Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:56 am

A friend of the Foundation with numerous medical conditions that have put her on disability heard about Anthony Williams from her conventional nurse. I think because the nurse was conventional, she didn't pay much attention, but finally read his book MEDICAL MEDIUM

She then encouraged me to read the book, which I have started. It is fascinating, to say the least! His web site is , - which is forwarded to (The version I am looking at via Chrome has testimonials (and pictures) from Sylvester Stalone, Robert DiNiro, etc.)

If you have kindle, you only have to read the FREE sample to get the idea of what Anthony claims happened to him at an early age, i.e., his "gift" - which includes being able to diagnose what is wrong with automobiles:-)

Whether you believe in consciousness beyond our current reality, or not, this book might make you stop and think.

The main message (reading so far) is that science has not yet identified that there are more than 60 varieties of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which his "source" claims is the root cause of most chronic "mystery illness." I found it interesting that the source claims that Mononucleosis is ALWAYS an outbreak of an active EBV. (And that triggered the memory that one of the features of True-Liposomal Vitamin C is that children's mono is reduced from weeks to a few days on the "correct" dosage.)

Another claim is that the EBV virus moves into tissues, and then is undetected in the blood stream. (And that knowledge triggered a memory that the Robert Beck (Sota) electrical and magnetic pulsers which are designed to reach pathogens in tissues. According to Beck on his youtubes, his machines brought down 300,000 viral loads in HIV patients to almost zero.)

William's "anti viral" solutions are food based, and complicated, but I decided to start this post because his initial recommendations include vitamin C and lysine, telling me that his source may have exceptional knowledge :-)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or the Twilight Zone

Post by ofonorow » Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:35 am

I have moved from skepticism to awe and wonderment. I am very surprised that only 28 people have read this post, and that no one has commented after reading the Kindle free sample with Anthony William's story.

The Anthony Williams book has already changed my mind about quite a few things. I have shared this with several doctors that I correspond with, and the typical response ("isn't he the celery juice guy?") tells me that rather than reading and thinking for themselves, they simply googled to see what other people think.

In Medical Medium, the explanations of various diseases and conditions imply "divine" (other worldy) knowledge. I don't know or care about people's personal beliefs, but If God or Christ or Mohammad appeared in Washington DC, yes everyone would have physical evidence, and most would start to believe, but then 6-7 billion souls would expect that this physical God would solve all their problems. In a sense, their lives would be over, if all prayers were answered and all their problems solved. I sense that we are here to learn from suffering, and the New Testament message that there is eternal life is no joke.

I didn't think we'd ever have "iron clad" evidence of God before reading Anthony William. He has provided perfect medical knowledge from an intelligence not of this world.

Since Williams has no medical training, someone or something is whispering in his ear. Maybe an autistic savant, rather than a supernatural "being" sitting next to God? It doesn't matter where the knowledge comes from, if you critically read his first book, then the more medical knowledge you have, the more in awe you will become. (Which is why famous medical doctors write his forwards.)

Imagine knowledge that you never have to worry will be overturned? The truth?

The "spirit" mentions that Anthony's gift is given to 1 or 2 individuals per century. And the knowledge provided, while not all encompassing, is obviously aimed at the areas where medical science has "gone very wrong" and the misdirection is adversely affecting millions, especially women.

Now the only quarrel I have had so far is the multiple use of the number number 60, i.e. 60 variants of the primary virus he writes about and 60 combinations of adrenal hormones. However 60 may simply mean "a great number." The idea is that there are now 60 variants of the Epstein-Barr virus, each variant with its own characteristics illness fingerprint. And the idea that there are 60 combinations of adrenal hormone output, depending on the emotion at play, is hard to accept if you take the number literally.

I started his basic recommendation, from reading all the initial case studies, and so far it has been nothing short of miraculous. Not wanting to spoil things, his recommendation is to avoid fat (because it places a load on the adrenals and liver), so he recommends against eggs, dairy, etc., and replace it with a grazing routine - a fruit and vegetable every 2 hours. (The fruit to provide "compounds" (Probably vitamin C) plus glucose, and the veges to provide sodium and potassium.

I had been doing a combination of intermittent fasting and Keto (lots of eggs, cheese, dairy) and while I had lost weight, I got stuck and my adrenal malfunction was unchanged. The first day on his routine, my overnight blood sugar dropped to normal, illustrating that the liver was not asked to produce glucose while I was sleeping. And there are no spikes in the blood sugar (like there would be with refined carbs) so the grazing routine offers the same insulin benefits as fasting! (By the way, Jason Fung's GUIDE TO FASTING book contains a case history which includes the largest Lp(a) drop I have ever seen.... But I digress)

So please read about what the "spirit" infoms us causes most mystery illness...
Read about Candida... Where the spirit claims that the sugars in fructose (from fruits) enter the blood stream in 3 to 6 minutes, and never reaches the lining of the intestines! (Note: this is what we discovered with glucose meters regarding ascorbic acid! A 3 minute entry, and we can't get the paper published.)

