Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by popnowlin » Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:37 am

Here's another question. The chapter on diabetes and hypoglycemia talks about eating fat and sugar at the same time being bad because the fat keeps the sugar from being used by your body. I think I got that right.

Keto/low carb diets promote eating no processed sugar and very little other sugar because those are bad carbs. They also don't have a problem with relatively high fat. Since the sugar is so low, is that fat still bad for you?

This book completely stands low carb diets on their head. Somebody's lying to us and I'm not sure who it is. I have adjusted to low carb. I gave up bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and most fruit. I gave up sweet tea and Dr Pepper. I haven't had a donut in years, but that would be fat and sugar, so even this book would object to that :)

I lost a lot of weight at first with low carbs, but now I've hit a plateau for months. According to this book, carbs are OK, but fat is not? Before I make another radical change in my diet, and grocery buying habits, I need to know which is which and I'm frankly confused. I'm not interested in following the next fad down the rabbit hole.

And while all this sounds very technical and scientific, it's basically coming from a spirit. That bothers me.
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by johnjackson » Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:52 am

popnowlin wrote:I lost a lot of weight at first with low carbs, but now I've hit a plateau for months. According to this book, carbs are OK, but fat is not? Before I make another radical change in my diet, and grocery buying habits, I need to know which is which and I'm frankly confused. I'm not interested in following the next fad down the rabbit hole.

here's what happened:
your liver/kidneys/muscles all store sugar/carbs.
stored form of sugar is called glycogen.
when sugar gets stored as glycogen, it is also holding water
when you use up your glycogen, just living(liver) or working out*(muscles) then your glycogen gets used up
and no sugar diet means that glocgen is not replaced

so the water that was stored with the glucose is also lost

so your "lots of weight" was mostly water lost.

weight loss is not linear and you will go thru plateaus, but as long as you are in a caloric deficit, you will lose weight.
that's the rub, are you in a caloric deficit?
are you sure?



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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 06, 2019 11:22 am

Here is the problem john Jackson - you don't know what happened. However, if you reword and say something like, from my incomplete knowledge, here is what probably happened... we won't be deleting your posts. You are no authority, on anything as far as I can tell.

popnowlin, this podcast by the Medical Medium, on the Unknown Causes of Alzhiemers, provides some information about "why a particular combination or group of nutrients is recommended..." The good stuff starts around minute 15. He makes statement about that you must eat all of the basic components, if not in the perfect smoothie, at least on the same day, e.g. bananas, blueberries, etc -

He made me want to try cilantro - which he has been recommending since age 7.

Then he made me very happy around minute 48 talking about melatonin :D :D - that it and it alone, in high dosages, can not only cure/stave off dementia/Alzheimers, but melatonin can cure cancer and ...... LISTEN
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by popnowlin » Fri Sep 06, 2019 2:46 pm

In all the chapters where there are lists of supplements and food, it never lists the amounts of each item. At least not that I've found. I'm still not done, but I've been flipping through the book looking and I can't find where it says how much purslane, magnesium, or spirulina to take and how often. Am I missing something? Should someone just buy a recommended herb and do what the bottle says? What if the spirit disagrees with the maker's dosage?
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by popnowlin » Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:01 pm

The medical medium website has a list of supplements and links to purchase them, but still no amounts:

Also, note that they do a lawyer approved CYA with the recommendation to always consult a "licensed healthcare practitioner" before doing anything. I wonder if the spirit has a license? Sorry, I still can't get around the whole spirit thing.
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:15 am

he he he.. As we know from Roger J. Williams, the author of Biochemical Individuality, we are all different, i.e., no two people are likely to have both the same stomach, e.g. size and shape chemistry, etc. , much less then the same liver, etc... ditto every organ in the body, including the skin. No one dosage fits all, which creates a vacuum... more on that in a moment.

For now, yes, we are taking/using the dosage per the label on the product. As Anthony reveals in the ALZHEIMERS podcast, the Spirit came up with Celery Juicing to deal with this issue - the best one-size fits all, easy to understand treatment.

