Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by johnjackson » Sat Sep 21, 2019 8:49 pm

ofonorow wrote:I (The entire book is constantly pointing out that animal proteins contain fat, and you might as well count the grams of protein as the grams of fat on a food label.)

Never heard that one
but I'm not a big animal eater either!



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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by pamojja » Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:49 am

Csquared wrote:Concerns me that you can get fatty liver on a low fat vegetarian diet. Puts his whole theory into question.

If you mean me, I would like to differentiate a bid further. It's true that I developed fatty liver while 30 years on a low fat diet, but the more likely proximate causes have been 7 malarias, their pharmacological treatment and amoebic hepatitis - each of them alone definitely damaging the liver. And a low fat diet definitely could not prevent.

What really puts his theory into question is, that the damaged liver healed again on a very high fat diet.

Though it is true that the usually tested liver enzymes are not really sensitive, but that is also compounded by the fact that 'normal' lab ranges are usually determined by considering only the upper and lower 2,5% as abnormal, while the middle 95% is declared 'normal'. Such a wide range by definition must contain a lot of diseased livers, considering the epidemic in fatty livers.

And that's why functional medicing doesn't uses conventional medicine's 'normal' ranges for liver enzymes, but optimal ranges: AST, ALT and GGT all below at least 30 U/L (some promote even below 20 as really optimal). APH between 70-100 U/L. LDH between 140-200 U/L. CPK below 100 U/L.

So if anyone adventurous enough to experiment with the MM diet: please to post all your above liver enzymes values: once the average values before starting this diet, and then the results after. Which really would show any improvement or deterioriation.

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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by johnjackson » Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:05 am




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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by Csquared » Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:43 am

I have looked into Dr MacDougall's diet years ago. At the time I was into the low carb craze but liked what he had to say about adding starches as most thin races did.
It looks to me that this medical medium did a lot of research and then distilled everything into his book, then added a bunch of advanced mumbo jumbo that he knew couldn't be proven(all conveniently round numbers like 60 or 100) . It's just too much borrowed material like what's on other websites(minus the mumbo jumbo).

Anyways, I went from 230 lbs. to 170 through a combination of diets to try to fool my metabolism, this after reading studies that extreme weight loss reversed diabetes. But while 160 something my body decided enough was enough and shut it down. Now I have an iron will. If i decide I'm going on a diet I am 100% on it. But what the body did to me to stop me was nothing I'd ever seen. I'm hoping this diet pushes me over the edge. Because even in the 160s at 6 feet tall I still had a bit of a belly, and it's there that the fat resides to cause the problems. Also my diets always had fats in them, so this low fat diet of mm/mcdougall theoretically should help. We shall see.


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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by johnjackson » Sun Sep 22, 2019 5:40 pm

I used to work in a diabetic lab, and yes, losing weight is the key to fixing T2D
sounds like you have stubborn fat, maybe
ever have your bodyfat taken? via calpiers? NOT Electrical impedance?

yes, low fat diet is the way to go,, good luck



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Re: Medical Medium - Proof of Alternate Reality or Profound Divine Knowledge

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:09 am

pamojja wrote:So if anyone adventurous enough to experiment with the MM diet: please to post all your above liver enzymes values: once the average values before starting this diet, and then the results after. Which really would show any improvement or deterioration.

Good idea, I have started, and I will go back and look through my records (expect a separate post on this topic.) Although I had a detour and wound up in the hospital over the weekend. It turns out that not only does bile emulsify fat, so it can be assimilated, it also GREASES the GI Tract. Eat very low/no fat, no bile/grease, then eating highly processed carbs will create a paste leading to a bowel obstruction. My gallbladder was taken out during the pancreatic surgery, so that may have something to do with this, as may a hole where my belly button used to be.. still haven't completely healed from the "abscess" of two years ago from the hernia mesh/surgery. Never cultured any infection. (Now thinking, perhaps a virus :-) When I can't eat, I can't take my hydrocortisone, so hospitalization is only recourse. Out after a day. (The paste was from a bag of unbuttered popcorn.. We saw Downtown Abbey, liked the movie, but I paid. MM says avoid corn. Hey, I'm new a this.)

Csquared wrote:

It looks to me that this medical medium did a lot of research and then distilled everything into his book, then added a bunch of advanced mumbo jumbo that he knew couldn't be proven(all conveniently round numbers like 60 or 100) . It's just too much borrowed material like what's on other websites (minus the mumbo jumbo).