I am personally taking this gift, this knowledge seriously... And if my adrenal function is resurrected (Anthony says it may take 18 months to 2 years) then I for one will feel lucky.

Yesterday, the friend of the Foundation who first heard about, read, and then recommended MEDICAL MEDIUM, told me that his LIVER RESCUE book was even better and more important. I started reading Liver Rescue (before finishing Medical Medium) and I agree with her and decided to write this post. Liver Rescue is Biblical. A high intelligence has provided perfect medical knowledge to Anthony. It doesn't quite prove the existence of God, and the afterlife, but when you combine this with Remote Viewing, it suggests our existence, our Universe, is far from what we think it is.

Make up your own mind, but think of the gift of having access to "perfect" medical knowledge. I almost feel like I should start wearing a white robe when I share this. And as Anthony points out, there are people repeating part of what he says, missing subtle differences. I am as confident as I can be that reading and studying what Anthony reveals, is a perfect use of the intellect.

And I am buoyed by the fact that after only 3 days, many of my issues have been resolved!. And I started to lose weight - again. 3 days. Biblical.

Now, for the record, knowing what CAUSES so much "mystery illness" I have increased my own Panacea (True Liposomal Vitamin C) intake, and I have used Sota "anti viral/pathogen" devices twice.

I can't wait to get to his Thyroid book!

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or the Twilight Zone

Post by magnus » Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:28 am

I'm also in awe of Anthony William.

His main thing, Celery Juice - 16oz+ first thing every morning, filtered, on an empty stomach - cleared up a lot of things for me, over about 3 months. It cleared up my acid reflux, reduced my flatulence, improved my energy levels massively.

It delivered the sort of result we should expect from medicine. You have a problem, you take the medicine, the problem goes away.

I've had a break for 2 months and am going on it again now.

I have actually experimented with my own medical intuition through meditation, EFT, and plant psychedelics like mushrooms and Iboga, with varying results. Typically, I will get some intuition on a medicine or problem, and get visions of what is happening inside my body, and then confirm the information I receive through google.

The most impressive so far was several years ago now, I had a very clear vision of Mercury binding to serotonin receptors. After googling I found that is definitely something that happens.

I'm also using this to figure out what happens with vitamin C when I take it, and it lead me to Iron Ascorbate which is used in India for Iron deficiency. I believe I have Iron deficiency deep in my organic biology and Iron Ascorbate is really the only form that will deliver it directly to where it is needed. This is consistent with scientific literature I found. Interestingly you really can't get it outside India.

This has been a trip to get my head round - 20 years ago I was studying Physics at Cambridge University and if I'd met my future self I'd probably had thought I was a right loon.

(hi, I'm new.)

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or the Twilight Zone

Post by magnus » Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:30 am

Also I meant to add - Anthony William's Podcasts are really great. About an hour long each, packed with information and demonstrations, some more convincing than others but overall impressive if you are open to a paradigm shift.

They are all here, you can just pick a topic you are interested in and dive in.

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or the Twilight Zone

Post by johnjackson » Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:56 am

yes, eating a diet high in nitrates, like celery, will do many wonderful things, as veggies high in nitrates(arugula, beets, rhubarb) lead to the body making more nitric oxide!!
Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for potential health benefits

recall, NO, (nitric Oxide) is what lowers BP, gives a man boners and thought to cure CAD
Dr. Louis Ignarro discovered "the atom" of cardiovascular health--a tiny molecule called Nitric Oxide. NO, ... 0312335822

and NO is increased by taking MORE vitamin C!
cultured endothelial cells, the antioxidant, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), increases nitric oxide synthase (NOS)! ... 6.33035.62



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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 29, 2019 2:55 pm

john jackson, you may have a good point, but you are providing human-based (thus fallible) information :-) Read - starting with the free kindle sample of Medical Medium.

By the way, I will admit that you jj were more right that I was about the fat burning! The spirit who communicates through Anthony has revealed why eating any more than 15% of your diet as fat puts a strain on the liver. The more fat, the more strain. (I have just cracked the surface, but so far, nothing to do with nitric oxide, or any other such details.) Everyone will understand AFTER reading up through Chapter 3 in the Medical Medium's Liver Rescue. VERY intelligent people are having trouble, probably because of so much confusing (and mostly wrong) prior information. We don't want to continue to propagate any information we know is wrong.

