gravis, etc. and had the opportunity for a new experimental treatment/IV that originated in Mexico. I really can't discuss it, and I was/am skeptical, but she couldn't turn down the opportunity to possibly reverse several of her medical conditions.)

Before the other "experimental" IV, she had (2) 25 g Catchart (Hot) IVs and per Levy's prediction, the herx heimer from the second IV was about 1/2 the herx from the first. We have her reactions to the IVs on film. I believe we will get back to the IV/C protocol soon.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by VanCanada » Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:27 pm

ofonorow wrote:Here we introduce a novel protocol from safely lowering mercury levels in the human body, especially the brain. Patent Pending 2011. O. Fonorow, D. S, Mike X

The Fonorow-"S". protocol is largely thanks to "Mike" X (Winner of our Outstanding Achievement Award, and who I hope by now will let me use his full name). Mike discovered the phenomena in his brother and sister. We also honor another severely mercury poisoned woman (Ms. S until I have permission to use her full name) who is very ill and a very low mercury excretor. She has volunteered to be a guinea pig.... We honor in the name of the protocol in case she doesn't make it... (Just kidding, I know she'll read this at some point.)...
ofonorow wrote:...Thoughts, comments, concerns more than welcome!

Andrew Hall Cutler wrote:Cutler pays attention to the basic properties of the chemicals and uses them so
they work right, everyone else ignores this and either doesn't use chelating
agents or uses them in a dangerous, harmful and inappropriate way.

Since Cutler actually does know what he is talking about, he wrote detailed
books explaining it. You don't have to rely on some conference presentation or
half baked 'protocol' sheet with no back-up or explanation.

People who use Cutler's work for the most part get better. People who use other
approaches for the most part don't and are still seeing doctors 5 or 10 years
later because they're still very sick. Often sicker than when they started. is a great example of what other protocols do - if someone
wanted, they could come up with just as many horror stories for most of the
'detox' protocols out there.
-Quoted from

ofonorow wrote:Guinea Pig well into Phase 1, about to start the very high dose Omega/3 oils.
Any update on how Guinea Pig is doing?

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:19 am

She is doing well, given her long standing Lyme and other conditions, but it is no longer an experiment because she started using DPMS/DMSA, etc.

culter wrote:Cutler pays attention to the basic properties of the chemicals and uses them so
they work right, everyone else ignores this and either doesn't use chelating
agents or uses them in a dangerous, harmful and inappropriate way.

He sounds like God, or at least he has been given divine knowledge.

Since Cutler actually does know what he is talking about, he wrote detailed
books explaining it. You don't have to rely on some conference presentation or
half baked 'protocol' sheet with no back-up or explanation.

Why does he need a sales pitch if he is so respected?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by scurvyencounters » Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:40 am

I think it is time to set aside this long standing feud over competing amalgam detox methods.

It seems to me that niacinamide has now suddenly overcome all the obstacles to facilitate rapid detoxification of mercury for our family. The whole argument over the competing protocols for detoxification was because the side effects of mercury detoxification are hell. But that is all changed with niacinamide. My son's mercury toxic psychosis is now significantly lessened with niacinamide. And the headaches I used to get whenever I tried to detox myself are also now controlled with niacinamide. Could it be that niacinamide has a major role for everyone detoxing mercury? It now seems apparent to me that niacinamide makes all the difference, so that neither the inconvenience and expence of high dose IVC nor the complicated details of the Cutler protocol are necessary.

My understanding of the role of niacinamide suggests two possible roles.

1) Niacinamide seems to be a feedback regulator of indoleoxygenase enzyme and the kynurenic acid pathway. This pathway is probably responsible for psychosis, depression, headaches, and a variety of neurological symptoms. Niacinamide is known to protect the microtubules in for neurotransmitter communications in people with alzheimer's and dementia, which is plausibly associated with this same mechanism.

2) Niacinamide may also be a crucial support in the energetics pathways for maintaining adequate levels of glutathione. Niacin and or niacinamide are necessary for producing NADH and NADPH, which in turn provide the reducing power to reduce lipoic acid and maintain the proper ratio of GSH/GSSG for glutathione activity.

