FAQ for pauling therapy'?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: FAQ for pauling therapy'?

Post by blade » Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:12 pm

ofonorow wrote:The Pauling therapy has never been studied !!! :twisted:

That fact is one of the greatest tragedies of our times ( but has also kept most major hospitals from going bankrupt)

So what we think we know is from the reports of those diagnosed with severe cardiovascular disease. Most of these reports are kept by me, but there are hundreds from Tower Laboratories too.

Adding proline seems to make the Lp(a) binding inhibitors work faster and better.

There are two theoretical reasons why proline works.

#1 - the collagen protein is a triple helix and the helix strand contains both lysine and proline. (In fact, when the arterial wall breaks, it is the broken strands of proline and lysine that the Lp(a) molecules adhere to beginning the atherosclerotic process.) So both lysine and proline are building blocks or raw materials of collagen, and vitamin C is required as a catalyst to make collagen.

#2 - After Pauling died, the Univ of Chicago discovered the "proline binding sites" on the Lp(a) molecule, analogous to the Lysine Binding sites that Pauling knew about. This helps to explain why proline is also an effective Lp(a) binding inhibitor, and may also work to prevent the formation of Lp(a) in the liver. All this is in my book Practicing Medicine.

The issue is that while lysine is "essential" - meaning the body doesn't make it and we must get at least 1 gram daily in our diets, proline is "non essential" (poor terminology) because our body makes it. (In fact is it "more essential" because the machinery to build it has not been lost over the course of evolution.) Anyway, I think that one possibility that explains the increased incidence of cardiovascular disease as we age, other than wear and tear on the arteries, is that our cells make less proline as we age.

I feel like I've been mislead my whole life.
so the key to avoiding CAD and maybe lots of diseases is vit C intake?(over 100mg/kg)
so as long as I intake a bunch of VitC, I won't get CAD?

or do other health concerns increase chance of CAD,

Like is a 400lbs guy who takes 100+mg vitC/kg body weight,(20K mg vit C./day) less likely to get CAD than a 180lbs/`12% bodyfat guy who gets the RDA of vitamin C?

is that 400lbs (40%BF) guy have a similar chance of CAD as a 12% bf guy who gets the same amount of vit C?


Re: FAQ for pauling therapy'?

Post by blade » Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:42 am

there are 2 ways to diet from your heart:

1st what more VC helps prevent
heart attack-
A heart attack, or myocardial infarction, occurs when a coronary artery (one of the arteries that supplies blood to the heart muscle) becomes suddenly blocked. The sudden blockage robs a portion of the heart muscle of its vital blood supply, and the muscle dies. So a heart attack is the death of a part of the heart muscle.

I am not sure how to prevent this one

cardiac arrest-
cardiac arrest, in contrast, is caused by a sudden heart arrhythmia called ventricular fibrillation. In ventricular fibrillation, the electrical signals within the heart suddenly become completely chaotic. Because these electrical signals control the timing and the organization of the heartbeat, when those signals degenerate to total chaos, the heart suddenly stops beating. That is, it goes into "cardiac arrest." The most common outcome of a cardiac arrest is sudden death.

any ideas?
I thought preventing heart disease, getting your hormones in balance and being in good shape.,
I like this survey
as it says people who arent very fat, (they use BMI,and not a better indicator, bodyfat %)
have a much better chance of living disease free

which goes along with CR viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11675&p=38469#p38469
and with everything I've seen about living a healthy(quality) life as opposed to Fat Bastard, and just take some pills in whatever amounts and think you'll be healthy.
To trick the body to helping you live a healthy life is to make your body think you are starving to death either with low bodyfat/low leptin,(which activate AMPk and sirtuins) so just do what it takes to get there.
or use Sirtuin-activating compound like Resveratrol and quercetin or niacin
http://www.lmreview.com/articles/view/r ... an-part-i/

what is ampk
http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-lo ... ator.html/

Leptin Boosts Cellular Metabolism by Activating AMPK and the Sirtuins to Reduce Tau Phosphorylation and ?-Amyloid in Neurons

This is why you are healthier when you arent fat, fat people dont have low leptin and living in a caloric surplus, arent activating ampk


Re: FAQ for pauling therapy'?

Post by blade » Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:35 am

My friend takes less then gram/vc a day
He insists too much villl harm the body bc its ACIDIC
How can i calm his fears?

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Re: FAQ for pauling therapy'?

Post by jimmylesante » Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:28 am

Tell him to take sodium ascorbate or extra magnesium.

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Re: FAQ for pauling therapy'?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:07 pm

blade wrote:My friend takes less then gram/vc a day
He insists too much will harm the body bc its ACIDIC
How can i calm his fears?

excellent jimmylesante.

Does your friend drink coke or pepsi? Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a weak acid, about as acidic as these soft drinks.

Also remind him that most animals are making vitamin C 24/7.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: FAQ for pauling therapy'?

Post by blade » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:16 pm

ofonorow wrote:
Does your friend drink coke or pepsi? Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a weak acid, about as acidic as these soft drinks.

Also remind him that most animals are making vitamin C 24/7.[/b][/color]

I told him that and i told him most heart Attack victims show low levels/no vc in blood when they have heart attacks

He's well versed in human phyisiology and the science of VC makes sense yet i still feel like im wrong.
But, as ive said, its not what you know or dont know, what counts is what you do


Re: FAQ for pauling therapy'?

Post by blade » Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:41 am

I did a few months of PT and aside from some diarrhea,had no issues.
I can't tell if taking BT of vitamin C plus 5+ grams lysine is doing anything for me.

Can PT cause prostate issues?
I was on vacation with my parents recently and I was still doing PT, only 5-10grams at most and no lysine, and I suddenly started having prostate issues.
I had troubles from having to go a lot, trouble starting urinating, to some leakage.

I get back home and I have no troubles anymore.

On vacation my diet was different: on vacation it was low vegetables, low protein, high fat, lots of processed foods and at home, it's low fat(10-15% fat) and lots of veggies, low to moderate protein and near 0 processed foods

not a HUGE difference and vacation was only a week, so I'm not sure how fast I could be effected by diet I did have a ton of stress from being around my family and possibly worrying about my dads issues with BPH,

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