Maguns, wonderful to have you on board!

The iron-ascorbate idea is radical, to make a pun. (And after re-reading your post, I sense that my own "anemia" might benefit from a better way to allow iron into the cells making my blood. In other words, your iron-ascorbate idea might be an avenue to cure a chronic problem I have noticed since 2010. And chemist Steve Brown, if we can add sodium to ascorbic acid in water to make sodium ascorbate, why can't you add iron to ascorbic acid in water to make iron-ascorbate? Something tells me though, that after reading all the Medical Medium material, problems like this will go away on their own. But if not....)

magnus, If you haven't yet read Liver Rescue -= please do and share your thoughts. You won't regret it. (I haven't yet read Anthony's"10 hour audible book on celery juicing" so I don't get that, but, I do completely understand his recommendations as far as I have read. So far, the main purpose of celery is for the sodium.)

And your consciousness experiments are fascinating. They fit nicely into some thinking that we should resurrect our idea to certify Orthomolecular Naturopaths. Anthony teaches "perfect naturopathy." The science and inventions of Linus Pauling can extend what has been shared with us into the use of "orthomolecular" amounts of vitamin C and other nutrients, to temporarily treat acute and chronic conditions. But instead of relying on fabulous (though fallible) human derived nutritional knowledge, e.g. Pauling, Roger J Williams, and then Hickey, Levy, Stone, Cathcart and others, we'd use the William Medical Medium books to learn and teach infallible Naturoapthy :D

The Williams material by itself can be used to heal a lot of people - even without having a paranormal ability to know what is wrong with someone, or using orthomolecular amounts of nutrients. But, without an ability to diagnose from a higher level of consciousness, an orthomolecular naturopath would require intense and dedicated study for the complete understanding of the William material. But such study would be worth it, if it is true, as the spirit says, one doesn't have to worry that the information being provided will ever be overturned or proven wrong.

It is ironic that even knowing the viral cause of "mystery illness" does not provide much help, without the knowledge of Pauling/Stone/Cathcart and others, i.e.. the Orthomolecular component. Conventional medical doctors do not have these tools or understanding to deal with viruses.

For example, an Orthomolecular Naturopath, in addition to offering Anthony's sage advice, has the following knowledge and tools:

*) 4-6 grams of PANACEA (or Livon Lypo) liposomal vitamin C every 3-4 hours can resolve, maybe eradicate, viral infections - 10 times better than intravenous vitamin C. (Thank you Dr. Levy!)

*) The Sota electrical devices (based on Robert Beck's inventions) can lower viral loads in HIV patients from 300,000 to near zero! As Beck explains, even if they don't kill the viruses, they give them an electrical charge that makes it then impossible for the virus to attach to and thus enter cells.

*) Vitamin A - without it, people's immune systems fail. We at least know that when people are deficient in vitamin A that they are prone to infections to the point of death. i.e. a poor immune system. And thanks to Pauling/Williams we know that 25,000 daily of Vitamin A isn't harmful and that 100,000 daily can work better than chemotherapy for cancers! And its cheap. Remember the reasons why the World Health Organization gives children in the 3rd world shots of vitamin A between 100,000 and 500,000 iu: Because they would otherwise die from infection, after going blind.

*) Vitamin D - especially the UV/B lamps in winter. Medicine is catching up on the value of high vitamin D and thanks to the Vitamin D Council, I have been symptom free of infections sans hernia mesh episodes, for years. And we infer that there is something about the light (UV/B in sunlight) that exceeds the capability of the pills visa vis preventing infection.

*) Niacinamide/Nicotinamide - High dose vitamin B3 in this form has boosted immune systems by thousands of percent, promoting the elimination of MRSA and super bugs.

Plus, we ONs would be required to thoroughly research and understand the other anti-viral, immune boosting supplements William's spirit recommends.

The following is a portion of an email to prospective Orthomolecular Naturopaths (ON) ,


Lets do a thought experiment. Anthony William has two superior (paranormal) gifts - and no medical education what-so-ever. One, he has been "taught" how to scan people, to know exactly what is wrong with them. Something like remote viewing. We (as healers) wouldn't necessarily have this tool - or need it - given the knowledge in the books. For example, we wouldn't know exactly which one of the 31 variants of the Shingles virus [deleted] has, but since the protocol to resolve it is basically the same, we wouldn't have to.

However, part of the training may include teaching the ability to diagnose via some paranormal scanning (as per the magnus post).. We don't need the scanning ability to provide superior healing, but it may become possible.