Back to the vacuum. We will be studying Anthony, and then using our existing orthomolecular knowledge teaching ORTHOMOLECULAR NATUROPATHS how to determine the proper dosing, it it matters, per individual.

In furtherance of this pursuit

We announce today a new Institute, on the order of the Foundation, Inspired by the Teachings of the Medical Medium:

The Institute for Orthomolecular Naturopathy (tm) (A trademark of the Institute of Orthomolecular Naturopathy)

The institute will be training and certifying Naturopaths trained in the writings and words of the Medical Medium, and we are announcing trademarks for the following:[/b]

Orthopath(tm) (Orthopathy(tm)) - a Naturopath trained in perfect naturopathy and devoted to the one right (ortho) path.

Orthomopath(tm) (Orthomopathy(tm) ) - Orthopath augmented with knowledge from Orthomolecular Medicine inspired by Linus Pauling, (Orthomopath is short for an Orthomolecular Naturopath(tm))

Orthomolecular Naturopath(tm) - is a trademark of the Institute of Orthomolecular Naturopathy

World's Finest Glucose(tm) - is a trademark of the Institute of Orthomolecular Naturopathy

Natural Glucose Complex(tm) - is a trademark of the Institute of Orthomolecular Naturopathy

The Institue (probably ION) will publish several journals, the first The Journal of Ascorbate Therapies, but we envision many more journals, such as the Journal of DMSO Therapies, Journal of Beck Electrical Therapies, etc.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by dectiri » Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:08 am for your 'challenge' OWEN...

I prefer a hypothetical example... imagine RAINMAN with the INTERNET AT HIS DISPOSAL... Reading and absorbing so many alt med resources, watching videos incessantly and correlating to arrive at his own inspired coalescing of the data into images and patterns.. what i see so far in these discussions is not too far from that idea...

clearly you chose to ignore the reality of Blue Zone people living so healthy and long and vigorously while violating the 'fats' rule of your infallible new guru.. so i'm not impressed with 'infallibility' so far displayed


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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by pamojja » Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:11 am

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by popnowlin » Sun Sep 08, 2019 5:59 am

And I am buoyed by the fact that after only 3 days, many of my issues have been resolved!. And I started to lose weight - again. 3 days. Biblical.

I'm still not through the whole book, but one thing is clear. The author makes the point over and over that it can take months or years for his (the spirit's) advice to heal/cure people. I have to ask why you think it's cured your issues in three days? I don't doubt your perception is that you have resolved issues, but why do you think it only took three days in your case?
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:19 pm

Apologies for overlooking this earlier dectiri post - and the following erratica post :oops:

dectiri wrote:Owen... perhaps this 'new' Edgar Cayce has some problem with his hearing, as i am agreed that it may be that in generations passed, the biblical content was not quite what was relayed to the writer, and produced that book full of primitive ideas along with other 'stuff' not so primitive as to be credibly arrived at without some 'help'.... so i'd CANCEL THE IDEA OF INFALLIBILITY..... as far as what he writes is concerned.......

Good, you have my undivided attention.. I am waiting for that black swan with bated breath

For example... that demand to believe fats are evil beyond 10% of calories or some such.. [/quote]

This is the main point of the book, in fact. So everything tumbles if he is wrong. But you don't have the credibility challenging Anthony UNTIL you have read Liver Rescue, at least through page 17. Then you might be able to understand the deep reasons behind this "Truth." Have you read it, I bet not, I am reading post this as I comment?

FACT: One of the common features of the BLUE ZONES is that those people consume OLIVE OIL [extra virgin of course] in amounts that shocked me at first... ONE PINT PER PERSON PER WEEK.... got that figure yet? That amounts to a bit more than ONE OUNCE PER DAY PER PERSON... try putting that in your 10% figuring.. right there, just that one source of fats is over 300 calories per day...... AND THOSE PEOPLE LIVE TO A VIGOROUS HEALTHY 90 SOME YEARS OLD WITH A FREQUENCY OF OVER 30%.. sans prescription meds by the dozen bottles as is barely managed for such ages here..... so.......

