Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Janah » Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:54 pm

Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING from the vaxxed what do u guys think ?

i was taking blood tests at the doctors cus i was having a throat infection , possible epstein bar virus , but what they sais was : i have Thrombocytopenia , aka low blood palettes of the white blood cells , and i heard this is a major side effect for those people who took the "vax" (death jab/bio weapon) , but i did not take it ,

so my question and suspicion is that i might have gotten this blood / cell complication cus i been in contact with people who has been vaxed , and has had this so called "shedding effect" on to me so i have now gotten the same illness people who took the vax has , aka Thrombocytopenia ,

i have not had any symptoms of bleeding etc , and im up for a new blood test to check levels again in a few days,

i was on a diet for 6-8 months since january cus i was overweight (lost 25 kilos) , and i did not get any food in me that covers B12 or B9 like broccoli etc , so my folic acid (D12 or D9) levels was down, it was on level 3 and should be at level 6 , and they gave me folic acid pills to take to get that back up again which im taking now daily ,

but could that deficiency of D12 have caused me to get this so called cell issue or blood issue called Thrombocytopenia , or could it be as i said from shedding from the vaxed people ?

i order food online and get it delivered to my door every month , and the people who handle and deliver the food from the supermarket are of course all vaxed , same with the post delivery people who deliver the food bags to my door ,

could all those vaxed people have infected my food and products i buy every month and its been some kinda "shedding" process cus of that ? cus i dont understand why i should have this so called Thrombocytopenia and low white blood cells all of a sudden, and since this is a known side effect for people who do take the "vaccine" i quickly put one and two together that i might have it cus i got it from the "vaccinated" through shedding , (should i stop ordering my monthly food articles like that? and maybe go to the store and pick them up my self instead?)

what do u guys think ? is it possible , or did i get that Thrombocytopenia thing naturally cus of other causes ?

and lastly , do anyone out there know what i should eat or take to get my blood levels back up normal again , any fruits or vitamins or food i should eat or maybe stay away from ? (thinking about the low blood palettes count of white blood cells) aka Thrombocytopenia

( lastly let me add , that i had a water leakage in the bathroom which caused fungus and probably poison gasses for 3-5 years now cus of rotten wood in the flooring, i suspect this is what has caused me to thave this throat infection , or possible caused me to have epstein bar virus , the bathroom is getting torn down and re built soon and all toxic rotten wood and fungus will be removed)

thanks for answers.

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:32 am

A lot to assess.. I think you meant B12 (not D12)... I am forming an opinion that the main danger is from a magnetic bacteria masquerading as a virus (a virus which has never been cultured in humans). So the "shedding" of the spike protein is a "theory" without a lot of support.. But if the vaxed are transmitting a bacteria, that is another thing all together. For one thing, bacteria reproduce. And the transmission to the great unvaxed is better explained... And the solution becomes clearer...

As per your particular issue, the fundamentals are to follow Linus Pauling's basic supplement regimen as given in his 1986 book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER. e.g. High vitamins A, E and C. One or two Super-B complexes. Multi vitamin/mineral. Lots of water, low table sugar (w/fructose).

For many people that will straighten out their body chemistries.

If you have trouble absorbing B12, there are alternatives,( including the small patch that I have seen raise B12 blood levels. The methylated B12 was great, but they don't seem to carry it any longer.) You can also try very high amounts of perhaps a sublingual B12. There is really no upper limit.. I have seen 1000 mcg (or 1 mg) dosages..

So B12 levels, along with zinc and iodine, are generally low in the population, and should also be supplemented (this info from various sources)

After the basics, if you still have a problem, repost with more details.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:08 pm

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Janah » Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:18 pm

Right sorry , that was typo , dunno why i wrose d12 i meant b12 , and i have already received a bottle of tables for that from doctor folic acid or folate B9 or B12 not sure whats in it again,

im taking as much vitamines i can now days and drinking this each morning : 1 cup lukewarm R.O/distilled or 0PPM water , 1-2 cloves med-lrg garlic , 1tsp non pasteurized honey,1tsp cinnamon , 1tsp ginger ,1tsp turmeric

i have also ordered 600mg C vitamine capsuals and some other supplements i will start taking to , oregano oil , zinc ,SuperReishi mushroom tablets andQuercetin

Taking D3 , magnesium , vitamine c aslo every day now , and i have started drinking pine needle tea with cloves and ginger

but , why i have low blood palettes with the white blood cells i dont know , as i said i think its caused by the vaccinated , but i assume the doctor will get back to me after the blood tests today with somekida medicine for that to take to level them again

oh and thinking about testing L-Lycin

ps : do u think i should try ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine ?

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:52 am

im taking as much vitamines i can now days and drinking this each morning : 1 cup lukewarm R.O/distilled or 0PPM water , 1-2 cloves med-lrg garlic , 1tsp non pasteurized honey,1tsp cinnamon , 1tsp ginger ,1tsp turmeric

This "stuff" probably can't hurt you...Might even benefit.. but this is not the Fundamental nutrition platform recommended by Linus Pauling.. I am not sure I see the value at "throwing darts" when there are fundamental nutritional issues that need to be addressed first...

e.g. Mega vItamins A, E and C, one or two B-complex and a good multi vitamin/mineral.