Two, the spirit tells Anthony what the person should do, given their diagnosis. This paranormal spirit focuses on foods). Future Orthomolecular Naturopaths would have powerful tools in addition to what is revealed by Anthony, e.g. high dose vitamin C - anti viral, anti toxin and pro immune system. High vitamin A, D, B3, etc. The means to control and even eradicate viruses that we now know lie at the root of otherwise "mysterious" illness.

magnus, should you have an interest in Orthomolecular Naturopathy, we are interesting in developing the ability you described in your post. More details would be of extreme interest to me personally. (We may create a private forum about this since it is a little too far out for most people.) In my case, should my adrenals regain function such that I no longer require exogenous hydrocortisone, it will be hard to stop me from proselytizing .)

The main thing I have learned already, it would be "malpractice" for an ON to recommend Keto, given the information in the Liver Rescue!!
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 02, 2019 4:44 am

Damn. While this can't be real, i.e., access to perfect naturopathic-healing knowledge, I now KNOW that at some point I will have to go back and edit my posts here and CORRECT THEM. :cry: Especially any post that denigrates "carbs" per se, or suggests favoring protein/fat over carbohydrates. The new-found knowledge is that fat is the "root of all evil," and it tells us that we can't eat proteins without also eating fat. So denigrating "carbs" should read "highly processed and refined carbohydrates." Refined carbs (usually from unnatural sources) are bad, not carbs in general. And fat is only evil (hard on the liver) when you eat it more than 10% of your calories.

I have a Abbott Libre continuous glucose monitor. I have been doing some weird things, and now there is no doubt, that for me. a (missing-part-of-my-pancreas-induced-insulin-dependent) "diabetic," eating fat is what raises my blood sugar. In fact, I can eat a ton of glucose (without fat) and the problem becomes keeping my blood sugar up - into the normal range. For example, last night we went out to a steakhouse. Normally I would butter the bread, I didn't, just ate the bread. Normally I would put butter and sour cream in my baked potato. I didn't (and both the bread and potato were delicious, and now to me these "carbs" taste better than the filet - with its fat.) I had desert, something a diabetic is afraid of, e.g. chocolate cake, and my 10% of fat was in the cake and some ice cream. Normally, after a meal like this with desert, I would go home and see me blood sugar shooting through the roof, so to speak, between 200 and 300 mg/dl. And going up, requiring an insulin shot.

Instead, it was below, or maybe the very low 200s and on its way down.

During the night I got up to check, and the sugar had dropped to around 50 - in the red range below normal. I started taking my new favorite snack - glucose pills, a lot of them, and I finally got my sugar to high normal. (I can't keep blood sugar high just eating glucose - unless I eat fat.)

I will pat us on the back. This forum has long recognized and touted Thomas Smith's library research on the way to reverse diabetes TYPE II at Smith cured his own TYPE II and found that "hidden" science exists blaming fats as the cause of diabetes. My interpretation of Smith was that a form of fat, processed trans fats, caused Type II, and probably by "gumming" up insulin receptors in cells. (Note: His protocol to reverse Type II is to stop all fats, for a time.) We learn from the medical medium that it is not just trans fats, but Omega-6 fats too, which are the most problematic re: diabetes, and that ANY fat more than 10% of the diet creates an 'alarm" condition in the liver, and the more fat, the more serious the liver impairment.

This forum has been an open discussion, where generally all forms of thought are welcome (so long as posters don't detract and make it hard for people who are here to search for medical information find it.) So other than a brief sojourn into the subject of a possible Dwarf star, with 7 planets in orbit around our sun, (and the ramifications if author Zecharia Sitchin was correct!), and my foray into cortisol/steroid-induced mania last year, (from fighting an infected hernia mesh with adrenal insufficiency), we have generally avoided politics and religion.

It is going to be very difficult to avoid talking religion in the future.

Religious belief is based upon Faith.

The MEDICAL MEDIUM books have the power to create DOUBT -- In the minds of Atheists :)

And in Medical Doctors. :D :D
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by pamojja » Mon Sep 02, 2019 6:51 am

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 03, 2019 5:42 am

pamojja I am happy that you have commented and I respect your position visa via a tribal God, but, you must read Medical Medium to UNDERSTAND. Why we have been given perfect medical information, from multiple levels, is something I cannot yet fully grasp. I started this post with trepidation. This knowledge only became known to me for less than a week. Is the fat issue the "black swan?" You can only answer that question AFTER reading LIVER RESCUE, at least up to page 17.

By multiple levels, I mean the material is masterfully written for ordinary people. They don't have to understand the details that you, I and others with our human-based nutritional knowledge can use to read between the lines. In fact, it is important to me that you, pamojja, of all people at this forum, READ. I would value your opinion highly because as you learn about the most important nutrient of all - glucose - I wonder if you will change your mind. You may feel, as I, what it means to be born again. And you might find your path along the lines of an Orthmolecular Naturopath - once you start to realize the nature of the gift we have been given, from somewhere.