When you read Anthony's book Liver Rescue, you will understand that 10% is the absolute safe level of fat. You can eat more fat safely, but A) it isn't required for optimal health and B) eating more fat increases the levels of stress on the liver, almost as if fat were toxic to the liver, all based upon the quantity, and not quality of the fats eaten. (Again I am hardly an expert having read this material once!) Fat is not toxic, it is simply blocking glucose, the PRIME nutrient. he he he.. Sorry, this is so contrary to my belief system as little as a week ago, and these questions are great, they MAKE ME THINK, and thus UNDERSTAND MORE.

Let's look at another PERCENT
THE CHINA STUDY... showed a safety from cancer and heart disease in those who LIMITED THEIR ANIMAL PROTEIN TO UNDER 10%... well animal protein is necessarily [short of weird frankenscience food] accompanied by animal fats... and in larger quantities than the protein components of those foods, you may notice... hence i'd suggest there's some limit on animal fat that exceeds by some modest margin the China Study 10%......... But that LIBERATES YOU [and the Blue Zone people] to indulge in KETO LEVEL FATS OF PLANT ORIGIN..... enter the world of us olive oil and NUT LOVERS, rotfl...... pun intended?

I really wish I could follow this and maybe the erratica clears it up. What are you saying/asking? Again, 10% is not an absolute by any means, it is simpley the ideal target for fat consumption, from the source ... he he he You can be healthy eating more fat, no one is saying you can't.

Maybe we can induce some of the group of our orthomolecular wizards to put together a program of CONTINUING EDU for MDs to answer the need for a strategic entity to build a network from with these added Keto Blue Zone and China Study ideas added to the Naturopathy [maybe Cayce too] including HBOT and ENERGY MEDICINE [Beck, Tennant, and Oschman] and let those graduates add the letters OND onto their list of credentials... and maybe we'll see enough proliferation of such people to enable so many more of us to have local such resources even in the hospital.... looking forward to that day....... ttyl, so enjoy those fats and thrive, as your brain will love it...... ttys

Unless you are being sarcastic, this is my Idea, but now I have to credit you for thinking of it first :( .. We are announcing the Institute of Orthomolecular Naturopathy, to study this material and add to it the knowledge we have from Pauling and others. We just created a new forum...

I am composing a letter to Anthony introducing myself which reads in part,

I am a founder of the nonprofit Vitamin C Foundation ( and a follower of the late Linus Pauling. I'm lazy. I recognized that for a human being, there was no better source of knowledge than Pauling. So rather than read and understand the entire body of scientific knowledge, especially as it related to vitamin C, I simply parroted Pauling. I know see that what I did is something like what you are doing by relying on Spirit. I would say and write seemingly ludicrous thing knowing no matter how wrong it sounded, I was saying the same thing this genius had said. For example, Linus Pauling said that heart disease is caused by a lack of vitamin C.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by Csquared » Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:17 pm

Did you not read pamoji's post on being low fat for 30 years and having all those health problems including fatty liver? That should give you great pause about recommending a one size fits all diet. Your success with low fat underscores my previous point about using a diet suited for your unique biochemistry. Which invalidates your medical medium. It is your black swan. Clearly higher fat diets create many health benefits for certain people who are biochemically different than you.

Also am I reading a different book than you? In my copy he states 15% fat is the healthy amount, and you keep quoting 10%


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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:17 am

Great points, and I will recheck on the 10% versus 15%. However, pamojja's anecdotal case doesn't really make a statement one way or the other. I was surprised to learn that he still has great difficulties, and posts about them at various forums, it was kind of a shock to learn that he is still "unwell."

Csquared wrote:Owen,
Did you not read pamoji's post on being low fat for 30 years and having all those health problems including fatty liver? That should give you great pause about recommending a one size fits all diet. Your success with low fat underscores my previous point about using a diet suited for your unique biochemistry. Which invalidates your medical medium. It is your black swan. Clearly higher fat diets create many health benefits for certain people who are biochemically different than you.

