try 500,000 mg, if it works great, if you don't notice any difference, go back down to what you are already doing

Physician Reference and discussion of the methods, protocols and effects of intravenous vitamin C (versus oral or liposomal).

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try 500,000 mg, if it works great, if you don't notice any difference, go back down to what you are already doing

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:40 am

Hi Owen and members,

My last contact with the forum was back in May, 2015. You will all be happy to hear that I have continued weekly treatments with my naturopath using IVC. In May I was only receiving 32.5 grams per week, which you all agreed was too low to have any substantial effect, and have since steadily increased to 125,000 mg per week. My doses were as followed, on April 22 - increased to 30 grams, April 28th - 32.5 g, May 8th to June 10th - 50 g, June 17th to July 15th - 75g, July 29th to Aug 26th - 100g, from Sep 2nd to present - 125 grams of vit C. Recently I increased my oral dose of C from 18,000-24000 mg daily. During my IV I usually ingest approximately 10 -12 grams of vitamin C along with 1000 mg of magnesium.

My IV usually takes around 3 hours to administer, and I usually pee 4-5 times during the treatment. On September 25th, I discontinued the other vitamins (mentioned above in earlier post) in my IV solution, and now just receive the vitamin C. I felt that I may have been reacting to the other vitamins or homeopathic solution, giving me a couple of pimples on my face and other parts of the body which I never get, plus I would feel like I had gluten belly (bloated and constipated, but needing to go) so I thought that I would try a different approach.** After removing these extra ingredients I found that my body went back to normal, and my symptoms cleared.

I believe it's important to also mention to your readers I was reliant on crutches for my mobility over a 15 month period due to my severe sciatic and femoral nerve pain as a result of my disc herniation (L3-4, 10mmx8mm). It was so crippling down my left leg it rendered me unable to stand or walk without excruciating pain and lying down has been my most favoured position. After starting the IVC on April 8th, I was able to discontinue using crutches approximately 7-8 weeks later, which surprisingly was during my weekly dose of 50 grams of IVC. I am not yet out of the woods, but have since progressed greatly with using the higher doses of IVC on a weekly basis. It has literally been my lifesaver and it scares me to think where I would be today without it's use, along with the positive feedback and encouragement I have received from the Vitamin C Foundation.

My naturopath has 20 years experience however has not had experience with using the high doses we have now progressed so this has been a learning journey for us both. His maximum dose is normally around 50,000 mg primarily used for treating cancer patients. Along with your support, I have been the driving force in my current treatment plan, suggesting we increase my dose each time. It was only when I reached 75,000+ that I felt the vitamin C having a profound effect an interesting sensation happened in my lower back area. On a deep level I often experience a stinging sensation, sometimes an uncomfortable feeling, and at the time I understood it may be the C doing its job of healing. It's amazing the body knows exactly where to send the Vitamin C! And I just read an old post of Owen's saying, "As we have pointed out, the type of vitamin C, makes a difference and we recommend the "hot" Cathcart-style sodium-ascorbate drips (as opposed to the "cold" commercial injectibe vitamin C.) The fellow "Mike" who first noticed and advised us about the difference in vitamin C for injection claims that with the hot sodium-ascorbate, an IV can diagnose what parts of the body are in distress. He says these are the parts that will begin to hurt during the IV. I experienced this myself with an 80 gram sodium ascorbate IV - I used to sleep on my right arm, and my right arm became inflamed during the drip."
Which answers my question, obviously this is a common side effect of healing the damaged area when using high dose IVC.

Both my naturopath and his nurse were concerned of the long term affects the high doses may be having on my body, especially my kidney's, so they requested I have my blood work done. Unfortunately I don't have a base-line to compare these results. My white blood cells and neutrophil levels are on the low end of the range scale and after some research I'm not surprised as evidence suggests that when the body has experienced chronic pain over a prolonged period, WBC and neutrophils can be affected. My body has been stressed mentally and physically since my injury began in January of 2014. My iron levels seem to be low too, however I am vegan, but have read that vitamin C would assist me in this area. Before my injury I would donate blood regularly and this was not a problem just three months before my injury began. My thyroid is within the preferred range and all other results are normal. I eat a very good diet of organic vegetables and fruits (mostly raw), and drink distilled water. Last session (Dec 30th) we added B12 & folate, which I ended up having the same reaction as I mentioned earlier in this post.**

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Gifford-Jones at a local book signing, who funny enough was travelling Canada, promoting the use of vitamin C in our daily lives. I had the privilege of sharing my story where I asked his thoughts on my dosage and what my maximum IVC should be? His reply, "try 500,000 mg, if it works great, if you don't notice any difference, go back down to what you are already doing". I liked his response; sodium ascorbate has been proven to be safe in these high doses and only when it is used as such does it give the desired results. Two weeks ago (8th &11th Dec) I decided to try 2 x 125,000mg within a 4 day period and found this to be very helpful. I wish to continue a twice a week schedule in the new year, possibly trying more sessions per week. 'Carthcart's Titration Paper' recommends 15-100 grams per 24 hour period to bowel tolerance for ankylosing spondylitis (most similar diagnosis). If this is a baseline then how many days consecutively could be done using IVC at this high dose? And do you have any other specific treatment plans that you have seen success with?

Here is another discussion, as my weekly IVC treatments are very costly ($175), along with my other therapies ($400 total), I was thinking of ways to possibly reduce our weekly costs. I am thinking of trying sodium ascorbate enemas. I'm unsure if these have been done before, however I understand the large intestine quickly absorbs its contents into the blood stream making this a good option for high dose vitamin C therapy. These could be done at home after doing a water enema beforehand. Over the last 2 years I have experience with doing coffee enemas, as per the Gerson Therapy.

I'm unable to return to work as a personal trainer and massage therapist as my injury still limits my mobility. I continue to see my physiotherapist (IMS) and massage therapist on a weekly basis, as well as my osteopath every two weeks. These treatments in combination with the IVC have been very complementary as a whole treatment program and are proving to be very helpful in my recovery. As advised from EDoc I am following his healing program listed above (earlier post).

I truly appreciate your time, support & guidance in my recovery.
Many thanks to you all!!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: try 500,000 mg, if it works great, if you don't notice any difference, go back down to what you are already doing

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:14 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:14 am

Re: try 500,000 mg, if it works great, if you don't notice any difference, go back down to what you are already doing

Post by tyrael » Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:53 am

hi, it would be good if there were any MRI evidence taken to shown the healing/reabsorption of the disc..

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