Niacinamide is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. So it seems plausible to me that everyone, who struggles with severe mercury detoxification side effects, should look into niacinamide as a marvelous vitamin that may change your perspective on the whole amalgam detoxification topic.

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:43 am

I think you may have discovered something important. So, if you don't write a book, I can at least help you get an article about this published in the Townsend Letter. Send me a PM if interested.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by VanCanada » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:09 pm

ofonorow wrote:She is doing well, given her long standing Lyme and other conditions, but it is no longer an experiment because she started using DPMS/DMSA, etc.
God bless her. Hopefully she escaped your nearly criminal alpha lipoic acid recommendations unscathed.

ofonorow wrote:Why does he need a sales pitch if he is so respected?
I'm not sure how the concept of "respect" is relevant to this discussion, or any health related discussion for that matter. But I'm willing to meet you on your own twisted terms, if you really want me to.

A few people in the world respect Cutler the man and Cutler the source of information. A few don't respect Cutler the man. But the crux of the matter is that part of the population who don't know a thing about either. I don't think Cutler the man needs one whit of extra respect. I think the scientific knowledge he has discovered is of immense value to the world and it is THAT which is in need of a "sales pitch". I know that from personal experience. It can help millions of people live better, fuller lives and escape terrible sickness.

By the way, I could very easily repeat that last paragraph word for word, only using the name "Pauling" for the name "Cutler".

Now do you understand Owen? You seem to be an evangelist for the gospel of Pauling. You know the message. You live the message. You spread the message. Now do you understand, brother?

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:41 am

Hopefully she escaped your nearly criminal alpha lipoic acid recommendations unscathed.

We have had this discussion before. Your fear of ALA is unfounded and not supportable by any evidence that you have so far brought to bear - other than quoting from Cutler, but even then, if memory serves, he seems to have a generally favorable opinion of ALA.

But I agree that any protocol that doesn't include vitamin C for mercury poisoning is potentially criminal!
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:10 pm

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:57 pm

The woman who is ill and originally agreed to try this protocol, but got side tracked, could never reach her vitamin C bowel tolerance. After we discovered the Russell Jaffe videos, she agreed to try the "ascorbate calibration" and to help us compare sodium ascorbate versus ascorbic acid. Here is her first report:

I did my calibration with the Sodium Ascorbate yesterday.. but there were times I was 5 minutes late.

I did 6 grams every 15 minutes 4 times... it was not doing anything so i went up to 12 grams.. my stomach started up.. I did another 12 grams 15 minutes later and got the watery result.

So it looks like about 48 grams.

I don't think I was strict enough with my timing though and it may have been 3 servings of the 6 grams or 4. How many days do you want me to wait to try it again and do you want me to start over with the Cathcart's sodium ascorbate?

Jaffe recommended waiting a week between Calibrations/Cleanses. I asked her to repeat the calibration, but to remain at 6 gm doses, to see if she reaches the same 48 gram number. (Thinking that perhaps the 12 gram triggered her watery discharge).

If she does start getting "better" (interpretation: reduces her toxic load) then the number will go down over time as Jaffe reports.

We hope to be able to compare the difference in calibration between ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate, and then perhaps verify that her sodium ascorbate number is roughly the same.

But if the numbers keep going down, no matter what the form of vitamin C, then we know we are detoxing her!
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:18 pm

Trial #2.

We rechecked to make sure that taking 12 g at one time did not affect the calibration, and she came out again as 48 g

I took 6 grams of Cathcarts sodium ascorbate every 15 minutes untill I hit 48 grams. (We won't count the last dose because I want to the bathroom 2 minutes after taking it.)

I went to the bathroom about 3 times over the next 3 hours.

One thing I'd like to calculate is the sodium flush. Is that amount of sodium the same as my Cathcarts tolerance?

Did you give me that baking soda protocol where you take 1tsp or 1tbs .. then another 10 min later- then another 20 min. later? Maybe Angela gave it to me. I can't remember the dosage.

