Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:04 am

Good evening. I am quite intrigued by your book. I wanted to know if you know of any doctors in the New York area that I could contact to monitor me while taking the vitamin protocol.

Also, I read on line a comment that the amount needed should be calculated based on weight. Is that correct and what would be the calculation?

I read that after 2000 mg of vitamin c it just passes out of the system through urine. Is this a concern?

Is Tower the best place to buy these supplements? How do I know exactly what to buy?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon as I am eager to begin.

Thank you.


The way to begin is to go to a drug store and purchase a good vitamin C and lysine, e.g. Nature's Made, as 500 mg pills. You will need to work up to 10 pills of each daily (if you have a therapeutic need according to Linus Pauling). Here is a link to help people get started on the protocol:

johnwen (long ago) noticed that the anti-cardio vascular disease effect, was based on dosage, as he himself regressed on his wife's dosage (if memory serves). So he created a calculation and table to provide the MINIMUM target. Table and calculations in this post

As far as passing vitamin C out in the urine. The answer is that you hope this happens when you take vitamin C.! A lot of people cannot absorb it into the blood stream as it passes through the digestive tract, so it moves down uselessly to the rectum and causes diarrhea. (The vitamin C must enter the blood stream in order to be expelled in the urine.)

For vitamin C that enters the blood stream, yes we are designed to expel vitamin C as its half life in the blood is 30 minutes. Linus Pauling and Steve Hickey have written books about how this works, but I think it is instructive to think of most other animals that make vitamin C 24/7 in their livers (or kidneys). Their blood is flooded with the vitamin all day long, and they are constantly expelling it.
And they do not get heart disease. We on the other hand, must eat it, and our authorities tell us we only need a ridiculously low amount.

The doctor question is sensitive. A doctor may wish to help you, but with the forces there are "protecting" the medical profession, unless he/she is a tenured medical school professor, he is likely to lose his job, hospital privileges or be taken to a state medical board
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:37 am

Thank you for your quick response. I have a dilemma as I am currently taking a statin and feel it necessary to monitor my blood. I am not looking for a doctor to administer, just to monitor blood work.

Pardon me, but monitor you blood for what? LEF.ORG allows you to order your own blood work.

If you cannot find an alternative minded doctor, then I would suggest checking out local medical schools and look for a tenured professor in cardiology.

As I think about this, I remember a tenured and well respected medical school professor at Harvard was forced to resign after he became interested in the Pauling theory.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:29 am

Owen, Good evening. 2 questions. I am stopping my statin. How long should I wait to begin protocol? I am under the impression, maybe incorrect, that the 2 should not be taken together. Also, once I figure out my tolerance level which product from which company should I look to buy?

The protocol should have been started yesterday.

Linus Pauling wrote in the book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER (1986) his recommendation "not to stop vitamin C supplementation - even for a single day." You should be on vitamin C immediately, if not sooner. In my opinion, being on a statin creates an even greater requirement for vitamin C.

Unfortunately, doctors are ignorant of vitamin C. It is not necessarily their fault, and they cannot believe that information was withheld from them, but thanks to Linus Pauling we know the science.

Stopping and drug should be a gradual process, e.g. cut the dosage by 1/4 for a few days, then 1/2, etc.

The blood measure that is most important to me is total cholesterol. When a person is on the optimal amount of vitamin C, after the blockages are cleared, total cholesterol of 180 mg/dl indicates the person is on the correct amount of vitamin C. (references are Pauling/Ginter)

Statin drugs do lower cholesterol! Unfortunately, when fighting heart disease, the body is furiously trying to produce more cholesterol to deal with the 'fire" (heart disease). So you can expect a rise in cholesterol after stopping the statin, as the statin deals with the symptoms, not the underlying disease. Know that by taking high amounts of vitamin C, the fire will be put out, and the body will not try to furiusly produce more cholesterol.

Finally, according to Linus Pauling, only one form of cholesterol - Lp(a) - is dangerous. (And statins are known to elevate Lp(a), not reduce this form of cholesterol.)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:53 am

Thanks for the response. My cholesterol was only 167 before i began taking crestor. my LP(a) however, was 49.5 even after being on crestor for a couple of weeks. will vitamin c lower the whole cholesterol or just the lp(a)?
incidentally, my cholesterol was 131 after two weeks on crestor.

I thought I read that the high doses of vitamin c should not be taken with a statin. I was told that the statin would take two weeks to clear from my body. I was going to wait the two weeks, take a blood test for a baseline and then begin the vitamin c regimen. Do you disagree with this?

What possible medical justification then was there to put you on Crestor with a total cholesterol of 167! Sounds like malpractice.

Unfortunately, the statins ELEVATE the sticky Lp(a) form of cholesterol. This is required information in the Canadian version of the medical journals, but the FDA does not require US doctors to be advised. Here is a scan of the Canadian version of the New England Journal of Medicine with the warnings about lowering CoQ10 and elevating Lp(a). Scroll down to the scan:

There is absolutely no reason to wait to begin vitamin C (as the only possible reason for prescribing a statin with your low cholesterol, is to "reduce inflammation" is exactly the same effect you will get with high vitamin C.) If you can find the link about not taking vitamin C with a statin, I would be happy to examine it.