And given the liver's Sophie's Choice - whether to store toxins or nutrients - favoring the storage of toxins to protect us, you realize that you cannot stave off a nutrient deficiency, no matter how many nutrients are provided, when the liver is dealing with a toxic load.

And my Eureka moment, a realization why eDOC's DMSO treatments seems so miraculous (at least to him :-) If indeed DMSO not only neutralizes toxins (like vitamin C can) but turns out to be the best way to mobilize and remove toxins, then it not only protects the liver, but would allow far fewer nutrients to do the jobs they are intended by nature to do after the toxic load is gone. You wouldn't necessarily need mega nutrients or therapies - if you had a healthy liver.

The case is made with overwhelming power and logic that you cannot have a healthy liver when you consume more than 10% of your calories as fat, especially over an extended period.

I am not claiming divine authority to push that point of view on you. I'm saying it is simply truth. The case is made from a perspective, or science, far in advance from what is publicly known. (Did someone make contact with an extra terrestrial civilization? Who knows...)

And if it is true, how can we explain your case?

Would it not be a miracle to learn that any problems that still persist with you are caused by your own conviction that you require more fat?

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by popnowlin » Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:50 pm

I'm through chapter III. At least it's not a boring technical blah blah blah book.

First, I find it hard to believe this guy is getting this much technical detail about EBS from the spirit. And note that every detail he presents is followed by the disclaimer that science can't prove this yet, or that science misdiagnoses it. That's real convenient for him. In fact, if science never proves any of this that still doesn't make him wrong.

The only things I eat on his list are blueberries and garlic. I have blueberries every day. I cook with garlic in just about everything from eggs to raccoon. I can tolerate celery if I eat it with cheese dip. I don't see cheese dip on his list.

As a side note, celery juice has been a fad for quite some time now. That could be because it works or maybe this is part of that fad. I remain skeptical.

I take vitamin C, zinc, B12, L-Lysine, and curcumin daily. Ester-c is vitamin C, but calcium ascorbate instead of ascorbic acid. Why is that better? It's way more expensive. I can get 300 1000mg tablets of AA for $12. The cheapest ester c I can find is 120 1000mg tablets for $11. That's over twice as expensive.

I'll keep reading. Since I don't have MS, RA, or thyroid problems (that I know of), is reading chapters 4, 5, and 6 really important? This isn't going to win any prizes for interesting.
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:09 pm

popnowlin wrote:I'm through chapter III. At least it's not a boring technical blah blah blah book.

Thanks for the honest assessment popnowlin. This feedback is helpful. It is important to realize not everyone will be as enthralled with the material.

popnowlin wrote:First, I find it hard to believe this guy is getting this much technical detail about EBV from the spirit.

Your reaction is one any sane individual would have. (I keep wondering if I have been tricked by one of the best cons in history?) All depends on the value of the information, because this is presented as Truth - never subject to change. That is simply hard for anyone to believe.

popnowlin wrote:And note that every detail he presents is followed by the disclaimer that science can't prove this yet, or that science misdiagnoses it. That's real convenient for him. In fact, if science never proves any of this that still doesn't make him wrong.

As I think about this, these statements actually might prove, or at least provide evidence in support that the entire presentation is what he says it is: Truthful. They are even more precise global generalizations as you read on, and in more detail in Liver Rescue and Thyroid.

How could Anthony Williams know enough, or make a statement about what science knows or does not know, or is doing or not doing covering these areas of medicine? If he made some kind of error, he would be easily debunked! Giants like Linus Pauling, after years of study, might be able to make some authoritative statements along these lines, but only a group of leading scientists could credibly work together to make a statement that Science has not done this or the other thing right.

It sounds like he could make it up, but he'd have to know that someone wouldn't immediately counter - we have studied or know that...

Then, there are some of us who know more, know that details he presents match facts previously unknown by others outside the Foundation. For example, where he says something like CERTAIN SUGARS ARE ABSORBED INTO THE BLOOD STREAM IN 3 to 6 MINUTES Does that ring a bell :?: :-) Only a few people in the world would catch that, much less realize the significance.

Or maybe he read our paper :-) The first book was written in 2015 - so Anthony could have monitored our forum experiments. (Now that sounds far fetched).

Short of a team of top scientists whispering in his ear, the answer of least resistance is that Anthony is telling the truth. A spirit provides information through what sounds like a voice in his ear.

