Over a year now.

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:14 pm

I've had my yearly check up and everything is okay. Good from top to bottom as they say. Prostate is in good shape. Doctor feels my sore shoulders are tendinitis. Physotherapy is certainly helping, though exercises are quite painful but shoulders do appear to be settling down. I can't really say what brought it on but hope pain eases up fairly soon. Doctor happy that cortisol levels are within good range and I am good for this year. No angina and still continuing Pauling Therapy and with medication things are pretty stable for now. Thanks nineboy. :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by Bxgpsy » Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:42 am

Hi Nineboy, Glad to hear you improving and sounds great about the angina! I have just been plugging along here and am really feeling great! I am getting a lot of work done around here lately my mild chest pain seems to have gone bye bye! Take care and eat lots of spinach! toot toot!

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:38 pm

Yes angina has disappeared and shoulders responding to physio and exercises. Still I wonder if my beta blocker metoprolol is causing my problem. I haven't found anything definite to say that but there is lots of online material. Trouble is I don't want to return to angina again. Shoulder pain is pretty intense as well though but I would'nt wish it on anybody. Still it does seem a bit better. Yes Take care. nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by Bxgpsy » Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:53 pm

It sounds like a precarious position for you. Maybe someone else will chime in on this. My own experience is that I cannot tolerate Metoprolol or any of the statins or cholesterol meds at all, I just saw my cardio guy yesterday and he of course tried to get me on it but I basically told him I would rather be dead than take any of that stuff, and he said that I am not the only one who has said that. But i understand your not wanting to risk having angina again so maybe just hang in there until you can sort it out. I am still deciding about having bypass or not I asked him do you thing I'll last 6 months? He said probably, so maybe I will have some beginning reductions in disease by then, maybe I can get him to give me another cath scan? Its the waiting that is difficult!

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:44 am

Need a doctor to comment on metoprolol. If metoprolol is a beta blocker - it is not a statin. According to levy's book Death By Calcium, certain "calcium channel blocking" drugs (that sound a lot like magnesium - nature's natural calcium blocker) and not only good, but improve mortality.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by Johnwen » Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:23 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:36 pm

Well Johnwen and I have pondered your comments for a few days. Yes I am on Metoprolol tartate 25mg, 3 times a day. Do I like it no but combined with my Vitamin C regime for once in a long, long time, I'm without Angina, stable or unstable. You mention alternatives not easy when your cardiologist prescribes your medication. I did bring up Nifedipine and it was no. So I am on Metoprolol and medical insurance wise if I came off it and something happened not sure outcome. We all go to doctors etc and on the whole take their advice. We don't get much say on can I try this or that. I feel lucky to be on Paulings Therapy and continue to take my daily doses. I do have the feeling Metoprolol might be causing my muscle pain but cannot find any positive proof on this. Maybe it is tendonitis and Physio and exercies are helping slightly. Still I feel a painful ache occasionally that never used to be there. I am older mind you. However if I had something I could take to my cardiologist that shows Metoprolol is causing my shoulder pain I would. I did with statins and now won't take them. Trouble is too as you say getting me of Metoprolol might not be so easy. Yes I know the frightening feeling when my tablet very occasionally wears down for some reason. No I don't want to go on a long acting one. I don't want any changes to mg. amount except to be taken off it. It is not an easy road and I'm sure many more than me put up with it. Also I've been told I am not a candidate for for surgery and I thank Pauling and advice here at this site for that. So onwards and upwards and I do enjoy life. Thanks for all advice. nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by Bxgpsy » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:33 am

Hi Nine, I don't know if you've investigated taking herbs at all, but there is a herb called Hawthorne Berry that is beneficial to the heart muscle and in particular it dilates the coronary arteries as well as the vascular tree itself. It has been show to treat angina as well and palpitations. You might want to give it a try but give it plenty of time maybe 1 month to see results. PM me for a link to buy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:49 pm

Sorry it's taken me awhile to answer. I did read some articles on Hawthorne Berries however At this time my angina is gone. Not sure I would try something else right now. Yes I would still like off Metoprolol and I do see my cardiologist in January. Don't think he will move me to something else. So kind of Catch 22 situation. Still working on my sore shoulders which even with Physio can be very painful. Trying epsom salt baths and all different hot drinks, Lemon etc. to try and help the pain. Seems a bit better and it might just take time. Not fun though. If you have a site to check on Hawthorn berry I might take a look. Thanks. nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:54 pm

Oh! just read my reactive protein. (high sensitivity ) reading is 1.4. from Blood lab. Not sure what reading is measured in but seems fairly good. Doctor seemed happy. nineboy.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by Bxgpsy » Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:54 pm

I would try tumeric for your shoulder pain as it helps the joints, you can find it easily online just do a search, I know it has worked for me. The good thing it is a food and has no side effects that can harm you like a lot of these high powered pain killers that only treat the symptoms. Get some 500 mg caps and take one or two three times a day. If you have read a bit about Hawthorne you know it is considered a heart tonic and has been used for hundreds of years.

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:39 am

Your "shoulder pain" still smells of a cortisol insufficiency.. (I know you had it tested.)


If you have read a bit about Hawthorne you know it is considered a heart tonic and has been used for hundreds of years.

Yet, heart disease as we know it is a fairly recent development in human history (perhaps because life expectancy wasn't that long.) I recently read that heart disease was rare at the turn of the 20th century. The epidemic seems to coincide with the introduction of the western diet.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by jimmylesante » Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:56 am

Yet, heart disease as we know it is a fairly recent development in human history (perhaps because life expectancy wasn't that long.) I recently read that heart disease was rare at the turn of the 20th century. The epidemic seems to coincide with the introduction of the western diet.

