Cure for West Nile Virus

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Cure for West Nile Virus

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:13 am

We are preparing a press release on Jack Butler's 2004 WNV cure, and will start posting the fodder here.... This was originally a letter to his grand daughter..

To Whom It May Concern

Just saw on the news that the death toll in Dallas is 38. Also over 50% of those infected are exhibiting neurological damage This compares with about 20% in the 2004 outbreak. Normally it takes a week or more for serious symptoms to develop. Than most people mistake the symptoms for flu and wait for another week or more. Than they make an appointment with a doctor. The doctor might order a blood test but might not because it looks like flu. In the weeks that go by the virus invades the central nervous system. Once this happens, life long neurological disabilities are likely, or death.

I was fortunate that [doctor's name deleted - for now] knew me well enough to suspect that I had WNV, not the flu so she ordered the WNV blood test. I was also fortun ate to know that megadose IV C can cure any disease if administered early enough. THIS IS TRUE! Dr Thomas Levy has written books on the subject and he is the one who treated me.

If you know anyone who has WNV symptoms or been diagnosed, pass this info along. My cure was published in The Daily Camera and resulted in many people getting IV C with excellent results. There are many docs who can testify to this. And there are very cheap and totally harmless natural supplement s that can boost your immune system enough to nip most diseases in the bud. It's true that an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

I offered to present the proof, with my doctors and blood tests to medical authorities. They refused to even look or listen. The official line still is that there is no effective treatment for WNV.

Please get the word out any way you can.


Jack Butler
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cure for West Nile Virus

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:16 am


I'm happy to do that for you and all those who are suffering and will be infected. My own health department, Boulder County, CO, refused to publish the information that I and my doctors had that IV C cured me in 2004 when WNV reached epidemic status Boulder County.

Our local newspaper, The Boulder Daily Camera, published my story with the comment from the State Medical Director that there is no evidence that Vit C cures West Nile. He didn't care that it was a mega dose (75 grams) of IV C with glutathione. He didn't bother calling my doctors, Maurieke Shyelle and Thomas E. Levy, to even discuss the possibility although Boulder County had well over 400 officially diagnosed cases with many deaths.

Same old crap----the Medical Director claimed that there is no evidence that vitamin C cures West Nile or anything else for that matter. I offered to bring my medical records, the blood tests and my doctors to the Boulder County Heath Dept. Of course they didn't want to see the evidence.

Fortunately The Boulder Daily Camera carried the story in spite of the State Medical Directors comments and many infected with WNV tried IV C and were cured.

I was cured by the first dose of IV C and glutathione which included a short stay in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. 36 hours later my fever broke and all symptoms disappeared. Getting this therapy early is the key to a quick recovery.

As you know Owen, early administration of mega dose IV C has been proven to cure most diseases.
Tom Levy's books on the subject are filled with the proof going back to the 1930's. If IV C was part of the routine administration in hospitals, it would dramatically reduce infections and speed recoveries.
Dangerous and expensive drugs would not be needed in most cases. Many lives and needless suffering would be spared.

I've copied Drs Levy, and Shyelle for comments, corrections. Also Dr. Brunschwig who I referred many WNV patients to here in Boulder who received IV C from him.

I would appreciate any advise corrections.

Owen--- this should be a major story on your site.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cure for West Nile Virus

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:18 am


IDEA----how about combining pharma grade liquid H2O2. magnesium and sodium ascorbate for inhalation? Wouldn't this combo be highly effective against pathogens in general? How effective would it be as a safe defense for routine daily administration in proper (small) dosages given the absorption benefits of inhalation?

I assume the cost would be minimal, right? The ease and speed of administration via a simple push pump inhaler would be another significant benefit.

In the process of researching this possibility I came across the following-
-- ... omposition

Calcium Peroxide & Magnesium Peroxide Calcium peroxide (CaO2) and magnesium peroxide (MgO2) are solid peroxygens (oxidizers). They decompose slowly and release oxygen at a "controlled" rate. Calcium Peroxide is a stable oxygen releasing chemical for use in increasing applications in groundwater remediation, waste water treatment, soil d=
econtamination, oxygen supply for plants, fish pond oxygenation, etc. Magnesium Peroxide is another stable oxygen source for use in groundwater remediation, bioremediation of contaminated soils. They are used in bioremediation & composting operations, and as a coating for seeds to improve germination and seedling survival rates.

Magnesium peroxide was developed more than a century ago by Dr. F. M. Eugene Blass & Nicola Tesla. The foremost proponent of magnesium peroxide therapy in the U.S. was Dr. F. M. Eugene Blass. Dr. Blass compiled years of clinical and expert reports along with testimonials of the results obtained using magnesium peroxide therapy.

In the early 1930s, Dr. F. M. Eugene Blass found that stabilized oxygen in magnesium peroxide destroyed bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and parasites. Dr. Blass' research suggests hyper-oxygenation could help the body purge heavy metals, chemicals, and toxins. Blass believed that increased oxygen enhances the body's ability to utilize vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from the food we eat.

Fast the day before beginning a magnesium peroxide therapy regimen. When using magnesium peroxide, make sure you are always in close proximity to a bathroom. If you have the urge to pass gas, make sure you are sitting on the toilet, because you will soil your pants. After finishing the magnesium peroxide therapy regimen, you will probably have bowel movements like you did when you were a child. If hemorrhoids have been a problem in the past, you will probably not have any re occurrences. A magnesium peroxide therapy regimen will liquefy the entire contents of your intestines and colon better than an enema will.

