Quick results on high dose PT lowering blood pressure

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Quick results on high dose PT lowering blood pressure

Post by ofonorow » Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:41 am

Hello Mr. Fonorow,

I want to thank you for the wealth of information you provide on the Vitamin C foundation website and forum. Last week, I ordered your product, promptly received it and began the protocol. After the first full day, my BP went down 30 points. By day 2 it was in the 120/125 over 70/80 range. Since I had been previously taking a Vitamin C product, I started with 3 scoops of Cardio-C throughout the day. I am up to 4 scoops with no bowel intolerance. I plan to stay at 4 for a few days before I increase; however, I have a few questions:

1) Going through a container a week of Cardio-C is expensive, I would like to move to a product such as the Tower Heart mentioned on the Foundation website.

2) Is bowel tolerance related to deficiency level?

3) Can you point me to any posts/entries in the forum (or a book or blog) that talks about the endocrine system and the role of hormones in the Vitamin C protocol? My doc has been treating my elevated BP as an adrenal issue. Bio-ID hormones have also been discussed as a next step, yet here is my BP lowered within 2 days. Therefore I'm wondering if Vit C helps adrenal and endocrine system, as well.

Thanks again for your commitment to providing a quality product as well as vital information.



That is very good news, thank you for the report.

The adrenal glands have the highest concentration of vitamin C of any gland or tissue in the body. People who are deficient in vitamin C (and most are) may have impaired adrenal function for that reason. If inadequate vitamin C intake is the problem, then taking vitamin C may restore your own production of hormones.

As far as wanting to save money by moving to Tower labs products.

?4 scoops of Cardio-C at 2500 mg per scoop is 10,000 mg of lysine, which we believe is high, but not necessarily bad. We normally recommend 2 to 3 scoops of Cardio-C daily (which is 2 to 3 jars monthly) and then adding vitamin C powder - either ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate, for the rest of the vitamin C to reach bowel tolerance.

Tower products are excellent, and they contain more nutrients, but they are generally more expensive (except CardioAde - which is just vitamin C and lysine)

2) Is bowel tolerance related to deficiency level??

Technically, no. Vitamin C bowel tolerance seems to be related to the stress on the body, usually from some kind of infection or toxin. The higher the stress, the more vitamin C the body can absorb and use. (See this paper by Dr. Cathcart TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE http://vitamincfoundation.org/www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm)

A person may have the maximum steady state blood levels of vitamin C (e.g. 1.5 mg/dl)? so they would not technically be vitamin C "deficient, " but still require massive amounts of vitamin C.

Tell me about your dental work? Do you have root canals and/or mercury amalgam fillings??

Therefore I'm wondering if Vit C helps adrenal and endocrine system, as well.

?You might give it time and see whether your new high vitamin C intake solves your adrenal problems, as they may be caused by the lack of vitamin C . As I mentioned, the adrenal glands have the highest tissue concentrations of vitamin C in the body.?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Quick results on high dose PT lowering blood pressure

Post by ofonorow » Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:00 pm

Thank you for your prompt and detailed reply.

I do have additional questions/comments and would not be offended if you sent a link to a blog or forum post. I don't want to trouble you by asking for answers that you may have already provided:

ofonorow wrote:> We normally recommend 2 to 3 scoops daily (which is 2 to 3 jars monthly) and then using vitamin C powder - either ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate, for the rest of the vitamin C to reach bowel tolerance

Please recommend a Vitamin C powder that would compliment Cardio C? If you carry one, that would be even better. I will scale back to 3 scoops per day and reduce it to 2 scoops once I obtain supplemental Vit C powder.

ofonorow wrote:>
> Tell me about your dental work? Do you have root canals and/or mercury amalgam fillings??

You guessed it! I recently (about 1 month ago) had my first root canal. I have 6 Mercury filings that are very old. Once I was told that the crown contained metal, I've been reluctant to complete the root canal. I'm seriously considering having the tooth extracted. As far as the fillings go, I'm not sure what I'll do since the cost factor to remove them is presently prohibitive.

