Anxiety lowering lysine and does it raise cholesterol?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Anxiety lowering lysine and does it raise cholesterol?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:29 am

Hello Owen- my name is Tami, from Kansas City, and I had a few questions about the Supplement L-Lysine. First off, is it true that it can "raise" overall Cholesterol Levels, along with LDL? I have read it can, but not sure how true this is. Next, can it cause Gallstones? And lastly, can it help people with Anxiety?

I have taken 1,000 mg of L-Lysine for roughly 22-years, every single day. My Overall Cholesterol is a bit high, it is 207 and my LDL is a bit high, it is 107. I'm worried the Lysine has raised my numbers. Also, I had an Abdominal Sonogram last week and the doctor said I have roughly 20 small gallstones. Luckily, I have not had any pain in my Gallbladder (yet). And regarding the Anxiety, several months ago I cut down my dosage of Lysine from the 1,000 mg a day to 500 mg a day and within about 2-weeks or so I started getting horrible anxiety and depression. I went back up to 1,000 mg a day and the anxiety got much better!

I'm hoping you have some answers for me. Doctors around here can't seem to answer any of my questions regarding Lysine usage.

Thank you so very much for your time.

When Linus Pauling first recommended high dose lysine, around 1992, he did a literature search and found one Loma Linda University study that indicated lysine might raise cholesterol in lab rats. So he reported that side effect as a possibility. However, my biggest problem personally after starting lysine has been keeping my own cholesterol from dropping to unsafe limits. When I added lysine to my high vitamin C intake, my total cholesterol dropped from 180 mg/dl to 160 mg/dl. Over the years, it continued to drop, with most measurement around 130 mg/dl and quite recently about 110 mg/dl from professional lab tests. I don't believe that lysine raises cholesterol.

And 1000 mg is just around the amount of lysine you need daily for protein balance. That is not a high dosage. How much vitamin C do you take daily?

Finally, the only cholesterol that is dangerous, in my opinion, is Lp(a).

I cannot answer whether lysine causes gall stones. (but will post this) Any literature references might help.

Your report of anxiety after lowering lysine is new to me. However, depending on the rest of your diet (say if you are vegan and not getting enough proteins/aminos) your body may be telling you it needs more!

If I had anxiety, the first thing I would do is make sure that a) I was taking a good B12 and that b) I was able to absorb this nutrient. There are lots of secondary nutrients, to go along with this, but lack of B12 will cause depression. This can relieved almost instantly. Pills might work, look for methylated, more expensive but avoids another potential issue. If there is any doubt, you can now get the skin patch, now with methyllated B12, and if it provides relief, you should know right away.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Anxiety lowering lysine and does it raise cholesterol?

Post by Johnwen » Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:09 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Anxiety lowering lysine and does it raise cholesterol?

Post by exitium » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:42 pm

I can tell you this I was having weekly galstone issues that would generally pass withing about 12 hours, Quite painful. This lasted about a year and the docs made no mention of galstones. I started supplementing 6-9g ascorbic acid a day and the galstones stopped. As I often do about a year after starting VC, I stopped taking it to better judge exactly where it was helping me. The first thing that happened was all the joint pain from lifting heavy in the gym caught up to me and a few weeks later I had another galstone attack. This one didnt subside, started thursday afternoon and mondey monring I was in surgery having my gallbladder removed.

The pain started as the same pain I was having a year earlier but never subsided so I am rather confident the prior bouts of pain were galstones.

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Re: Anxiety lowering lysine and does it raise cholesterol?

Post by Sacally4 » Sun May 01, 2016 5:55 am

Are you on acid blocker like omeprazol?

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