We will see (C) when I try with the Ultrafine ascorbic acid though. This will be interesting.

My ear is still ringing.

Should I have done a mop up?

Her thought is that the sodium may be causing the explosive reaction. Interesting.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:30 am

Trial #3 - might be some evidence re: sodium as more ascorbic acid require (ultrafine DSM powder) before the "watery discharge.

Same time of day.. didn't take any other supplements the whole day just like with the Cathcarts.

I bottomed out at 60mg. 54mg may have done it because I hit the John about 5 to 7 min. after last dose.

So 54 AA versus 48 SA. Interesting, and just might confirm reports that more ultra-c can be taken before diarrhea/bowel tolerance.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:32 am

The guinea pig is not happy.
She called and sounded concerned, as she described a Herxheimer/kidney reaction after the ultrafine cleanse.

I advised she take a lot of water, and we may start doing more of Jaffe's entire program for using ascorbate to detox.

The reason for drinking the water is that it appears something different happened with Ultra ascorbic acid - a Herx. More toxins may have been pulled out of her cells that the kidneys had to deal with. If it was a Herx, it could be important, we just have to be able to deal with it somehow. (See below, it also might be due to her not being hydrated.)

Let assume ultra ascorbic acid causes a Herx and that the alkaline environment is also important as Dr. Jaffe claims.

I think from now on - we should just work on her health - we did demonstrate a difference between sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid was in some sense more powerful - at pulling toxins,
but not in draining them out of the body apparently. Either SA did work better, or simply not as well.

So first difference would be to have her drink more water, a lot of water up front and perhaps during - so that the watery discharge that Jaffe says rids the gut of the toxins happens.

Next, might start with half the baking soda cleans - then the ultra cleanse - followed by a baking soda cleans. (I'll describe later, but it is almost the same idea - ends in a watery discharge.)

This was emailed from her right after , before the Herx, commenting on the change in the 48 g number
I went to the bathroom at 48 but did not get the water flush. I wonder how much of it has to do with what the bowels have been doing the day before or that day.

I'll try the regular C next time or whatever you tell me too. I'll wait a few days.

It is possible that she was dehydrated leading to this issue, and she was 48 g for both SA and AA.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:09 am

More today from the guinea pig.
My head feels like crap again.. yikes- like a hangover.

Yesterday I did a coffee enema and sauna and that seemed to help, but apparently over night still herxing.

I usually feel sick in the morning BUT we are def on to something with the C flush. I say that because my ear is ringing and to me that is Mercury. It starts to right louder during the flush and I've had it happen on IV before too.

I drank a lot of water- but I could use more and maybe i did not have enough.

Wow -

I think I agree with you. There was something about Ultra-C that exceeded any problem of dehydration.

I would try a sodium ascorbate C flush ASAP - maybe you can get these toxins all the way out. End current herx.

Keep on the other "detox" like the sauna and enemas, etc. Do you have any IMD left? See if Walgreens carries that special type of methylated selenium jaffe mentioned, etc. MSM for the sulphur..

The only question is whether the ultrafine powder really pulled that much more, or whether the sodium ascorbate hid the herx better because it got things all the way out? Eureka! Either way there may be a win-win protocol.

So I think this makes the plan something like this. Either

1) First hour with ultra-C
2) Second hour with sodium ascorbate

1) Entire Flush with Ultra-C, followed immediately by
2) 1 or 2 Hour Flush with Sodium Ascorbate.

or maybe

1) Entire Flush with Ultra, followeded immediately by
2) 2 Hours with Sodium Ascorbate
3) Followed by the sodium bicarb flush (just to make sure EVERYTHING is expeled)


1. I think the Ultra-C was more effective pulling toxins into the blood.
2. Even if Sodium Ascorbate did the same thing - and just hid it better by expelling them, then it makes sense to follow the Ultra-C with the immediate sodium ascorbate because the objective is for these toxins to leave the body!

Did I say drink a lot of water? Before, during and after.

If you calibration number goes down - according to Jaffe that would mean this works, and you became healthier!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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