Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

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Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by ofonorow » Fri Mar 08, 2024 6:17 pm

Dr. Pauling saved my life too......I had read an article on his protocol many years ago when I started having heart problems. I ignored it due to my fear when he said that once you start Vitamin C therapy you have to continue for life. Stupid thinking, as such sure beats taking statins (which almost killed me) for life.

So, after stents, and a double heart bypass, I was having problems again, and the Cardio. told me my widow-maker was 95 percent clogged......again......and I had no more "moveable plumbing" they could safely graft. And suggested my only treatment left was statins, which I had to stop when they gave me TGA (transglobal amnesia) 3 times.

That's when I looked up Linus Pauling again......and I am still alive and finally mostly healthy again...due to powdered Vit. C, Lysine, Proline, and amino acids and other vitamins and magnesium, that were a part of the protocol. And I've shared the miracle, and helped save several other lives, by referring them to your web page. My cardiologist looks at me like I'm a ghost.

So why am I here today?......a new ailment, neuropathy......just when I thought I was 100% again! ;)

And So I'm interested in Kalcker's work, and wondering if his remedy is even compatible with the Vitamin C, which I still must take every day?

MMS/CDS is an oxidative therapy that attacks "acidic areas" of the body, usually caused by an infection. It is literally miraculous curing infection.

I'm not aware that neuropathy is caused by pathogens. The books I'd look to for clues on how to heal have been written by Anthony William, the medical medium. There are eight books, and I'll use kindle to search for neuropathy. If I find anything I'll post a reply.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by pamojja » Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:35 am

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by ofonorow » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:16 am

I stand corrected. Mr. William writes in his Brain Saver book that "tingling and numbness," which is often diagnosed as neuropathy, is caused by viruses. Specifically excretions by some viruses at certain stages of their lives that he calls neurotoxins.

Most of the time, the Epstein-Barr (EBV) virus is the main culprit emitting these toxins.

Given this knowledge, MMS/CDS has been shown by Standford research, probably in the 80s, to eradicate bacteria and viruses, at least when administered IV, and when the IV/CDS protocol is followed up by a vitamin C IV chaser.

The Medical Medium books are full of anti-viral nutritional protocols, usually based on the properties of various fruits and herbs.

Vitamin C and Lysine are both anti-virals. (The medical medium usually includes zinc in these anti-viral protocols)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by ofonorow » Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:21 pm

Thought you might be interested in the "rest of the story."

I couldn't even walk a block up the street. This was November when Covid reached our shores. So I started the V.C. protocol 1st of December. By Christmas I was improved to the point that I could walk for an hour including up a steep grade near my house, and I no longer had to take Nitro after the first week. By the middle of January I felt pretty normal, and even took a road trip 500 miles with my wife and daughter to watch her daughter sing in an all state choir.....took two days of driving up and back............with my daughter, who was complaining the whole time, that she couldn't taste her food.......yes she had Covid. My wife and I never got a trace.....but then I had talked my wife into the Vitamin C protocol too.....her problem? Diabetes. We both have been exposed to Covid in it's various forms 4 times now.....not a trace of a symptom.

I did, about a year later, have a gall bladder attack....a really bad one. (I've had digestive issues for many years) After an emergency room visit, they admitted me, and a surgeon said I would surely die if they didn't take (the worst he had ever seen) gall bladder out. With my heart history he wanted to talk to my cardiologist. He was called, and the cardio. told him I would never survive the operation..... The surgeon said, "Well he looks pretty healthy to me." Amazed at that statement to Cardio came, immediately, to "check me out". Tests amazed him....told the surgeon he didn't understand it, but I tested fine. He asked me what I did and I told him. He just shook his head and left....the surgeon operated and I'm still here.

Another thing (yeah I'm a mess) I've dealt with is an enlarged prostate. Having to pee 4 times a night. So I started taking Lugol's Iodine 8 drops of 5% once a day. I'm now getting up once a night, but only because of the V. C. protocol making me drink lots of water just before bed. But this neuropathy I now suffer may be cause by that, so I'm off Iodine for now to see if that might have caused it. Seems a million things can cause it.....including the viruses you discovered.

The body is a complicated thing, and to make matters worse our bodies are not the same.....not even close.

Thanks for your interest and work in Vitamin C. I should add you to my saviors.....through you I found Pauling.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:21 pm

I stand corrected. Mr. William writes in his Brain Saver book that "tingling and numbness," which is often diagnosed as neuropathy, is caused by viruses. Specifically excretions by some viruses at certain stages of their lives that he calls neurotoxins.

Most of the time, the Epstein-Barr (EBV) virus is the main culprit emitting these toxins.

Given this knowledge, MMS/CDS has been shown by Standford research, probably in the 80s, to eradicate bacteria and viruses, at least when administered IV, and when the IV/CDS protocol is followed up by a vitamin C IV chaser.

