Stopping Vitamin E is a Bad Idea, Often Leads to MI

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Stopping Vitamin E is a Bad Idea, Often Leads to MI

Post by ofonorow » Fri May 31, 2019 6:55 am

Before Pauling became aware of Lp(a), he wrote the chapter in his book HTLLAFB devoted to heart disease. The chapter focused on the Shute brothers and vitamin E, which is a testament to Pauling's insight and brilliance.

We now know, thanks to a large WHO study, that low serum vitamin E blood levels are the best predictor of a heart attack, better than either high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol.

Vitamin E
Linus Pauling long recommended 400 to 800 iu of vitamin E for cardiovascular disease. Several authors have pointed to an extensive study conducted by the World Health Organization on thousands of men and women from sixteen nations. The study illustrated that a low level of vitamin E in the blood was more than twice as predictive of heart attack than either high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Inverse correlation between plasma vitamin E and mortality from ischemic heart disease in cross-cultural epidemiology.

My own father took vitamin E most of his life, but ran out and didn't purchase more about 2 weeks prior to his fatal heart attack (Age 68). The same thing happened to my half-brother Michael Till, more than once. He ran out of vitamin E, did not buy more and had a heart attack within a month of running out of vitamin E. (This happened at least twice in Mike's case.)

When we first discussed this at this forum, we speculated that because the gestation period of red corpuscles and/or platelets in the bone marrow match the interval to the MI, perhaps vitamin E makes our red blood cells "less sticky?"

I was reminded of this because a friend called to report a bad EKG. As we were talking, she told me that she had run out and stopped taking her vitamin E about 2 weeks ago!

The bad EKG report reminds me that over the years, we discovered that high doses of a particular brand of vitamin E (Unqiue-E from A. C. Grace), along with Pauling's therapy, reversed bad EKGs. (We have posted Carol Smith's before and after EKGs.

There has been a lot of misinbformatin and fake news designed to scare heart patients away from vitamin E. I urge heart patients to trust Pauling, and to not stop vitamin E "even for a single day."

Again, we have long recommended the original "mixed tocopherols" Unique-E brand of Vitamin E from A. C. Grace.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Stopping Vitamin E is a Bad Idea, Often Leads to MI

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 13, 2019 10:21 am

As a side note, vitamin E can help you keep your mind healthy...

Vitamin E and cognitive decline in older persons

We used random-effects models to estimate nutrient effects on individual change in the average score of the 4 cognitive tests. The cognitive score declined on average by 5.0 x 10(-2) standardized units per year. There was a 36% reduction in the rate of decline among persons in the highest quintile of total vitamin E intake (-4.3 x 10(-2) standardized units per year) compared with those in the lowest quintile (-6.7 x 10(-2) standardized units per year) (P =.05), in a model adjusted for age, race, sex, educational level, current smoking, alcohol consumption, total calorie (energy) intake, and total intakes of vitamin C, carotene, and vitamin A. We also observed a reduced decline with higher vitamin E intake from foods (P =.03 for trend). There was little evidence of association with vitamin C or carotene intake.

Vitamin E intake, from foods or supplements, is associated with less cognitive decline with age
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Stopping Vitamin E is a Bad Idea, Often Leads to MI

Post by DiverDown2 » Sun Jun 16, 2019 6:05 am

I take Heart Tech Paulin's for formula, it contains Vitamin D (as d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) is that similar to Unique-E ?

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Re: Stopping Vitamin E is a Bad Idea, Often Leads to MI

Post by pamojja » Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:11 am

DiverDown2 wrote:it contains Vitamin D (as d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) is that similar to Unique-E ?

Vitamin D3 is cholecalciferol.
Vitamin E is alpha tocopherol. So completely different vitamins.

Additionally there are also beta-, gamma- and delta- tocopherols (other isomers of vitamin E) which one only finds at high dose in Unique-E. The d-alpha tocopheryl acetate your metioning is lacking all the other tocopherols contained in Unique-E.

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Re: Stopping Vitamin E is a Bad Idea, Often Leads to MI

Post by DiverDown2 » Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:06 am

Sorry that was a typo Should have said Vitamin-E.
Would it be safe to take Unique-E with the Heart Tech that contains the d-alpha tocopheryl acetate.
Total dosage taken with Heart Tech twice daily is 1688 iu.

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Re: Stopping Vitamin E is a Bad Idea, Often Leads to MI

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 24, 2019 5:41 am

Great question, and back in the day we researched adding Unique-E to Tower formulas, but A. C. Grace told us that we could not turn it into a powder and preserve its unique properties. And at that time, the Founder of A. C. Grace was crediting Unique-E at 2000 IU in the morning with saving his life after a heart attack - why he bought the company. As with the other vitamins, "mega" doses are not harmful, and more often than not, will have a spectacular health benefit. I wouldn't worry about overdosing on vitamin E. The danger is suddenly cutting it off. Stopping cold turkey.

Unique-E is famous for not going rancid, and the Vitamin E powder won't. Know that the problems with other vitamin E in capsules is that after the oil it is in goes rancid, people report their hearts racing.

The reasons we decided to come out with Cardio-C were because of issues like this, i.e., because people wanted to add their own different elements to the basic Pauling formula. The purpose of this topic is to emphasize that other nutrients are necessary, in addition to the bare minimum vitamin C, lysine and proline. Specifically, vitamin E is crucial, as is magnesium and in most cases as is Co-Q10.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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