I understand heart disease started at the turn of the century with doctors flocking to America around 1901 to see this new disease.
Pretty sure i read this in something like "Pure White and Deadly" which was the rise of the sugar slave trade etc etc

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by nineboy » Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:47 pm

Just had to drop in and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Ho,Ho,Ho. Thanks for all the concerns and advice. Keep up the Vitamin C+ and Listen to Owen and Johnwen and others. Shoulder pain better but still not gone. Angina is gone and I have been for such long walks this week and hope to be dancing this weekend. What could be better. Take care all. nineboy :D :D :D

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Re: Over a year now.

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 25, 2015 6:28 am

Lets walk down memory lane nineboy, from when you first started, back in Oct 2012.
You have come a long way.

Some hilights:

I am just out of hospital here with chest pains. Long story but it seems my angina has returned and is unstable, waking me at night. They have me on Nitro patches during the day and I have started my Linus Pauling therapy, 6 grams of Vit. C, 6 Grams of L-Lysine and 1500mg of proline plus 100 mg of Coenzyme Q10, 100 mg. Lots more I could say but I believe I am on the right track. Help me get started. Yes I am nineboy and that will be clear to you, when I get this all out. Thanks to the Foundation for all the info. Should I start with a phone call. Regards nineboy.

Thanks Owen, For getting me started. I guess I'm trying to fight my family history. Dad died at 56 with some kind of thrombosus. Older brother died during triple by-pass about thirty years ago. Both heavy smokers. I'm not. Mother lived to 95 which gives me a slight plus. So I have always been aware of the danger of heart problems. My doctor put me on Pravachol when I was in my fifties to keep my cholesterol in check.

In 2006 I had 2 stents inserted in my left descending artery.Bare metal stents. This gave me lots of relief for years but took a little getting used to.

In 2010. I started again having chestiness. 5 Stents inserted in Right Coronary artery. I still didn't feel right after this but put it down to procedure.

In 2011 Chestiness returned and slight shortness of breath. 2 stents inserted in Left Circumflex artery. Felt much better after this procedure and life continued.

Here I must say I felt enough was enough and started reading internet about ways to try something on my own. I must say here I can honestly say I have always felt nothing but praise for my own Doctor and Cardiolgist. They have always pushed me forward in a professional manner. Anyway I did read Linus Pauling's theory and went out and bought various Vitamin c and pills. Eventually finding a regime of Plain Ascorbic acid and Lysene plus Proline which took some finding in this area. Once I got going and with the stenting I felt my best in years exercising, walking and dancing. Great. Then 3 months ago while walking moderly again slight chestiness. Still take my prescriptions as well. Pravastatin 40 mg. Irbsartan 150mg, Propranolol 40 mg and Aspirin 81mg.

Hi Would like to back up just a bit to say that I do have some results from my Angiogram last week. I still have to go over this with my cardiologist, might be November. I was told the stents were clear. Which if this is correct I would put down to Linus Pauling and also all the information you people put out. Unfortunately I do have a problem with D1 small calibre artery 80 percent blocked close to Left Descending Artery and also a 50 percent blockage to small artery branching from Right Coronary artery. Both blockages are close to main arteries and not suitable for intervention. I'm not a expert but only looking at diagram they give. So there must still be blood flowing through these areas but is restiction giving me Angina or some kind of spasm. Truthfully most times I feel just great, even before these tests, working on a treadmill at level 15 going speed 3.5 or rowing machine etc. However just walking around a Park nearby and I start feeling a slight tightness in the chest. Sit down it goes away. Also I have been wakened up by feeling in chest and heart rate of about 120. That's what took me into hospital this last time and scared the hell out of me. I have been back at Gym this week, not doing anything over 95 heart rate told to take it nice and easy. Small easy walk around the Park this morning not too far. No pain. Yesterday I came in from drive out for groceries and had that feeling in chest which seemed to be relieved with Nitro spray plus I am wearing nitro patch. I am still taking 6 grams. Vit.C and Lysene and 1500 mg Proline. 100 mg Coezyme Q10 and now 400 iu of Vit E. Plus Small Aspirin and Avapro and Propranolol. Cut back on the Pravastatin 40 mg though they would like me to take 80mg which I am shying away from for now. I read about double doses of statins. Sitting here right now I feel good but my body lets me know when it is coming. It can be pretty scary! Thanks for listening. nineboy.

Hi There, Still hanging in and continuing on Pauling therapy. I have been reading fish oil or salmon oil is not supposed to be good for us. Wondered any comments. Also seeing adverts for Medi C plus products and Linus Pauling name being mentioned here in Canada. Just wondered I guess on what you thought. I am back at my cardiac gym though keeping my heart rate down and being told not to overdo it. I also dance twice a week and during mostly Scottish dancing find it hard to keep my puff so to speak. Pretty vigorus activity. I also walk a fair bit around park nearby but no hills in vicinity so fairly easy. So pretty active. I can't say I have much chest pain but occasionally feel slight discomfort, no real heavy chest pain. I am taking 8 to 9 grams of Vit. C. anymore seems to cause pretty loose stool. 6 grams. of Lysene and 1.5 to 2 grams of Proline plus all the other stuff I take during the day. Wish I could look inside and see results but feel fairly good for my 69 years. Just like to keep in touch and thanks for any info.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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