PT/Nutritional Failure - 100% blockage

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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PT/Nutritional Failure - 100% blockage

Post by ofonorow » Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:08 am

I would like to stop the auto-ship on Cardio-C till further notice. I was taking this for a heart condition and the person who was treating me had said that I would be rid of all my symptoms in 5 months. I started the Cardio-C and Liposomal C in November of 2018 and it is over 5 months and my symptoms have worsened considerably and I need to go for a surgical procedure to address the multiple blocks I have. I believe this treatment hasn't and probably will not work for me so I do see the point to continue taking this.

Very sorry to learn that your symptoms have become worse. If you are willing to share details, we will post your report anonymously at our forum.

The most common reasons for failure include dental work (amalgams and root canals) creating a higher requirement for vitamin C

We have seen a few cases where people have taken their vitamin C and lysine with fiber, which apparently leached to vitamins out the intestines. After separating fiber and the therapy it worked immediately.

If the issue is calcium, then a) the drugs you are taking are the proximate cause, and b) additional vitamin K is required,

Thank you for your mail. These are the details on the blocks that was found in the angiogram last year around June/July 2018.


Cardiac Arteries and Lesion Findings:

LMCA: Angiographically normal.

LAD: Large proximally with moderate stenosis that begins before take-off of
a large 1st diagonal artery. The mid LAD is 100% chronically occluded and
fills distally via left-to-left collaterals that arise predominantly from a
large 1st septal branch. The 1st diagonal artery is large and contains an
80% focal stenosis in its inferior branch.

LCx: Proximal 95% stenosis. Gives rise to medium-caliber OM1 that has
moderate proximal disease.

RCA: Large, dominant vessel with 80% mid stenosis. Otherwise mild diffuse
ectatic disease.

I have been taking the following supplements since early November 2018 and continue to date.

Organic sulphur - 2 teaspoons daily on an empty stomach
Cardio-C - 1/2 scoop (4 times a day)
Liposomal Quali-C - I finished 26 bottles and have stopped this (taking one bottle every 2-3 days)
Rutin 450 mg - (twice a day)
MK-7 100 mcg - (1 daily)
Selenium 100 mcg - (1 daily)
Iodine Lugol 5% - (3 drops)
Mg Citrate 250mg - (1 daily)
L-Arginine 1000 mg - (1 daily)
Zinc 30 mg - (1 daily)
Tocotrienol 125 mg - (1 daily)
Tocopherol 400IU - (1 daily)
B12 5000 mcg - (1 daily)
Super B-Complex - (1 daily)
D3 5000IU - (1 daily)
Serrapeptase 80,000IU - (2 daily) - Stopped now
CoQ10 300 mg - (1 daily)
Fish Oil 1400 mg - (1 daily)
Copper 2 mg - (1 daily)
Beta-Carotene 25,000IU - (1 alternate days)
Collagen type 1,2 & 3 - (2 daily)

Looks like nothing has worked for me as my symptoms have considerably worsened and now I have to take a decision on going forward with an angioplasty or bypass.

You can share my details "anonymously" in the forum if you want.

Thanks for your concern.

Best regards

Your protocol looks excellent, save perhaps you might require additional ordinary vitamin C as ascorbic acid (versus the liposomal.) In our experience, liposomal as an add-on to the regular vitamin C provided additional benefit, but we don't have evidence that liposomal by itself acts as an Lp(a) binding inhibitor.

After rereading, I don't see vitamin A, or a multivitamin/multi-mineral to cover all nutritional bases.

We think we know that early on those with 100% blockages did not improve like most people, presumably because there must be blood flow for the Lp(a) binding inhibitors to reach the occlusion. Coronary bypass graph operations have saved countless lives, and the only advice would be to a) try to avoid stents, especially medicated stents, and b) continue with vitamin C and lysine after the operation to reduce or eliminate plaque regrowth (restenosis).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: PT/Nutritional Failure - 100% blockage

Post by johnjackson » Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:02 pm

please exvuse my ignornace on this
but this is where is the vit C?
I thought the foundation of fixing heart disease with Pauling therapy was VITAMIN C

I looked up cardio C and it only has 2.5 grams/scoop. which is great for some, but this person, with advanced heart disease was only getting 10grams of vit C
2 grams proline
10 grams lysine

and 6-18g is what the foundation recomends with advanced heart disease

I think the cardio C works great, just this person needed more vit C

hope this post is ok



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