Some people can't absorb B12 - a condition called pernicious anemia - which is why I suggested the patch to guarantee raising your B12 levels. (An aside, there is a doctor in UK who was giving patients with B12 deficiency the common shots (B12 injections) and he noticed they also came out of their depressions... but I digress.)

I just posted about MMS/CDS, which I personally learned about from great members of this forum who helped educate me. The "bleach" approach requires some education, but if there is some kind of infection - including the "spike" proteins - causing your issues, then MMS/CDS is probably a good way to deal with it...

Here is a link to the summary that could start you on a journey down the CDS road...;read=187209

p.s. We learn from Jerry Tennant that the LAST thing you should drink is distilled water - because it will drain minerals from your cells..
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Janah » Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:04 pm

Ok thanks for the tips and answer , i will check your link out.

ps. btw , do you have any online sites i can order Chlorine Dioxide from ? is it 0.3% i need ?

i dont want to buy it off amazon or ebay , never know what u are getting there.

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Janah » Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:01 pm

Regarding shedding , they claim its confirmed now : ... 14102078c5

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Janah » Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:06 am

Astonishing news today guys , god had healed me , doctors called me and said all sickness is gone and cant be found in my blood test results !

they dont understand how its possible and even said "we must have done some misstake last time with the blood glasses etc"

i have had many people pray for me etc last few days , and i had some omens and signs as well ,

the Thromboxytopenia is 100% gone and there is nothing with with my blood cells or blood palattes and values no more , rather the oposite

God is good !

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:49 am


Please, for every reader's benefit.. when was the original test/diagnosis.

And what exactly did you do in the meantime
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:51 am

Janah wrote:Regarding shedding , they claim its confirmed now : ... 14102078c5

Again, transmission doesn't have to be from shedding ... if a "magnetic" bacteria is involved. Remember the recent reports from China of a university experimenting with adding spike proteins to bacteria...
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Janah » Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:05 pm

The first blood test when i was diagnosed was 2 weeks ago , then the new results was 2 weeks later on tuesday

i went right on the 1 cup lukewarm water , 1-2 cloves garlic , 1tsp non pasteurized honey,1tsp cinnamon , 1tsp ginger ,1tsp turmeric , drank a whole glass of that every morning , not good at all , very hard to drink , plus overboosting vitamins every day D , C , MAGNESIUM , D3

and i was drinking clove tea with ginger , and also home made pine needle tea , and started eating brussel sprouts and alot of different herbal teas

(but i actually think it was a god thing , and he healed me and removed the sickness from me , not what i did)

i still have the sore throat issue , its become much better , but its still there on and off , for 2 months now , i suspect its mold gas from the bathroom leakage , now sure what the throat issue can be , and that it has lasted this long , has to be the gas from the rot/mold

but i will have tha fixed in january so only 1 month left

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Blargus » Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:34 pm

That's awesome, heard one person recently say that their brother was cured of a brain tumor by prayer. That other stuff I'm sure maybe helped anyway might wanna keep up some of it lots of crazy stuff going around...

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Janah » Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:58 pm

Any tips for my sore throat issue ? its not stopping or going away , and doctors dont know what it is , so i get no help there

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Blargus » Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:25 pm

Not medical advice, not a doctor but if it were me, I think Apple Cider Vinegar helps sore throats, can gargle diluted.

an ACV gargle mixture works miracles (1tsp to 1/2 glass of water). Gargle 3 mouthfuls of mixture each hour then spit it out. Don't swallow the mixture because the ACV acts like a sponge, drawing out throat and mouth toxins

Says the Bragg ACV book. I might also try also 3% Hydrogen Peroxide gargle (they say don't swallow). More info on Hydrogen Peroxide oral health Dr. Levy's free ebok:

Also Vitamin C I'm sure might help, maybe Dr. Levy's easy protocol he mentioned 2,000 mg three times a day? This you swallow, but I wonder if gargling Vit. C would help too? Maybe hard on your teeth though...

Sage tea as a gargle or drink is supposed to help as well according to Maria Treben.

1/4 litre of boiling water is poured over 1 teaspoon of herbs, infused for a short time. Sage tea is used for ulcerated throat and mouth, inflammation of the tooth-pulp, tonsilitis and throat disorders. Many children and grown-ups could have saved themselves a tonsillectomy had they taken Sage tea in time.

I bet adding honey or eating lots of honey would help too.

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Re: Anyone know if Thrombocytopenia can come from SHEDDING ?

Post by Janah » Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:41 pm

Thanks i will buy and try the vinegar.

Already have 3% Hydrogen Peroxide will start using it as well , bottle sais blend it out in water , but i assume i should just take it pure ? no water added to it for full effect ?

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