Each book is more wonderful than the next. I can't extend this offer, but I've offered people in my company $1000 to find a single inconsistency, among the four major "text books", since we cannot know what hasn't yet been discovered. We haven't even found a grammatical error, from this "savant" without a college education. So on the level we can vet, the material passes the test with flying colors. (There are also two things claimed "undiscovered" that we know about that few others would. We are keeping a list of the "science has yet to discover" predictions at this forum post )

Either this is what it says it is, or it is the best science fiction I have ever read. Either way, its a good read, and the advice, mostly eat fruits and vegetables can do no harm. But what is the value of knowing the root cause of so much illness? Incalculable.

Added, we are down to two theories of how this could not be what it says it is. A) Some kind of AI program that does what Dan suggests, culled the internet and produced a consistent message, but then, how to explain the 3 minute from mouth to blood stream and the photosynthesis prediction? Or B) Some college experiment in psychology. A team of professors and students are studying whether they can we fool the public, and get everyone drinking celery juice in the morning.. he he he. Same problem as A, how did they know, but there is no way ONE individual by themselves created these masterpieces, of that we can be sure.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

Post by Csquared » Sun Sep 29, 2019 12:37 am

There are lots of inconsistencies in his books, as many here have mentioned. You are just choosing to ignore them. You rationalize every one of them. I don't know how else to say it. Your bias is so overwhelming that no one can say anything and you've already got a reply to it as to how it could be justified.
I'm not trying to be negative here, but you have to quit looking through the lens of a convert, and start looking through the lens of a skeptical scientist.
If someone brought this up on your website, and the diet didn't work very well for you, you would be all over it discrediting it. But because the diet has had some success with you, the same diet that McDougall and others have already suggested, then now you are ready to jump in head first.
Nutrition is a wide open field because it seems every diet has success with a certain group of people, and authors have a field day with it because their way seems right to their group. The reality is much more complex and I think every one of us has to find his/her own way, what works individually.

Remember that him saying that he has talked to this spirit since he was 4, only has a few witnesses. If you told your family to tow the line and they would get a nice financial reward at the end of it I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to convince. There are many ways to deceive. In this culture honesty and integrity is a dying trend.


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Re: Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:22 am

There are lots of inconsistencies in his books, as many here have mentioned. You are just choosing to ignore them. You rationalize every one of them. I don't know how else to say it. Your bias is so overwhelming that no one can say anything and you've already got a reply to it as to how it could be justified.

A major purpose of this forum is to discuss these "inconsistencies." Please name at least one. Where he says one thing in one place, but something completely different in another?
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Re: Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:45 am

My brain is almost totally readjusted from reading the five medical-text book level Medical Medium series. This "con artist" is at least a medical doctor, with PhDs in every medical specialty. Every lead has checked out.

I was referring to the medical medium as the con artist. That is Anthony William Coviello. He has no medical training:

William has no certifications of scientific or medical training.[4][6][7]

Who are you talking about?

The person who actually wrote these books. The Medical Medium books were written by an educated medical doctor, or doctors, and she or the team have PhD's in every medical specialty.

I still haven't finished, but I know there isn't a single error (save possibly one, and I might be wrong). I know that no M.D. in the world would be able to find fault with the known material, and no one of us could claim so many unknowns - without knowing what is already known. It is brilliant on many levels. My initial judgment is reinforced. I suspect I could offer a million dollars if someone could prove any error. There aren't any errors.

So we have information from an advanced science that is, in part, meant to humble an arrogant medical profession and their belief that their stupid dogma is based on science. Those in medicine are afraid to think for themselves, to question their dogma, and as a result millions are suffering.

Anthony claims that a voice in his ear has conveyed the information. That is more believable than he somehow wrote these books alone.

The voice said he is Compassion - A word of God. Who am I to question that since everything else is unquestionably FACT. Ignore it at the risk of your health.

Is every religion fostered by an advanced science not of this planet? Does it matter? There seems to be noncontroversial evidence, e.g. remote viewing, that our reality is created by consciousness and not what we think it is, i.e. a physical reality.