There are many more reasons why I have become, lets say enthralled, as I continue reading.. Details that most, especially medical doctors, would not know to be true.. (e.g., that LOW stomach acid causes GERD/Acid Reflux, and that there is no such thing as autoimmune disease.)

And so far, his recommendations work. I cured my own sugar diabetes in about 3 days following his simply fruit/vegetable and almost-no-fat recommended grazing protocol (I cannot seem to keep my sugar elevated, no matter how much sugar I eat.) So now both my sugar and cholesterol are too low, but it will be interesting to see what happens to my cholesterol now? Will it finally go up?

Starting Liver Rescue, I am beginning to understand why Anthony's rather outlandish recommendations were made. Celery Juice? What ? What !?!. What has anyone got to lose by following his suggestions?

Their Type 2 Diabetes for one!

popnowlin wrote:The only things I eat on his list are blueberries and garlic. I have blueberries every day. I cook with garlic in just about everything from eggs to raccoon.

So when the ill friend who recommended Anthony told me I shouldn't eat dairy, including eggs and cheese.. My eyes rolled too. Until I got to Liver Rescue. Now I understood the underlying reasons why a person with chronic illness should avoid these foods, including cheese.

Do you have chronic illness? Probably yes and no - considering your arthritis, GERD etc. Your vitamin C might mask a lot, and the new knowledge is that when your liver is healthy, your requirement for ALL nutrients, and probably vitamin C too, goes way down.

popnowlin wrote:I can tolerate celery if I eat it with cheese dip.

To my knowledge, there is no cheese without some fat. You can eat fat, just not more than 10% of your calories. My wife and I started with some organic peanut butter.. Not perfect, but for the same reason, to make it easier to eat plain celery.

popnowlin wrote:I don't see cheese dip on his list.

It isn't

There are two main underlying points.

A) Fat should be kept to under 10% of calories, and
B) glucose is the body's primary nutrient, and that the root of all nutritional evil stems from fat blocking the body's access to glucose. I don't think that there are any cheeses without fat, are there?

You can eat more fat, especially in your case of maximum vitamin C intake, without painful chronic illness, but you would feel better following Anthony's approach. Knowing less fat is better is quite contrary to the path we were following only a week ago! (Reminds me of the Pritikin Diet - the only diet where my weight literally dropped off over night.. but I digress)

popnowlin wrote:As a side note, celery juice has been a fad for quite some time now. That could be because it works or maybe this is part of that fad. I remain skeptical.

Stay skeptical. The celery juicing is the craziest and stupidest sounding part of all this. But I haven't read his "10 hour audible" book on it, so I am keeping an open mind. On the other hand, it sticks in the mind, people have tried it, and say on youtube that it works! What more can you ask? Maybe a "craze" is better than calling it a"fad.".

popnowlin wrote:I take vitamin C, zinc, B12, L-Lysine, and curcumin daily.

So what about the other 50 or so nutrients that human-based knowledge knows are required to sustain life?

popnowlin wrote:Ester-c is vitamin C, but calcium ascorbate instead of ascorbic acid. Why is that better? It's way more expensive. I can get 300 1000mg tablets of AA for $12. The cheapest ester c I can find is 120 1000mg tablets for $11. That's over twice as expensive.

At this point, you've got me. (I do know of experiments that the vitamin C in Ester-C enters the blood stream faster, and keeps guinea pigs living longer, etc. We were cautious because it seemed to good to be true, and "unnatural.") It does include a metabolite, from memory "theornine'"

The other point is that Ester-C is non acidic. Maybe it uses the same 3 minute pathway into the blood stream, with an alkaline rather than acidic form of vitamin C. (Hey, we can find out! I have a continuous glucose meter.. He he he My problem is that now my own reading keeps dropping all the time, no matter how much sugar I eat, so long as I don't also eat fat.) If we ever get to communicate with the "spirit" through William, we'll ask him about Ester-C versus what we have long recommended. I'm keeping a list of such questions (like how to extend our telemores) at the forum by the way.

And once we understand the reasons, we may be able to come up with a less expensive yet as effective alkaline vitamin C product.

popnowlin wrote:I'll keep reading. Since I don't have MS, RA, or thyroid problems (that I know of), is reading chapters 4, 5, and 6 really important? This isn't going to win any prizes for interesting.

he he he, it is the most interesting series of books I have ever read :-)

I would suggest reading at least two chapters in the first book; the ADHD/Autism and PTSD (stress) chapters. Then the intro and first 17 pages,of LIVER RESCUE. (No one else may notice, but he describes how the liver encapsulates nutrients in targeted liposomes to send them to specific parts of the body. Who knew. And he doesn't use the term liposomes, so most people would not make that connection. I am making connections all over the place.)

