Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Robaltap » Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:51 pm


I've started the thread some time ago about low hemoglobin, wich was the issue of my grandmother & again would like to thank everyone that answered the questions there...
However, I've got couple of other questions now, since unfortunately my grandmother had two heart attacks recently (she is 83 years old) & then after all the tests in the hospital found out that she has serious calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels. So could anyone here please write what amounts of vitamin C is needed in such case? Are there any recommendations with other vitamins & nutrients?

By the way, she was taking vitamin complex of D3+K2 (1000IU of D3 & 90mcg of K2, twice a day) before the attacks & now I also wonder if it could worsen her condition (I mean could D taken with K2 still take the calcium out of tissues, bones & make it into the blood)? I see from other topic here, that vitamin K2 is crucial in cases of calcium in arteries, so if she should take it, then what is the dose? And also - can vitamin K2 make the blood thiker, so it can become the problem for elder people with such heart issues?

What she takes now is B-100 complex 2-3 times a day, vitamin C 2500mg twice a day, Magnesium 250mg twice a day (should we raise that?), niacinamide of about 125mg a day (& will increase) & will soon also take CoQ10 (600mg a day) & taurine (we are waiting for the package). She also takes medications that was prescribed (including blood thinners).

Will be grateful for any information on this. Thank you!

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:38 am

What kind of heart attacks? What are her medications? You mention blood thinners, and most oppose vitamin K and thus lead to rapid calcification of soft tissues.

How long has she been taking the vitamin K2?

On page 125 of Dr. Levy's DEATH BY CALCIUM under vitamin K dosage recommendations, he has the surprising recommendation of 45 MILLIGRAMS daily in three separate 15 mg dosages of vitamin K2 (MK-4). (This in contrast to 200 MICROGRAMS of Vitamin K2 (MK-7).)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Robaltap » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:29 am

Her diagnosis:
Coronary heart disease, Recurrent infarction ('myocardial' is not written, but I guess it's the same thing?) without Q apical-lateral(/side/flank) region
Postinfarction cardiosclerosis
Complications: Chronic heart failure I, Functional classification II, Paroxysm of atrial fibrillation (paroxysmal AF)
Concomitants: Chronic Anemia, mild degree of severity

Medications she takes:
Cardiomagnyl (acetylsalicylic acid + Magnesium hydroxide)
Clopidogrel-Teva (Clopidogrel)
Nebilet (Nebivolol)
Preductal MR (Trimetazidine)
Lozap (Losartan)
Isoket (Isosorbide dinitrate) (spray, only when the pulse is very high)

She has been taking D3+K2 complex for about 3 months. This one: ... rry-flavor

We would give her K2 in the mentioned doses from Dr. Levy's book, but there's concern about vitamin K blood thickening properties - can this be the problem with such heart issues & in her age? Especially if we are going to exclude the blood thinning medications - won't vitamin K cause rapid blood clotting & thickening then?
Thank you!

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Johnwen » Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:07 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Robaltap » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:31 pm

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Johnwen » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:43 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:00 am

Note there are 2 forms of vitamin K2 - and it is the MK4 form that Dr. Levy recommends 45 mg.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Johnwen » Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:46 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Robaltap » Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:30 pm

The information on medications and vintamin K2 is very usefull, I will read the long article, thank you both!

She hasn't taken Calcium supplements recently (but her diet included dairy products, we excluded it now) & I'm sure she took some medicine prior the infarctions (I will see what was it exactly), but not so much as she was taking vitamins since january of this year and felt very good, much better than before vitamins.

Here is her Echo (I believe that AVA and EF is included, if not - please let me know, I see the papers & provide any information that is needed):
Acoustic access satisfactory.

Aorta - 34 mm

Ascending aorta - 33 mm

Aortic valve opening - 21 mm

Left atrium - 47?49 mm

Interventricular septum - 9 mm, superior third 14 mm

Posterior wall of left ventricle - 10 mm

Right ventricule - 19 mm

Right atrium - 35?39 mm

Pulmonary artery (diameter) - 24 mm

Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension - 5,4 cm

Left ventricular end-systolic dimension - 3,8 cm

End-diastolic volume - 141 ml

End-systolic volume - 63 ml

Stroke volume - 78 ml

Ejection fraction - 55% (by Teichholz)

/\S - 29% (I don't know how to write it, it's typed as triangle and "S")

Aorta walls thickened

Retractive function of LV myocardium is satisfactory

Asynergy zones detected: akinesia of basilateral, middle lateral segments

Inferior vena cava is not changed, on the inhale decreases more than 50%

Fluid in the Pleural cavity is not detected

Fluid in the Pericardial cavity is not detected

Heart valve apparatus:

Aortic valve: cusps fibrous thickened, calcification of the base of the cusps, calcification of left coronary cusp detected 5-10% PGAV 4,5 mm Hg

Mitral valve: 30-40% PGMV 2,2 mm Hg

Tricuspid valve: Regurgitation is absent

Pulmonary valve: No peculiarities, regurgitation is absent

Signs of diastolic dysfunction of left ventricule are absent

calcification in the base of the anterior papillary muscle


Atherosclerotic changes of the walls of the aorta, left fibrous AV ring, aortic valve cusps.

calcification of aortic valve I degree. Left atrial dilation.

