Over a year now.

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:51 pm

Again just reporting in to thank you Owen and all others for this site. Last year I was having problems with angina but I can now say I haven't had any pain for over a year now. I continue on with normal medications Propranolol, Avapro and Pravastatin plus small aspirin. However also always take my 9 grams. of Vit. C. 6 grams of Lysene and 1.5 to 2 grams of Proline plus Vit. E 400iu and a multi vitamin daily :D . Seems to work for me though I sometimes get a little out of puff doing my Scottish dancing but on the whole manage Gym workouts and 10 kilometer walks on occasion. So my thanks again and keep up the good work.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:35 pm

Great news. Keep on it.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:25 pm

Well I can't believe it but I awoke this morning with angina. I did have a problem one night the other week at dancing where my heart rate got too high. Luckily there was a doctor there and I felt better after sitting for awhile. Then a small incident last week while hurrying to get to my car to get home. However this mornings event when I woke up feeling pretty chesty and a soreness down my back. It has me wondering what has changed in me. Last year I had such a good year no problems and I continue with my Pauling therapy. I still go to Cardiac gym and have had no problem. Medications are the same. I haven't even thought of going to my cardiologist for a visit though I've seen him at a function recently. I have taken my PT this morning and have also put a nitro patch on and feel somewhat better. Is my 80 percent blockage starting to act up again, I hope not. Any ideas. Thanks nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by Johnwen » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:39 pm

Hi nineboy

In your case I would first have it investigated by your cardio. Possible Stress test?
and see whats really going on, if it looks the same there is some options that may help with these sporatic episodes.

First is Imdur which is also known as Isosorbide mononitrate. It is a slow release Nitro heres a quick wiki on it.


Another is Renexa which with your other drugs wouldn't have any adversed reactions. It also doesn't give the tiredness that nitro can give you. Heres a quick wiki on it.


Maybe kicking up your V-C is also called for?? Have you done a Bowel tolerance check lately ??
By all means first get it checked out and Do a BT check also.
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:20 pm

Hi There, Well things are happening fast and I've had blood tests, chest x rays and electrocardiograms and will be having a MIBI scan perhaps tomorrow. One phone call was all it took. So I should have some info on whats happening with me soon. Should I keep taking my vitamin c up to when no food or drink, they recommend no food or drink for four hours before test. Thanks for your quick reply johnwen and I will keep in touch. Thanks, nineboy

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:45 am

Hi I had mibi scan today and did not do well on treadmill part of it. I had angina pain in chest and down my back within 2-3 minutes. I managed to complete mibi part of exam and was sent to ER for Cardiac assesment. Scan showed all stents clear but my small 80 percent blockage on D1 still giving me problems. Nothing much they can do and they have put me on 2.5 mg amlodipine tablet. Wondering about my vitamin c usage with it? Thanks for any info.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:40 am

I generally leave the advice on medications to johnwen or eDoc, but one sounded like a statin cholesterol-lowering drug, and if so, it is not out of the question that it may be the root cause of your problems. You might try adding 300-600 mg CoQ10 to your regimen, if you don't feel comfortable getting off questionable drugs without your doctor's support.

What form of vitamin C are you taking those 9 grams daily, and how often? Johnwen may have nailed it that while that amount may seem like a lot (and for most people it is) you may have other issues that drain your bioavailable supply of active vitamin C. There is a lot of toxicity, including drugs, that could be making your requirement higher to maintain collagen and thus strength in your cardiac arteries. Find out your current bowel tolerance would indicate if you are at or below your current metabolic need.

This paper TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE http://vitamincfoundation.org/pdfs/Vitamin_C_Dosage_in_Disease.pdf can help with determining current vitamin C bowel tolerance.

Another method is the Jaffee C Cleanse (or Calibration). You take the max amount of vitamin C you can tolerate at one time without diarrhea - every 15 minutes, and wait for 2 to 3 hours for the watery discharge.
75% of that calibration amount is what Dr. Jaffee recommends on a daily basis.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:07 am

Owen, I do appreciate all the info I am getting. I will do a BT check but my concern at the moment is the new prescription med they have put me on. What effect does this have on me with my other meds and the Pauling therapy that I am on. I think I've answered this.
My Vitamin C crystals (Ascorbic Acid) 1200mg are the same as I've always taken. 3 grams in morning, afternoon and evening with some Cranberry and raspberry juice. Seems okay.
I have been reading about the med Amlodipine and it seems it should be okay with my PT regime ? I went back through my Foundation history and saw Nifedipine discussed. So it seems this med is a newer one on the chain? Hopefully it will help my angina. So far no problem.
I did read the article on BT and am in the midst of testing this. Also I did read in same article about Vitamin C deletion and probably had this in 2 visits to ER for tests. I did head home right after to have a good dose of Vitamin C and felt much better for it. Made me think what would I do if taken in to Hospital in an Emergency? Not sure they would give me any.
Yes I still take a Pravastatin but maybe if I can look over my next set of tests I might discuss with doctor and try to get off. I know I know but for now that's it and again my thanks.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by Johnwen » Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:15 am

Amlodopine Besylate is a BP med it is a calcium channel blocker. Name brand is Norvasc
It's usely a first line BP med it's a coin toss between a ace inhibitor or CCB usually if kidney function is a little low it's best to go with a CCB.