And, you may not have these common chronic problems because of the high amount of vitamin C you take.

Reading more depends on your perspective. If you are a healer, or want to be one, and believe that what you are reading is really the truth, no need to question, only learn, there may not be any more important information on the planet. That is where I am heading, but I also have a keen interest, even passion in nutrition.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by dectiri » Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:25 pm

Owen... perhaps this 'new' Edgar Cayce has some problem with his hearing, as i am agreed that it may be that in generations passed, the biblical content was not quite what was relayed to the writer, and produced that book full of primitive ideas along with other 'stuff' not so primitive as to be credibly arrived at without some 'help'.... so i'd CANCEL THE IDEA OF INFALLIBILITY..... as far as what he writes is concerned.......

For example... that demand to believe fats are evil beyond 10% of calories or some such..
FACT: One of the common features of the BLUE ZONES is that those people consume OLIVE OIL [extra virgin of course] in amounts that shocked me at first... ONE PINT PER PERSON PER WEEK.... got that figure yet? That amounts to a bit more than ONE OUNCE PER DAY PER PERSON... try putting that in your 10% figuring.. right there, just that one source of fats is over 300 calories per day...... AND THOSE PEOPLE LIVE TO A VIGOROUS HEALTHY 90 SOME YEARS OLD WITH A FREQUENCY OF OVER 30%.. sans prescription meds by the dozen bottles as is barely managed for such ages here..... so.......

Let's look at another PERCENT
THE CHINA STUDY... showed a safety from cancer and heart disease in those who LIMITED THEIR ANIMAL PROTEIN TO UNDER 10%... well animal protein is necessarily [short of weird frankenscience food] accompanied by animal fats... and in larger quantities than the protein components of those foods, you may notice... hence i'd suggest there's some limit on animal fat that exceeds by some modest margin the China Study 10%......... But that LIBERATES YOU [and the Blue Zone people] to indulge in KETO LEVEL FATS OF PLANT ORIGIN..... enter the world of us olive oil and NUT LOVERS, rotfl...... pun intended?

Maybe we can induce some of the group of our orthomolecular wizards to put together a program of CONTINUING EDU for MDs to answer the need for a strategic entity to build a network from with these added Keto Blue Zone and China Study ideas added to the Naturopathy [maybe Cayce too] including HBOT and ENERGY MEDICINE [Beck, Tennant, and Oschman] and let those graduates add the letters OND onto their list of credentials... and maybe we'll see enough proliferation of such people to enable so many more of us to have local such resources even in the hospital.... looking forward to that day....... ttyl, so enjoy those fats and thrive, as your brain will love it...... ttys

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by dectiri » Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:44 am

Oops, that BlueZone [healthy longevity] diet should have read 300cal PER MEAL per person for main meals [2] and another 100cal at the small meal per day, that the total fats from EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL per day per person was 700 cal,

Clearly a slipup in late night rushing... ttyl

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by popnowlin » Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:12 pm

As I'm reading this book I'm getting ideas. My first idea is why so many supplements/foods? There are so many different supplements/foods that are prescribed for any specific ailment and they vary from RA to MS to thyroid. If they're all fighting EB virus why so different? Can't you just treat EB and it would work for any symptoms caused by EB?

What are the core EB fighters? I'm only on the "other mystery illness" section so far, but that seems like a logical question. What are the core EB fighters is key to me. I don't live where a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's is around the corner. I have to drive 20 miles to get to Walmart or Krogers. I can't get most of these foods even if I want to. If I could find the core items I could probably get enough of them to help. Celery I can get. I bought two bunches yesterday at Krogers.

It would be nice is some of the more exotic things like Spirulina, Bladderwrack, and Atlantic Dulse (never heard of any of these before) came in pre-packaged EB fighting kits. I guarantee I'm not finding these at Walmart, Krogers, IGA, or Dollar General. There are some peaceful healing advantages to living way out in the country. Access to exotic foods isn't one of them.
Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -- Dr. Seuss

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:17 am

Again, great questions. Thank you. First caveat is that I have barely scratched the surface of these books, so my answers amount to guesses based on my personal vitamin C experience and initial, limited reading so far.

First, let me issue a challenge :D I will bet you (and ANYONE , lets say a free jar of vitamin C), as follows. You will have to use your name to receive your free jar by posting below. (I really believe the wager could for almost any amount, assuming people would be completely honest.. sigh).

Lets back up, I suggest to someone that they read the book. Their response, "so he wrote a book. So what. Aren't his books making a lot of money? Why should I think this is what you and he says it is?" Like popnowlin says, Anthony could say anything about the future,

The wager is that after seriously reading and trying to understand 3 books ostensibly by Anthony William, who is a person with no medical training and probably no college, that you honestly believe that he alone wrote the books Medical Medium, Liver Rescue and Thyroid.