Moderate hypertrophy in superior third of the interventricular septum. Contractile ability of LV myocardium is satisfactory.

Akinesia of basilateral, middle lateral segments.

Mild aortic, moderate mitral insufficiency.

I've also recommended to eliminate sugar (including honey) & nightshades, but this is damn hard to do.

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Johnwen » Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:10 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by purposefirst » Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:32 pm

On page 125 of Dr. Levy's DEATH BY CALCIUM under vitamin K dosage recommendations, he has the surprising recommendation of 45 MILLIGRAMS daily in three separate 15 mg dosages of vitamin K2 (MK-4). (This in contrast to 200 MICROGRAMS of Vitamin K2 (MK-7).)

I had been taking Carlson K2 (MK4) capsules, 5mg x 3/day (as per their recommended usage). After researching various alternatives, I settled on Thorne Research in liquid form. My research suggests that it should be an excellent product, but I only just started on it. Incidentally it is the only product I found that actually suggests a very high dosage -- EXACTLY the same as what Dr. Levy recommends. But you would have precise control of each dose because one drop = 1 mg. It costs $62 per bottle, which supplies 80 doses of 15mg. (But that x 3 means 27 day supply.)

I'm doing a little less than full recommendation, as the full seems so much higher than what everyone else is recommending. Also, in another of Dr. Levy's book, Stop America's #1 Killer, Dr. Levy himself recommends "only" 3-9mg/day of MK4. I'm treating atherosclerosis, not osteoporosis. I'm also taking one dose/day of MK7 90mcg (Jarrow).

As I recall, the half life of MK4 in the body is only a few hours, while the MK7 is about a couple days. (But check me on that.)

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Robaltap » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:46 am

Johnwen wrote:

Johnwen, thank you very much for all the information! We'll try to follow everything you've wrote.
(Btw, About the triangle ? - don't know if it's crucial, but the one in the tests is hollow :) just thought I'd better mention that.)

You are right - her weight is 119 Lbs & she was very active till old age. We'll try to get Calcium Channel blocker & get off Nebilet (Nebivolol), she takes 1/4 of 5mg tablet once a day, so it's 1,25mg.

She takes vitamin C every day, and if her pulse start to speed up (it happens from time to time, like 1-2 times in every 3 days & it goes up to 100-120 heartbeats per minute) we give her extra 2500-5000mg of vitamin C, it seems that it helps a lot.

Is it ok if she'll take Astaxanthin 5mg a day instead of 4mg? I just couldn't find the 4mg supplement that will be free of fillers we don't want her to take & bought 5mg.

She also takes B-12, 5000mcg (Jarrow Formulas Methyl B-12) once a day & B-12 Patch ( once a week, but now I've read some interesting information about different types of B-12 & thinking of switching to Dibencozide (Adenosylcobalamin) (or just rotate it with Methylcobalamin) since it has some benefits with hemoglobin etc. I would be very appreciated if you have any advice on this & Potassium deficiency that may be caused by B-12 (is it true?).

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Robaltap » Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:50 am

Damn, all these ingredients in vitamins drives me crazy. First I've found out recently that D+K complex contains calcium silicate & niacinamide has 29mg of calcium in each tablet, so recently she was taking 97mg of calcium from it a day :(

Now I've found out that B-100 complex she was taking since january has Pantothenic Acid as d-calcium pantothenate & also there's mention of dicalcium phosphate in 'other ingredients'. Could please anyone write how crucial/bad is that & did I cause any harm to my grandmother with this B-100 supplement & boosted her calcification? :cry:

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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:44 pm

Maybe not ideal, but if that is all the calcium, I don't see a big deal. Nature's "natural" calcium-channel blocker is magnesium, so if mg is not on her supplement list - you should add it.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Calcification of aortic valve & blood vessels

Post by Robaltap » Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:05 am

Yes, she takes magnesium 250mg twice a day. Thank you for the respond! We will change D+K complex to one without calcium, same with niacinamide. As For B-100, I can try to find it without calcium in 'other ingredients', but it looks like it always has pantothenic acid in the form of d-calcium pantothenate. And from past experience we know that my grandmother will loose her appetite without B-100 supplement, so we have to decide & choose what is worse (no B-100 with calcium & no appetite or B-100 with calcium & good appetite).

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