As far as vitamin C there is no intereaction but it's always best to space supp's at least a half hour apart from scripted meds.
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:22 am

Well its been a rough week but I am coming through it. Thanks for info on Amlodipine and it seems to be helping and no sign of angina for now. I was out and around the Park here yesterday and it was a beautiful day. I am also upping my vitamin c use and yes you were right, I am at 14 grams and no loose stool. So today it will be 16 grams and we will see how that goes. So I am back on track and going for it. Thanks.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:11 pm

Well I guess I spoke too soon as I did wake up one morning about 4am with angina. Thought it had gone but it cropped up again on my morning walk recently and I felt miserable for a time.
MIBI scan had some good points but was terminated during exercise due to ST segment change and chest pain, I only lasted 4 minutes. This surprised me as I go twice a week to gym and walk level 15 at 3.3 speed. Rowing machine etc. plus dance one or two times a week. Fast dancing is a no no for now.
During exercise test 133 h.r. blood press. 200/75 and was climbing.
Both corrected and uncorrected images were acquired. Showed normal. Ejection fraction was greater than 60per cent. Normal. Good LV systolic function. Not sure what this all means. I have had another incident this morning which seemed to clear with nitro. I was lying in bed when it started so no activity. Nitro did its job. Today I am at home and will try to find my bowel tolerance today and up my Vit.c to suit. I had increased my my Vit. c to 18 grams, no obvious bowel loose stool. Then decided to increase daily dosage to 12 grams and see how it went. I too have read I should take some nitro right away with chest pain or before activities. Also told no fast dancing and to slow things down which is hard for me. I wonder how my 80 per cent blockage is and thought scan would show some improvement? I am again trying L-Arginine twice a day and also by reading your recommendations to find my Bowel tolerance will raise my Vit.C intake. I always appreciate all help I have been given. Last year was so good and I want it to continue. Thanks.
Last edited by nineboy on Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:12 pm

Hard to believe but yesterday I took 24 grams. of Vit. C Ascorbic Acid powder. throughout the day and my stomach gurgled and bubbled away but no loose stool. I did certainly go to the bathroom but no looseness. So not sure what to do now as this is the most I've taken. I know others take far more than this but I have been comfortable enough in the 9g to 12g range.
Also wondering if this amount had anything to do with my 80 mg la Propranolol capsule seemingly losing its strength around 2am. I had a half 40mg tablet I took and this settled my pounding heart and sweating body fairly quick. So I am setting myself at 12 grams today and will see how things go. I do wonder what has set me off this year as my angina had seemed to have gone. Today I'm feeling fine but have not did that much exercise wise. Thanks for any info.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:37 am

I'll leave the answers to drug interaction questions to johnwen if he finds time to reply. I do know that there is a so-called "P450" enzyme that is part of the natural detox system and that vitamin C enhances or speeds up (and something in grapefruit slows down).

The fact that your bowel tolerance is over 24,000 of powder - or roughly double what you were taking - tells a story. Your body is metabolizing that much. When you are "better" - your tolerance will drop and you will be forced to take less.

Remember there are muscle pains, and I once had a gall bladder pain I thought was chest pain.. Taking more C is the best advice.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:48 pm

Thanks for the reply Owen, Yes looks like I need to up my Vit.C intake and I have and tomorrow when I'm more at home will again try for Bowel Tolerance. I do tend to worry about my meds and lots of Vit. C intake. First time in over a year I've had that problem. Pounding heart etc. Johnwen has already given me a good answer on how long propranolol lasts before losing strength. I just wondered if my Vit.C intake affected it even more. Really glad he clued me in on what to do and I do have some tablets I can half when needed.
Also I guess what to do if I'm in hospital and no VIt.C around. Not sure what they would do about it. Once you are a patient you are in there and do what you're told. I do consider that Paulings Theraphy has helped me and with my scan was told pretty much everything looked good. Except when I had to do the stress test which wasn't pleasant. So I keep on Dosing and I will let you know. Thanks.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:36 am

nineboy wrote:Thanks for the reply Owen, Yes looks like I need to up my Vit.C intake and I have and tomorrow when I'm more at home will again try for Bowel Tolerance.

Another idea is to do the Jaffee C-calbiration. You take the highest dose you can at one time without diarrhea, every 15 minutes, until you experience a usually watery discharge. This happens around hour 2. What ever that number turns out to be, your recommended vitamin C (ascorbate) intake is 75% of that number. This is also like an enema, and some call it a C-Cleanse.

I do tend to worry about my meds and lots of Vit. C intake.

The only interaction might be from meds that are compensating from ordinary low vitamin C intake. In that case, less would be required as you increase your vitamin C. I leave what those meds might be to others.. You need vitamin C and lysine to exist. The only issue is the proper dosage in your case.

Also I guess what to do if I'm in hospital and no VIt.C around. Not sure what they would do about it. Once you are a patient you are in there and do what you're told.

Very true and Cathcart warned about the danger during hospitalization. He recommended obtaining a medical bracelet (like a diabetic might have) that provides your vitamin C daily dosage, in case you are unconscious. In my case, I always had a good supply of vitamin C in the hospital - thanks to my wife. We didn't make it obvious.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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