That's the bet. Not that whether the material is true, but that he alone wrote these books.

If you swear as follows,

I [so and so] solemnly swear that

a) I have read these three books with an attempt at comprehension, and

b) I believe that Anthony himself could have written the book.

Signed .................... on this day ____________

You will receive a jar of vitamin C. Yes we are taking you at your word that you did the reading in good faith.

I could extend the wager to anyone still holding the belief that any human being wrote these books, but lets stick with Anthony. The Liver Rescue and Thyroid books exceed the quality of any college and or medical textbook I have ever encountered.

popnowlin wrote:As I'm reading this book I'm getting ideas. My first idea is why so many supplements/foods? There are so many different supplements/foods that are prescribed for any specific ailment and they vary from RA to MS to thyroid. If they're all fighting EB virus why so different? Can't you just treat EB and it would work for any symptoms caused by EB?

First, I haven't really gotten to the solutions, but I have resonated because just knowing the root cause of chronic-illness is ground-breaking. I am keeping and open mind. We here in the vitamin C world have anti-viral solutions, tools not available to the ordinary medical community.

I think the answer to your question is that the virus has mutated, as he says, into about 60 varieties with varying symptoms. And that there are also 3 or 4 stages in the "life" of these mutations. So we consider EB Virus mutant number 12, stage 3 (or whatever) as mononucleosis. Ergo, the means of nutritional attack are different, certainly because of the stage, but probably taking the mutation into account too.

You are learning, "kicking and screaming," perfect Naturopathy, assuming this is all true. In Anthony's world, people can fight the various viral mutations themselves by following the specific protocols, over the course of months! (We orthomolecular people may be able to do the same thing in days, or short weeks.)

The question arises in my mind, if the virus started 100 years ago, how and why? And why would a loving God or divine spirit allow the virus to propagate, considering the untold illness and suffering the virus has caused (much as the GULO defect.)

popnowlin wrote:What are the core EB fighters? I'm only on the "other mystery illness" section so far, but that seems like a logical question. What are the core EB fighters is key to me. I don't live where a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's is around the corner. I have to drive 20 miles to get to Walmart or Krogers. I can't get most of these foods even if I want to. If I could find the core items I could probably get enough of them to help. Celery I can get. I bought two bunches yesterday at Krogers.

And this just might be the reason for the later focus on celery. Perhaps celery is the broadest spectrum or "cure all?"

I haven't gotten to the solutions part so I don't really know the answer, other than there are about 60 mutations of EBV that can reach up to 4 stages, depending on the status of the immune system. The virus can lie dormant, perhaps for a lifetime, in people whose own immune systems can handle it.

So solutions probably come in the form of
Those things that kill the virus (perhaps depending on stage)
Those things that support the immune system
Things that do other things for other reasons (e.g., since the control of these viruses revolve around liver health, supporting the liver would help control the virus, depending on the state of the liver.

No one said it is simple. (And maybe God in this case is ET, who released the virus 100 years ago, and this knowledge is restitution for them contaminating us!)

Celery juice, on the other hand, is simple.

popnowlin wrote:It would be nice is some of the more exotic things like Spirulina, Bladderwrack, and Atlantic Dulse (never heard of any of these before) came in pre-packaged EB fighting kits. I guarantee I'm not finding these at Walmart, Krogers, IGA, or Dollar General. There are some peaceful healing advantages to living way out in the country. Access to exotic foods isn't one of them.

Later, supplements for various conditions are listed, with their effects and reasons for taking them, and I haven't looked, but understand they are made available on his web site.

Why would you care about any of the above, unless you had a known issue with a virus? I didn't know you were suffering painful chronic "mystery" illness like so many woman?

As a thought experiment, lets say you wan't to focus on curing your osteo arthritis, for instance, then, assuming he has a section on it, you WOULD try the supplements that target the underlying cause of arthritis (a condition which many in alt med already attribute to a pathogen. And in relation to the wager, I know about this connection between arthritis and a small pathogen between the size of virus and bacteria. How many others know this? And how would Anthony know about ALL the science he comments on?)

But after you read, understand and apply the information in Liver Rescue, your rather mild "chronic" conditions may clear up simply from getting your liver to work right. Right.. ortho... orthomolcular naturopathy... What is body in greek? So body-ortho... Again, I digress.

And the simple 2-hour grazing protocol turns out to be a brilliant way to reduce the workload on the liver, even without understanding why.

And again, thank you for posting these questions. They always make me think.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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