In a search on Dr Blass I found the following info which may be well known but if not, please take a look as it is very relevant and important---

The claims for Homozon treatment are huge. Are any of you familiar with this product and its effects?

Blessings and thanks for your help!

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cure for West Nile Virus

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:41 pm

Jack had the idea that we spearhead a petition to allow every hospital in the US to offer IV/C for disorders that it has been shown to treat. Here is some of our email conversation, and please feel free to join in the conversation!

Jack Butler wrote:In a message dated 9/12/2012 6:26:16 A.M. Central Daylight Time, Jack Butler writes:

Re the West Nile Virus press release-- I'm going to try to round up some medical records
to back it up first. Like your idea of youtube.

What do you think about my idea of a petition?--

Owen---how about getting a petition movement going from all independent medical sources demanding that FDA, CDC, NIH free medical doctors, hospitals, clinics and nursing homes to utilize mega dose IV C on demand by fully informed patients their doctors. In addition these agencies should be required to publish that there is a preponderance of evidence that mega dose IV C is safe and highly effective against a wide range of diseases and toxins. You have the audience and clout.

Has this been tried before?

Jack Butler

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: West Nile Virus Spreading at an Alarming Rate IV C CURE


Good on video/press release data.

I'm glad you think we have "clout" - it is true that our forum postings are searchable via google in less than 15 minutes (some times)

I like the idea of a petition, at least at a high level, to see how many people we
might interest. But realize that most people know nothing about this, and would
not hear about the petition.

So, who would we petition and for what end? FDA doesn't control the use of IV/C in hospitals, the hospital administrators do (and they have an economic incentive not to put themselves out of business.)

The CDC? - to recognize that IV/C can essentially put them out of business. Maybe.

It is funny, in a weird way, that Mark Levine at the NIH contacted us - asking us, the puny Vitamin C Foundation for research grant money!?! - because they can't get any $$ from the 27 Billion/year tax payer funded NIH. Outrageous - yes.

If you have more ideas on who to petition, and what to petition, I am all ears.


Tom Levy wrote:Jack,

Owen put into words what I was thinking before I was able to respond.

A petition is a fine idea, but I think a little more thought is needed as to who should receive it, and exactly what should be requested/demanded.

My initial thought would be to have it state, succinctly (long and protracted definitely not good) that vitamin C has been documented in the scientific literature to effectively treat many conditions that kill and harm today. Have it in circulation long enough to reach all "alternative" docs, as well as sympathetic politicians and celebrities.

Then, send it to our most motivated and powerful politician (Hatch??) to allow vitamin C to be requested by any person wanting it in a hospitalized situation. The demand/request needs to be clear-cut and tangible as an action, not just wanting "recognition" of what vitamin C has done and can do. At the very least,congressional hearings on this subject should be requested so that hospitals and pharmaceuticals will not just stonewall, and at least some information can be put into the public record if the ultimate answer is no. That way, at least one real "step" will have been taken.

Properly disseminated, we should be able to get quite a few thousand doc signatures at a minimum. At the very least, this could be the start of a real process. Only microincrementalism ultimately wins out against Goliath.

Best regards,

Tom Levy
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cure for West Nile Virus

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:33 am


Good grief---your doc was (possibly) fired for ordering IV C for you. Sounds like a story that needs to be told. Would she be willing to talk?

FYI--I spoke with an FDA pharmacist this morning to find out where they are in regulating IV C. She said since anything injected is automatically a drug IV C must go through the approval process. I asked if that meant trials. Her answer wasn't a yes or no. She did say something about proving more good than harm. I asked if FDA had any significant proof of harm of IV C administration. She indicated that they must but it doesn't make any difference since IV C is a drug. She did say Congress could change that. She also said I can get IV C from any compounding pharmacy with a prescription.

I did comment that it seems strange that there is an 80 plus year history of IV C with great therapeutic benefits while I've never heard of any serious adverse reactions. So why is FDA just now classifying it as a drug? I got a nice lecture on that---it had nothing to do with my point.

Jack Butler

Thanks for calling the FDA!

Well, a) my doc did order an IVC for me in the hospital and b) she was fired a few months later, but I don't think she would put 2 and 2 together - unless they told her. She told us that she was let go because of "down sizing."
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cure for West Nile Virus

Post by Jacquie » Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:01 pm

Here's the problem: right now in this country, any corporation has legal rights almost equivalent to any citizen, along with however much money they can afford to pay lawyers. The biggest, most mighty corporations in the land are pharmaceutical companies. They're bigger than oil companies. They will never release their hold on vitamin C unless a constitutional amendment is passed to plug the hole in the constitution that allows them access to the Bill of Rights (Thom Hartmann's Unequal Protection is a must-read about this).

This is why the War on Drugs continues to be fought*, this is why health care is deteriorating and Vitamin C is stymied, this is why our environment is being fouled and renewable energy blocked, and this is why American jobs are all going overseas. Since the FDA is currently owned by pharmaceutical corporations, we won't get anywhere talking to them. And all the government petitions in the world won't help, since the government is run by politicians who are owned by the largest corporations.

Guess this rant is a wee bit off-topic. But seriously, read Hartmann's book. Vitamin C will only ever be used by mainstream medicine when it doesn't threaten the biggest power in the land, and right now that is corporations, not The People.

*If illegal drugs were to be legalized and regulated, people might start learning about natural (and unpatentable) remedies for their health, like marijuana's ability to relieve cancer pain. Can't have that.

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