I wonder if there is a role between Vit C deficiency and tooth decay? I know Weston Price's protocol involved Cod Liver Oil and concentrated butter oil....hmmmm. The tooth decay attributed to bacteria theory never made sense to me. Especially in this age of high anti-biotic consumption.

ofonorow wrote:> The adrenal glands have the highest concentration of vitamin C of any gland or tissue in the body. Therefore, when people are deficient in vitamin C (and most are) adrenal function may be impaired. If this is the problem, then taking vitamin C may restore your own production of hormones.

Amazing! I will keep you posted as this develops. I should also mention that additionally, I have noticed: improved sleep, no headaches upon rising, no swollen ankles, fewer hot flashes, increased appetite and less bloating. I was (and still am) using a product that contains: Fo-Ti, cal-mag, acetyl-L-carnitinr, gaba, L-glutamine, Rhemannia, Vit B3, acerola cherry, choline bitartrate and bovine pituitary adrenal (at night) and a similar formula during the day (minus the sleep aids). As long as this does not conflict I will continue taking them. I know you cannot give medical advice, but would you take these things along with Cardio-C powder (I hope I am phrasing it in such a way that will allow you to answer)?

I am astonished by this entire world of Vitamin C! I do not know how I found your website, forum and product, but I'm very grateful and thankful. I will do everything I can to spread the word. Many of my family and friends know how long I have been working to conquer this imbalance. My results may not be everyone else's, but if a vitamin C deficiency exists, I believe improvement will be realized somewhere in the body.

I also find it interesting that despite Dr. Pauling's research, findings, and Nobel Prize, Vit C's RDA is still significantly lower than it should be. Is it because Vit C is fat-soluble? I'm just amazed!

I cannot thank you enough,


Your welcome.

As far as the vitamin C powder we recommend,


?All our approved products are DSM Quali-C (save one - the Livon Labs Lyposhperic C uses chinese vitamin C to keep costs down.) WE know Livon is an excellent product, and we believe that there are probably excellent brands of Chinese vitamin C, if cost is an issue. We do have a lot of confidence in the DSM Quali-C.

?I note you live in Illinois. There is a wonderful dentist locally that ?removes root canals (and fillings) and I couldn't recommend her more strongly. (I will do this via email) However, these procedures are quite expensive.

?The late Weston Price learned, as he traveled around the world, that the modern western diet was ruining teeth, not just a vitamin C deficiency.?

Unfortunately, as Pauling alerted us, the RDA is not based on science,(it is based on politics.) Several books by Ph'Ds and vitamin C experts Steve Hickey and Hiliary Roberts demolish the RDA and they tear apart the logic behind the supposed science. The best book in this regard may be THE RIDICULOUS DIETARY ALLOWANCE (lulu.com/ascorbate)

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Quick results on high dose PT lowering blood pressure

Post by ofonorow » Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:28 am

Between yesterday and so far today, even 1 scoop of Cardio-c gives the effects of bowel tolerance. I don't understand what could have happened. I looked through the forum as best I could and saw nothing that addressed this. Have you heard of anything like this? To be able to take 4 scoops and now just 1 scoop appears to be quite strange. Please offer any advice.

Thanks again for info and links. I want to stick with this if I can. It's been very beneficial up till this point

This is an unusual report :?:

Perhaps something was stressing you that you were unaware of, and this "stress" or illness is now gone?

Did you make any other changes?

The only thing to do is reduce to the amount of Cardio-C to a low amount that doesn't produce tolerance issues, e.g. diarrhea, and then after a few days, try gradually increasing the dosage. Please let me know what happens.

If you tolerance is now substantially reduced and we cannot figure out why, the other option is liposomal where almost all the C is absorbed (that which is not absorbed and makes it to the rectum causes diarrhea).

That does remind me of something. You should not take your vitamin C with fiber. Fiber is not digested and apparently can bind to the C. This prevents absorption into the blood stream.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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