The MM books, unlike anything else written, even Linus Pauling, can be taken as gospel. (If you are skeptical, read and find a single error.) If the book says there is such a thing as "methylated" vitamin C, such as the found in celery, something I had never heard of and doubted at first, you can take it to the bank. And yes, vitamin C can be "conjugated" that way. Obscure science discovered this tidbit, but the authors of the best vitamin C textbook (which I found tracking all this down) write that we don't know why methylated vitamin C exists in nature or what it is used for.

Read, or don't read. I read in awe - paragraphs over and over, since I have to unlearn so much. But at least not as much as most medical doctors.. he he he
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Re: Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 29, 2019 9:46 am

Friend of the Foundation wrote:I agree with you 100% in that I cannot find any faulty information in MM.

Dr. Tent's autoimmune lecture is worth listening to about 100 times.

One thing I noticed is that only you and I are the ones willing to take in the MM valuable information. It may be that the only way people accept MM is if they seek it out themselves/divinely drawn to it.

My nurse sought it out herself and my friend [ deleted ] sought it out herself.

I was receptive as well as you- but we are like minded whereas most people are not.

I too have been thinking about the reason people ignore "the word of God".. You would think world churches would embrace this knowledge as evidence of a higher power? It boils down to people are generally afraid. Afraid of looking stupid, or of being caught up in a scam. Most people want to seem to be thinking like the "crowd." Luckily my parents, especially my dad, starting at an early age with me, always taught me to think for myself and not care what other people think. (Thinking for yourself isn't hard, but not worrying about what other think ain't easy.)

As far as the William material, I realized early on that it was special, in that the author had knowledge (of what is known) that exceeds what a medical doctor learns in medical school, e.g. the liver enzyme tests, the thyroid lab tests, etc. The books are written at the level of a medical text book, and by at least a PhD of medicine - in every medical specialty. I studied while reading, but always looking for mistakes. I am willing to accept it as true otherwise. Until one flaw is discovered. I will learn more the next reading. In the end, the recommendation boils down to eating your fruits and vegetables, and avoid eating fat.

The hard to swallow "stuff", all the "what is unknown to medical science and research" - scores, maybe hundreds, sounds easily made up. It isn't. You would still have to KNOW that a tidbit isn't known. Lot of research to not accidentally say something that is known. This is the amazing part. (Early on MM mentions the 3 minute entry of fructose into the blood stream, bypassing the GI Tract. That triggered my early trust given our own experiments, still unpublished with glucose meters, showing this for the first time.)

The books are written by an uncommon mind, a way of writing that reminds me of the bible. No doctor will find anything wrong. So I happen to believe we are extremely lucky to have access to extraordinary information. And at this point, I don't really care if anyone else can be convinced. I've done my duty, shared my opinion, and everyone has to make up their own minds.
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Re: Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

Post by maryclaire » Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:36 am

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Re: Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:15 am

Sorry for the delay. Anthony has a podcast, The Unknown Cause of Alzheimers, that details the cause and protocol for Alzheimers, which he claims can be reversed in some cases.

In a nut shell, the cause of dementia is heavy metal toxicity in the brain, and the type of dementia depends on the various concentrations of heavy metals.

Fat in the blood oxidizes in the presence of these metals, usually mercury or aluminum, causing the spark that damages the brain cells.

The protocol is to drastically reduce fat in the blood, limiting fat to plant based foods, so that these sparks cannot occur, combined with a "heavy metal detox" protocol that Anthony claims must be applied using all elements, as each has a role in ridding the body of heavy metals.

If you are an Intuit eskimo eating blubber (fat) but have little or no heavy metal toxicity in the brain, then dementia with this understanding wouldn't be a problem.

There may be other versions of Anthony's podcast!/episode/unknown-cause-of-alzheimers
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Re: Medical Medium : Advanced science or Pulitizer prize science fiction?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:19 am

Still offering a reward for a "single mistake" in the Medical Medium series... This from the email from a forum reader.

On a side note, I just received Liver Rescue...and all I can say is, wow! I am stunned by this man's knowledge. The adrenal gland chapter was incredible and how he explained it was genius!

I read a post you wrote challenging edoc to read Medical Medium and then Liver Rescue, so I ordered both...thank you for sharing those titles. There is not one doctor on this planet that could write that book without other worldly help. I do not know enough about medicine to know when William's reveals an answer to a medical conundrum how mind blowing it is, but my common sense tells me this man is operating from a different level.
Owen R. Fonorow
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