What I know is that for Lipitor alone there have been more than 400 studies, according to a lipitor commercial. Think about that? They have never been able to show a strong result reducing or reversing heart disease, so they keep funding studies. There is always the outside chance a study will show an incorrect result! P=.95 means that 1 in 20 studies might show a different results. And this seems to be the case in the Jupiter (Crestor) study. For a short time, the Crestor group looked better than the placebo - so they immediately terminated the study!

Back to your low cholesterol. How do you feel? Especially your libido and sex drive? It turns out that all of our sex hormones are made out of cholesterol, and when the available cholesterol gets as low as yours, the supply of raw material is diminished.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:32 am

Again, thanks for the quick response. I am generally tired. The muscle aches in my legs have somewhat subsided. I do get pains in the front of my head often.
I didn't know whether the residue of statin still in my body would effect the vitamin c or that the two together would have a negative impact.

Is L-ascobic acid the same as ascorbic acid? And, is L-lysine the same as lysine?

Also, I saw that additional fiber should not be taken with vitamin c. How about flaxseed and chia seeds? Also, do I need to limit whole grain foods?

The L is superfluous since only L-ascorbic acid is vitamin C, so it is often referred to as ascorbic acid. Ditto lysine

The warning against fiber is that it may "leach" either the vitamin C and/or lysine, and thus not be absorbed into the blood stream, but travel out of the body with the indigestible fiber. So take your vitamin C and lysine 20 minutes before meals, and take the fiber later.

Not taking fiber at the same time might be a general rule for all supplements.

The muscle aches are an expected side effect of the statin drugs. I was more curious about your libido/ED with such low cholesterol.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:41 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:14 am

libido okay. generally a little depressed. don't know if related to medication or just upset to find out i have cvd.

so to clarify, fiber okay. jsut take sometime after vitamins? is an hour later enough?

so the vitamin c should be effective today even if I stopped taking the crestor yesterday?

As a follow up. Should I be taking lyco spheric vitamin c? And if yes, how much?

Owen, good afternoon. Just read an interesting article explaining that ascorbic acid is only one component of vitamin c and that most ascorbic acid being sold is synthetic. Am i looking to take 8 grams of vit c or ascorbic acid?

That article may be appealing but the information about ascorbic acid is not true.

I could write a book on the issue of whether ascorbic acid is vitamin C, or the so-called "natural vitamin C complex" as this rumor has spread, mostly @ chiropractor web sites. Thankfully, Linus Pauling took an interest in vitamin C , so we know the science. We have a "white paper" on this, and we discuss this issue at our forum continually.

You can start our our "basics" page about vitamin C.

There is a section on the so-called complex with a link to our White Paper
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do we know of doctors who monitor PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:28 am

Good evening. I have begun taking ascorbic acid, lysine and proline. Without another CTA coronary artery scan how will I know the treatment is working? Will my lp(a) go down? Will my calcium score go down? Please let me know what I should be looking for to monitor my situation.

Good question. Most of the people who adopted this early on were at the end of their ropes. Their doctors could not control their angina pain and told them to seek whether they could find anything on the Internet that might help. I was personally surprised by how many people were in that position. We noticed that intractable pain went away in about 10 days, and people who had trouble walking across the room were painting their houses in 30 days. (Most people will not give up on their doctors - until their doctor tells them to.)

Enough history. How you evaluate and what you notice depends on how severe your disease is and what your symptoms were. If there was no pain to monitor, it is difficult to know what is going on inside.

I don't have your history in front of me as I write this, but I know you have been on a statin drug. I would expect your cholesterol levels to rise after stopping that drug as your body produces what it needs, but then, over time, the total cholesterol should normalize to roughly 180 mg/dl. So the closer your total cholesterol is to this ideal, the more optimum your vitamin C intake is.

If you have calcium, as shown by a fast CT scan, in your arteries, that indicates you need to also supplement a good vitamin K (esp. K2). My wife and I take the Super-K product from LEF.ORG, and her last exam showed ZERO calcium. (We posted her scans and she takes Cardio-C also)

Lp(a) for most people who have adopted and stayed on the Pauling therapy, drops, close to zero (anecdotally). Alternative doctors have noticed this effect of vitamin C and lysine, and have written letters that have been published in alternative medical journals. In the Pauling/Rath experiments, Lp(a) rose when vitamin C was deficient. There isn't science on vitamin C and lysine lowering already elevated Lp(a) but vitamin C and niacin are supposed to lower it about 30% by themselves. Recently, Life Extension found evidence that carnitine can lower Lp(a). I personally believe that it is the addition of extra proline that does the trick. As you know by now, the statin cholesterol lowering drugs ELEVATE Lp(a) (as well as diminish levels of CoQ10 - the important coenzyme needed for energy, especially by the heart)

Finally, if they are doing ultrasounds of the blood flow in your heart (or a thallium stress test) and you are told you have grown "collateral arteries" it means they are measuring more blood flow in the heart.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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