Cant take CoQ10 due to allergy, any alternatives?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Cant take CoQ10 due to allergy, any alternatives?

Post by tangy » Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:07 pm

I am allergic to yeast and soy, and as CoQ10 is made through fermentation, I cannot consume it. I think it is essential and I want to see if there is an alternative to it. But I can't find anything the only thing I found was PQQ, but that is also made by a fermenting. Help!

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Re: Cant take CoQ10 due to allergy, any alternatives?

Post by eDOC » Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:57 am

My Chinese bulk suppliers CoQ 10, is Soya and Yeast Free. In powdered form, purity 99%, minimum amount is 500 grams and price is USD $170/- that doesn't include shipping.

IF, it suits you let me know.

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Re: Cant take CoQ10 due to allergy, any alternatives?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:01 am

Thank you eDOC.
Unfortunately there is no "substitute" for Coenzyme Q10, however, when we are young and well nourished, we can make our own. There are something like 17 metabolic steps, and probably 5 different vitamins required for our bodies to make CoQ10.
Usually in our 4th decade, our ability to make Coq10 declines...
CoQ10 is the enzyme in the mitochondria that separates the phosphates (in ATP) that releases energy.
We know that many drugs, including the cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, block the body's own synthesis of COQ10.

Here is an old article I wrote about Coq10 for the Townsend Letter

New information is that red and near-infrared light can regenerate oxidized coQ10 in the presence of chlorophyll in the mitochondria. Good reason to eat your greens, and get real sunlight.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Cant take CoQ10 due to allergy, any alternatives?

Post by tangy » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:46 pm

@eDoc That sounds good but it's next to impossible to get it cleared from Indian customs :( Even the packages I order from iHerb are get scrutinized unnecessarily. It takes a month for a package from iHerb to get cleared that too with various paperwork.

@ofonorow - Do you know about MitoQ? Is that from yeast too?

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Re: Cant take CoQ10 due to allergy, any alternatives?

Post by eDOC » Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:51 pm

When I was replying to your PM, read your post. Talked to my one of suppliers, though he sells no less than a kilo, I asked it's for a friend....and he confirmed that its soya, yeast free.

Anyhow as I read about your med issues, I would strongly recommend that the solution to all of them is DMSO, plus what ever else you can tolerate.

I agree CoQ 10, like C, E, ALA, Gluta etc are important antioxidants have their own specific functions, but what you are trying to get out from CoQ 10, you can from DMSO to some extent it does all what CoQ, MitoQ do, if not 100%. Like I don't get as good results with DMSO vs. Gluta push alone.

You might think experimenting a cap of CoQ with oral DMSO, might mitigate the allergic response or maybe none.



PS: BTW after having read your last PM, you are on the right path to a recovery......
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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