Also am I reading a different book than you? In my copy he states 15% fat is the healthy amount, and you keep quoting 10%


You are not impressed by the main arguments in the book Liver Rescue then? That the more fat you eat, the harder the liver has to work producing bile to emulsify the fat, making the fat available for storage and thus energy?

And yes, they say, from memory, that you can tolerate 30-40% fat in the diet, but at these levels are putting a "condition red" strain on the liver. We know from the great Keto experiment that people can survive, even seem to thrive on the Keto diet, so this long-term damage is not something that happens right away. Now, as I see people, especially older, unfit people, on the Keto diet, I can see them withering.. Just as I can tell people who do supplement, particularly vitamin C, by their skin, color and tone.

Nothing so far invalidates since the Ornish Diet (which I personally ignored because of its emphasis on eliminating saturated fats) is the number one rated diet for Heart Health. Why should that make me pause? I noticed Paleo was last, but did not happen to notice where Keto fell.. (Johnjackson? Where does newsmax rate Keto and Atkins?)

If pamojja wants to discuss his experience in detail, that would be a pleasure.

As far as the vege versus meat (as in the William Kelly wife's experience) there are plenty of things in meat, e.g. CoQ10, B12??, carnitine, that she may have been missing, completely unrelated to fat.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:14 am

I'm reading 4 of the Medical Miracle books simultaneously, but cannot find the reference to the 10% fat recommendation. Maybe I was hallucinating? I am willing to pay a quarter.. maybe a free jar of Cardio-C.. to anyone can find the reference. There is a short discussion that while fat is essential, especially the good Omega-3s, "only 10% of calories as fat is required for good health." You could eat 10% fat and be fine. (The entire book is constantly pointing out that animal proteins contain fat, and you might as well count the grams of protein as the grams of fat on a food label.)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by pamojja » Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:23 am

ofonorow wrote:Great points, and I will recheck on the 10% versus 15%. However, pamojja's anecdotal case doesn't really make a statement one way or the other. I was surprised to learn that he still has great difficulties, and posts about them at various forums, it was kind of a shock to learn that he is still "unwell."

Where and when have you last read about great difficulties?

Could only be up to 2 years ago, and only with postexertional malaise, 4 years ago had complete remission from a 60% walking-disabilty due to PAD, a COPD diagnosis actually asymptomatic since diagnosed 7 years ago, has been clinically monitored till being told; that much improved no more monitoring needed. Other than you I keept my prediabetes with diet in check.

The following benefits came from changing from 30 years of low-fat to the last 10 years of high fat:

first of all: reversing a 60% walking disability from PAD,
.. a cystitis circumscripta of the bladder,
.. a fatty liver,
.. 2 non-circulated nodules on the right edge of the liver (5 + 8mm),
.. one additional tubercle (6mm) of the left lung; the older of the right lung (9mm) remaining (haven't checked a long time)
.. and a chronic bronchitis, while the at that time diagnosed COPD remained asymptomatic.
keep prediabetes,
.. hay-fever,
.. and CKD stage 1 in check,
cease psoriasis and retinal migraine flare-ups,
.. angina-like chest pains and muscle cramps,
.. and the remaining CFS symptoms.
provide sun-burn protection without suncream.

Can't you read? The 'posts on various forums' is only this one, summarising my experience: ... emissions/ and since has been updated.

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by Csquared » Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:54 pm

You are not impressed by the main arguments in the book Liver Rescue then?

Concerns me that you can get fatty liver on a low fat vegetarian diet. Puts his whole theory into question.
Also the years that people were on low fat diets showed no decrease in the incidence of diabetes.

Right now to me they are just words that could have been made up. People have done far worse to make money.

But I am still on low fat and still diabetic. I don't know how long it is supposed to take, but I will give it the benefit of the doubt for awhile longer.
The side effect is weight loss on this diet, which in and of itself has been shown to put diabetes into remission.
In short, I could disprove his theories, but I can't prove them.


PS I could sure use a nice thick steak about now. Even a greasy hamburger would do.

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