Trying Vitamin C therapy for partially blocked coronary artery

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Lone Dog
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Re: Trying Vitamin C therapy for partially blocked coronary artery

Post by Lone Dog » Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:10 am

I don't think the PT is generally regarded as being useful for calcification. Maybe that notion is valid, maybe it isn't. The solution appears to be to take D3+K2 (as well).

Here's an old thread with posts from Johnwen which I always find interesting. Read the one about how to "break the shell."


Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Trying Vitamin C therapy for partially blocked coronary artery

Post by pamojja » Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:36 am

ron.brown1963 wrote:I can discount all that, especially if I have a good result. But so far, it is not looking good.

Do any other members on this forum have experience with following Vit C protocol and not clearing the coronary blockages?

Ron Brown

Hi Ron,

I'm following the Pauling therapy and low-carb (ala Dr. William Davis of from former TrackYourPlaque) since 11 years now - with excellent results.

It can take a lot of time though. Especially in my case, where a severe PAD and a walking-disabilty was caused by a ~80% blockage at the abdominal aorta bifurcation. It took me about a year till I was able to walk more than 300-400 meter without pain again, and up to 2 hrs already the second year. However, the whole 3rd year I suffered from a chronic bronchitis (earning my an additional COPD diagnosis, asymptomatic since), which reduced my pain-free walking distance to 1/2 hour again. Since then steadily improving, it was only after the 5th year that the walking-disabilty lifted totally, and with the 7the year remaining secondary ME/CFS symptoms disappeared. So it can take a lot of time to experience remission from such conditions, conventionally viewed as non-reversible and mercilessly progressing chronic diseases.

Since a CAC scan can't tell you more than how bad CVD already progressed, and my PAD showed I'm already at its worst, I never got a CAC scan. Usually, even with standard of care (cholesterol lowering and blood-thinning drugs) CAC increases about 30% annually. In Dr. Davis clinical experience already a slowing of CAC growth below 15% annually resulted in no future bad CVD events. However, any annual growth in my case would already have result in a catastroph (ie. amputation). My maximal CIMT history reads as follows:

year - mm
2012 - 1.3
2014 - 1.9
2016 - 1.8
2018 - 1.0

Sadly no measurement from the time of diagnosis. As you can see in those numbers, the year long chronic bronchits worsened CIMT quite substancially. And I believe any other secondary conditions (subclinical hypothyroid, diverse nutrient deficiencies, infections and inflammation, etc.) could do the same, and could really sabotage Pauling's therapy. Which therefore have to be found and addressed individually with other natural means.

As my CIMT shows, between 2014-18 plaque decreased 0.9mm. That is fabulous in the carotid or coronary artheries, but means very little at my adominal aorta with aprox. a diameter of 2cm (the 'exact' finding from MRI and subsequent ultrasounds: between 70 and 80% blockage). However, the stopping of 30% annual growth meant everything for giving it the time for revascularisation. Which I give the credit of leading to my remission from the walking-disability.

ron.brown1963 wrote:Currently taking daily for last 8 months:

Vit. C...18 grams
Lysine...6 grams
Proline...3 grams
Vit K2/Mk7...600mcg
Vit E...900IU
Kyolic Aged garlic...3.6 grams
Omega fish oil...30 grams

As already mentioned, much more Mg might be needed. In my case despite taking up to 2.4g of oral elemental Mg, deficiency only worsened and didn't started to improve till finding a GP giving inexpensive monthly Mg-sulfate IVs. After 2 years of IVs improved, but still some way to get rid of the deficieny completely.

Vitamin D3 to increase serum levels up to about 70 ng/ml could be very beneficial in your case too. Personally I seem to have a VDR gene defect, and only after overshooting vitamin D level to 135 ng/ml beneficial effects occured.

Might need much more K vitamins. I use this product.

30g of fish-oil seems a little excessive. Usually 3.8 to 6g of its EPA/DHA content is sufficiently therapeutic.

Also follow the recommentations of Linus Pauling in his '86 book, and start with vitamin A:

How to Live Longer and Feel Better

  • Take vitamin C every day, 6 grams to 18 g (6000 to 18,000 milligrams), or more. Do not miss a single day.
  • Take vitamin E every day, 400 IU, 800 IU, or 1600 IU.
  • Take one or two Super-B tablets every day, to provide good amounts of the B-vitamins.
  • Take 25,000 IU vitamin A tablet every day.
  • Take a mineral supplement every day, such as one tablet of the Bronson vitamin-mineral formula, which provides 100 mg of calcium, 18 mg of iron, 0.15 mg of iodine, 1 mg of copper, 25 mg of magnesium, 3 mg of manganese, 15 mg of zinc, 0.015 mg of molybdenum, 0.015 mg of chromium, and 0.015 mg of selenium.
  • Keep your intake of ordinary sugar (sucrose, raw sugar, brown sugar, honey) to 50 pounds per year, which is half the present U.S. average. Do not add sugar to tea or coffee. Do not eat high-sugar foods. Avoid sweet desserts. Do not drink soft drink.
  • Except for avoiding sugar, eat what you like - but not too much of any one food. Eggs and meat are good foods. Also you should eat some vegetables and fruits. Do not eat so much food as to become obese.
  • Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Keep active; take some exercise. Do not at any time exert yourself physically to an extent far beyond what you are accustomed to.
  • Drink alcoholic beverages only in moderation.
  • Do not smoke cigarettes.
  • Avoid stress. Work at a job that you like. Be happy with your family.

Also consider that everyone has different bio-chemical individuality (a whole chapter in above Pauling's book). And actual nutrient needs could varry greatly. In my case for example I needed 300mcg selenium (worse depleted soils in central Europe, than in the US), up to 70mg of zinc, or 200mg of vitamin B6, to become sufficient in those quarters. Also 12mg iodine showed very benficial in my case. But always start with the lowest dose of any newly added nutrient, and increase gradually over weeks, months and years - to find the correct dose for you. And for being save from adverse effects, which also could come from any of the fillers or binders in supplements.

Found in my case angina-like pains completely stopped after reaching a dose above 160 mg/d of CoQ10. But as already said, we are all different with different needs.

ron.brown1963 wrote:.. and not clearing the coronary blockages?

Expecting the clearing of all plaque is a bid too much expected from Pauling's therapy. It can bring remission of symptoms, and slow or finally stop progression though. Also to expect it already within 1 year might not give you the time to uncover all hidden underlying drivers to your CAC growth.

Its not CAC per se, which is the enemy. Since plaque is nothing ,but the remaining scars of healing artheries. For example: in many members of TrackYourPlaque CAC score even increased the first year, before progression slowed down the following years, or even regression occured in a very few.

Therefore giving Pauling's therapy only 1 year (worse: not following it by leaving out vitamin A, B-vitamins, etc.) - and not investigating other drivers to your plaque growth - would actually be self-defeating. It's CAC's usual exponential annual growth, which is the real killer. And that might take many years to get down. Personally there is none I heard of, who could accomplish that in 1 year only.

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Re: Trying Vitamin C therapy for partially blocked coronary artery

Post by ron.brown1963 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:48 pm

Thanks for the considerable information.
I will "digest" this.

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