Thanks! A-9 working + questions on book and next book

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Thanks! A-9 working + questions on book and next book

Post by ofonorow » Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:34 am

Hi Owen,

I've been emailing with Sally Jewell lately, ever since having two heart attacks a couple of weeks ago (the heart cath showed one completely blocked artery, the LAD, with two collateral arteries of "good size", that seemed to be doing the work of the clogged artery). After purchasing the Ascorsine-9 formula, and reading the book, one of the things I emailed her about was the "100-year-old, 100% effective" cancer cure you mentioned at the end of the book, which by the way I enjoyed beyond words. The reason being that a friend of ours (my wife and I) had cancer some years ago, and at the time decided to go the cut, burn, and poison way. Well, the cancer is back! I've been to the website, and tried clicking on the link, but it doesn't work. Can you send me, or tell me where I can get this information?

I had also asked Sally when the second volume would be forthcoming, and she said due to your "other endeavors at the moment", "there are no immediate plans to publish the second book". Do you have any idea when it will be published?

The ascorsine-9 is working! I am feeling less episodes of angina, and they are also of less intensity. In fact, just today I've only had "slight" angina through out the day. I started taking the 9 gms (one day) right away, and then moved up to 12 gms (two days), then 15 gms (three days), and finally 18 gms (two days) finishing one of the three jars I purchased. But Sally straightened me out, letting me know that the new formula is stronger than the older one (Heart Technology), and now today, I am back to the maximum level of 9 gms per day. I've also purchased the VAP test, and have a Thursday appointment for that.

I can't help but marvel at the number of people involved in this protocol, that I feel I need to thank. From all the great doctors, to the testimonials, and you and Sally.

I am deeply appreciative, and grateful for what you and Sally have done. I will try and be worthy of the affection.

I'll leave you with an affirmation, based on experiential knowledge, that I try and LIVE every moment of my life:

We live in a universe of unimaginable mystery.
And we are part of that mystery.
Recognize the mystery.
Embrace the mystery.
Be the mystery.
But more importantly, be worthy of the mystery.


Carlos we are gratified that Pauling's invention seems to be working (again) in your case. Keep us informed and we would be interested in the Lp(a) score. It is probably too soon for it to have dropped much.

As far as the cancer cure, which link is broken? The best thing to do is join our forum - and I will add you to the cancer section, where I have answered the question about the "100% cure for cancer.

The second book is more than half written, and I have hopes to chronicle the ongoing campaign (conspiracy) to denigrate vitamin studies and prop up invalid pharmaceutical studies. Time and time again, a "phony" study appears literally days before a real study is published. The phony study gets the press, and usually has the opposite finding of the real study about to be published! (Something like this just happened with carnitine. Mayo Clinic was to publish a major study in humans showing the value of carnitine for heart disease. Three days earlier, the Cleveland Clinic issues a press release saying that Carnitine could hurt heart patients. Not really a study, but this version made National news, influenced doctors, and nobody heard about the real Mayo Clinic findings. This happens all the time.

But as Sally points out, we are both extremely busy, and finding time is always the biggest issue.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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