Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by Csquared » Sat Oct 26, 2019 4:55 pm

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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 28, 2019 10:49 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by Csquared » Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:40 pm

You won't admit that his material is just a compilation of web browsing skills with some psycho-babble thrown in to try to make it seem that he is talking to a spirit?

That is the way I am leaning. But everyone has to make up their own mind I guess.

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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:39 am

Also, there is absolutely zero physiological connection between anything we eat and the strength of our bile.

You didn't answer the question about the critique. It is apparently false as written so who is this attributed to?

We know that bile is produced by the liver in response to fat eaten in the diet, e.g., Dr. Sinatra has measured CoQ10 and noticed that if his patients don't eat fat, then CoQ10 isn't absorbed into the blood stream, and Sinatra claims bile is required to absorb CoQ10.

William writes that what he is talking about has not yet been discovered by medical science,

Medical Medium
Liver Rescue
Code Yellow
pg. 13

In this mode, the liver goes into a low level of alert, raising its bile production up to 5 percent, at the same time adjusting bile composition to create a more acidic blend, with even higher sodium levels, amino acids and enzymatic chemical compounds. This chemical function, is unknown to medial research and science, creates a degreasing agent.

Lets consider who is being unduly influenced. I am reading the material myself, and as I have stated, it could not have been written by Anthony William, even with the help of artificial intelligence. I am making up my own mind. You seem to be swayed by quite feeble claims on the Internet, given that there are thousands, perhaps millions on the celery juice protocol alone, the nay sayers are few and far between.

It seems easy to make these hundreds of statements about what science doesn't yet know, but one must possess and enormous body of knowledge to make tenable claims about what is not yet known. I doubt Linus Pauling could have created such a credible hoax.

The forces that are created to oppose the material are legion. The dairy industry, especially the cheese industries, not to mention the meat industry. And if the protocols do work to alleviate mystery illness, by cleansing and revitalizing the liver, then this creates other economic opponents, such as medicine and big pharma. As far as I can determine, so far, the only "industry" that has benefited from this work is the celery "industry".

Did you listen to the Dr. Tent lecture you recommended? Fascinating, and I am now at hour
1 (minute) 17 where is discussing the Epstein-Barr virus, and its relationship to M.S. To my mind this is strong confirmation of the material in Medical Medium. To suggest that Anthony based his material on Dr. Tent's seems absurd. The common link is that Tent claims that cancers are caused by viruses. Anthony says this once - so far in the entire series - that cancers are almost always caused by a virus. That seemed absurd at first to me, but after listening to Dr. Tent, I am now inclined to believe this claim. Anthony discusses the various strains of the individual viruses, their various stages in the body, and the different symptoms the various strain/stage create. Dr. Tent has studied the "hidden" knowledge and has done a wonderful job identifying the problem with vaccinations and viruses.
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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by Csquared » Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:37 am

the nay sayers are few and far between.

You are aware of how he buys his reviews,no? He has contests and giveaways for the most glowing reviews.. very spiritual.

I don't have a source for the bile quote. It's in my history somewhere. I didn't think any contrarian information was on trial. You see, you are getting this all wrong. He is the one on trial. His very convenient 'medical science hasn't figured it out yet' is a little too convenient. How is it that we have missed so much that he can't even steer us in a direction to investigate these things? He just makes up all these bold statements, which under further review he is just stealing from theories already out there. No he is the one on trial, seeing as nutrition is so open ended and any theories seem to have their following. Using the old 'low fat' protocols which have already been in widespread use and I think we can safely say have been debunked over the decades since diabetes rates didn't go down but up during those times.

What's even more puzzling is how you have embraced this highly unscientific material which has a high chance of being a complete money making scam
and even when I have shown you where he got a lot of the material you still cling to it. I get it, you want to believe so badly you are willing to look sideways at all evidence to the contrary. But others with proper scientific minds need proof, and he is extremely short on that.

As are most scams.

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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by Csquared » Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:39 am

And I am starting on Dr Tent. Lots to go through there.

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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by ofonorow » Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:07 am

Not sure why his material creates so much fear and doubt in people, but I have noticed that the more someone is medically trained, the more receptive they are. Either the material is true, or it isn't.

youtube direct link

From a Naturopath:

Oct 31, 2019, 4:01 PM (2 days ago)
to me


at the 58:40-58:59 mark in this video, Anthony is saying " it's not your fault that these formerly vitally needed foods are now not good for you,.. BECAUSE THEY MADE THESE BUGS IN LABORATORY AND LET THEM OUT."...................... BOOM

More details on 'those laboratories'... the when, who, why.. and WHICH 'BUGS'...... kindly?!!.
Kindly explain this........ vaccine labs? aborted baby harvesting organs labs?
Gene editing labs? GMO labs? where's the frankenstein behind this........
and what's the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THESE 'BUGS' and the RETROVIRUSES that could be in the animal organ grown vax-viruses courtesy of Dr Judy Mikovits?

Would MILITARY WARFARE LABS have been interested in this.... EBV, STREP, etc
Think how potent it would be to release such an untraceable plague on the WEST........
The hi-tech braggards say HOW EASY IT IS TO USE *CRISPER* TO TINKER WITH GENETICS.... 60 unknown varieties of EBV, Strep.. etc
Circle the WAGONS...... agreed?

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by Csquared » Wed Nov 06, 2019 3:52 pm

Either the material is true, or it isn't

Or a third option. Some or a lot of the material is valid, but not because of a spirit, because of the work of the imperfect humans he got it from.

This is why it seems to be good to you. The material is from sources you have yet to discover here on earth.

And from what I can see, the more medically trained someone is, the more they see this as not even worth their time, or it generates hostility that he is taking advantage of the millions who don't know anything and are vulnerable.

There is a special kind of hell for him if that is the case.

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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by Csquared » Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:33 pm

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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by ofonorow » Fri Nov 08, 2019 10:28 am

I agree, my ears perk up every time (the few times) he mentions vitamin C. And the level of detail is frustrating, e.g., he claims that the vitamin C in celery juice is "methylated" and defines methylation as more "bioavailable." What do we know? We know there are multiple types of vitamin C, e.g. ascorbic acid (hydrogen acorbate), sodium ascorbate, potassium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, and perhaps even iron ascorbate. Ascorbate combines with many things, and perhaps there is a combination in nature we are unaware of?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by Csquared » Fri Nov 08, 2019 9:30 pm

I think that's the thing with nutrition. There is so much we don't know. It's tempting to look for a shortcut.

Everything he says could be true. So why not try his suggestions, would be maybe a prudent choice. Certainly fruits and vegetables are already known to be good for you so it doesn't look like his advice is harming anyone.

I just have a real issue with someone claiming to be in touch with the spirit of compassion and then charging absolutely outrageous money for the privilege of meeting with him. What about when people desperate for advice take money that was earmarked for medicine, or food, to give to him, which they inevitably would have to. How compassionate is that?

A true spirit of compassion does not act in this manner. Think Mother Theresa, or another of our selfless helpers of humanity. In her case does she go to the slums looking for an angle to try to make money? No, this is a true spirit of compassion in living flesh. Every fibre of my being says this guy is just out to make a buck and cares little about the people he takes money from.

Time will tell I suspect.

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Re: Medical medium? Or copycat extraordinaire

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:03 pm

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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