Got b/f on niapsan and off zetia!

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Got b/f on niapsan and off zetia!

Post by kohlrabicroce » Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:29 pm

At least that is one small thing to be thankful for.

We had the ususal blood tests done plus a new MRI scan
of his brain. The new doc says the memory issues are
being caused by lots of small blockages in his brain,
more than by the meds, and he recommended adding
baby aspirin plus a prescription for a b vitamin
to help the blood flow in the brain.

All his innards are in good working order: no liver or
kidney problems, thank goodness, and no diabetes.

We asked for the switch to niaspan from zetia,
and refused any amount of statin to be prescribed
along with the niaspan. he did it, so Thank goodness
for small favors, or something.

I don't care that these are prescriptions for supplements that we
could buy, because the b/f has insurance, and because the b/f
is under the mind control of the medical establishment.
So I'm doing what I can with the situation.

I've been reading anecdotal stories by family members
of people who got off of zetia - which indicate to me
that it could be the zetia which is causing him memory problems.

Lots of stories about the patient improving their short
term memory, and "becoming themselves" again.
So I'm still going to hope that getting him off the zetia
will improve the situation for him a lot, despite what the
doctor said.

It may take a couple weeks or so for improvements to be

He's still taking 3 grams of vitamin C daily and no more, plus
about 1 gram of lysine. Plus several other things that are
supposed to help reverse atherosclerosis.

We want to see the actual MRI photos, so I guess we
need to go to a neurologist next.

I originally talked about his situation in this thread:

and this is the further development.

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Re: Got b/f on niapsan and off zetia!

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:38 am

I am with you and bet his memory will improve. Let us know if this occurs, and how long after stopping the Zetia.

Too bad about the aspirin - I would think the last thing they would want is bleeding in his brain, but perhaps aspirin only causes bleeding in the stomach? (I know early research showed how important it is to compliment any aspirin intake with vitamin C.).

While 3000 mg vitamin C is a low dose, around the preventive dose, for some people that may be enough for a reversal in a month. (That is what happened to my uncle who was put on 5 pills each - of vitamin C and lysine - but 500 mg pills -so he got 2500 mg of vitamin C and lysine, and a 70% carotid blockage cleared that was verified by (unnecessary - as it turns out) surgery.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Got b/f on niapsan and off zetia!

Post by kohlrabicroce » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:02 pm

Thank you, and yes I will post an update on the situation.

I am remembering I think that one of the drugs he's still on does not
like aspirin so much, but have to go back and check.

Thanks for the info about your uncle. We still have to get
an ultrasound done for his carotid arteries. That is where
he had the blockage that caused the stroke.

Sorry your uncle had unnecessary surgery - that really sucks.

He's also taking garlic with his vitamin C - he's taking a lot of garlic.
So who knows maybe that will help boost the vitamin C. He's been taking the
3 grams of C plus lysine for about a year now.

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Re: Got b/f on niapsan and off zetia!

Post by kohlrabicroce » Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:52 am

ofonorow wrote:I am with you and bet his memory will improve. Let us know if this occurs, and how long after stopping the Zetia.

Too bad about the aspirin - I would think the last thing they would want is bleeding in his brain, but perhaps aspirin only causes bleeding in the stomach? (I know early research showed how important it is to compliment any aspirin intake with vitamin C.).

While 3000 mg vitamin C is a low dose, around the preventive dose, for some people that may be enough for a reversal in a month. (That is what happened to my uncle who was put on 5 pills each - of vitamin C and lysine - but 500 mg pills -so he got 2500 mg of vitamin C and lysine, and a 70% carotid blockage cleared that was verified by (unnecessary - as it turns out) surgery.

His memory did improve, vastly, and it's only been two weeks. He looks much
healthier after only two weeks, he's mentally much perkier, he's getting his gift of gab back,
and his hands stopped shaking whenever he reached out to pick up something.

This zetia is horrible stuff, and it should be taken off the market.

PS: his stroke was not the bleeding sort, it was just blockage.

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Got b/f on niapsan and off zetia!

Post by ofonorow » Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:50 am

That is wonderful news and not unexpected (at least by us here at this forum).

Blockage means what? Bleeding implies weak arteries in the brain, thus PT (vitamin C, lysine would help promote collagen).

Hey docs, what leads to blockages in the brain?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Got b/f on niapsan and off zetia!

Post by kohlrabicroce » Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:58 pm

ofonorow wrote:That is wonderful news and not unexpected (at least by us here at this forum).

Blockage means what? Bleeding implies weak arteries in the brain, thus PT (vitamin C, lysine would help promote collagen).

Hey docs, what leads to blockages in the brain?

Thank you, thank you very much :)

Well he had an ischemic stroke, not a haemorrhagic stroke.
I think a haemorrhagic stroke would have been much worse. ... of-stroke/

He had the blockage in one of the carotid arteries in the neck,
as I understand it. caused by - you know, plaque buildup, blood
clots, etc.

I am so relieved - now to keep working on getting rid of the
rest of the drugs. He seems a little less sheep-like and compliant
now in his attitudes towards doctors. Yay for that!

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