The Medical Medium books are full of anti-viral nutritional protocols, usually based on the properties of various fruits and herbs.

Vitamin C and Lysine are both anti-virals. (The medical medium usually includes zinc in these anti-viral protocols)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Yes, that's also what I searched out, but not from Mr. Williams' work (now another source to look at).......I watched Mr. Humble's video on MMS and the Wiki's "warning" too, and with no dates on either, am wondering whose winning this battle.....MMS/CDS or the Pharm/Gov.

Not interested in poisoning myself, but anything is poisonous when taken in excess, certainly salt, and water even. Have you experienced it in person? Is there a reliable trusted source for the reagents involved? and a safe protocol? Mr. Noble has changed his a little, but I'm not sure what the final one is. Or whether Kalcker's is the one to start with.

My neuropathy is recent....a month. Been taking 8 drops of Lugols Iodine daily for 3 years, with no symptoms except better sleeping after the first having to stop that, just to rule out a possible cause.

My wife, had her thyroid removed several years ago, and having no thyroid is not a picnic. Synthetic T4 hormone isn't enough, so she started the Iodine and saw great reduction in post-thyroidectomy symptoms (except for weight gain). I'm willing to bet that if she started Vitamin C and iodine back then, instead of choosing surgery she would would have been way better off......less a goiter and plus a thyroid gland....under the bridge now, so we have to pick up the pieces and do the best we can. -GWS
Last edited by GWS on Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:57 pm

pamojja wrote:Do you know what's the cause of your neuropathy?

For example, in my case I experienced some, when I decreased my daily Pyridoxal-5-phosphate and increased Pyridoxine (both are Vitamin B6) to above 100 mg/d. Both deficiency and excess of vitamin B6 - in this case, excess of a certain form, could cause neuropathy. Reducing the pyridoxine after some months, my neuropathy left.

But Wikipedia lists many other causes, which of course would need different interventions:

The causes are grouped broadly as follows:.........

I take Pyridoxine B-6 100mg/day (B-100 capsule Now brand) plus a whole 6 more mg's from a One-A-Day Multiple (for +50 year-olds) for a grand total of 106mg/day. In the multiple, I have no idea what kind of B-6 it is....but 6mg isn't much.

I do take an additional B-12 sublingual under the tongue daily.....5000mcg/day (Methylcobalamin)

But as I mentioned even Iodine supposedly can cause it too, which I take for prostate swelling (which has worked fairly well). So you can probably add Iodine to your lengthy list of possible causes.;)

Between taking the C protocol daily, and 8 drops of Lugol's iodine too, I never get colds any more....hayfever tho, still bugs me this time of year. But this foot neuropathy is not fun. My sugar is too high....but not diabetic yet. (Dr. Pepper addiction doesn't help, I know.....stupid as hell, working on it.)

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by pamojja » Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:40 am

I know some rare cases on the ME/CFS forum, for which any Pyridoxine causes neuropathy. But P-5-5 not.

But in your case, it's probably indeed the prediabetes. Had no difficulty stopping industrially fabricated foods, simply exchanged sugar with stevia extract.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by Blanko » Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:53 am

GWS wrote:
pamojja wrote:Do you know what's the cause of your neuropathy?

For example, in my case I experienced some, when I decreased my daily Pyridoxal-5-phosphate and increased Pyridoxine (both are Vitamin B6) to above 100 mg/d. Both deficiency and excess of vitamin B6 - in this case, excess of a certain form, could cause neuropathy. Reducing the pyridoxine after some months, my neuropathy left.

But Wikipedia lists many other causes, which of course would need different interventions:

The causes are grouped broadly as follows:.........

I take Pyridoxine B-6 100mg/day (B-100 capsule Now brand) plus a whole 6 more mg's from a One-A-Day Multiple (for +50 year-olds) for a grand total of 106mg/day. In the multiple, I have no idea what kind of B-6 it is....but 6mg isn't much.

I do take an additional B-12 sublingual under the tongue daily.....5000mcg/day (Methylcobalamin)

But as I mentioned even Iodine supposedly can cause it too, which I take for prostate swelling (which has worked fairly well). So you can probably add Iodine to your lengthy list of possible causes.;)

Between taking the C protocol daily, and 8 drops of Lugol's iodine too, I never get colds any more....hayfever tho, still bugs me this time of year. But this foot neuropathy is not fun. My sugar is too high....but not diabetic yet. (Dr. Pepper addiction doesn't help, I know.....stupid as hell, working on it.)

Your supplement regime is very aggressive. 8 drops of Lugol's a day!

What effect have you been noticing from that level of iodine?

RE: neuropathy, you need to cut out the pyridoxine immediately. 106 mg/day over time WILL cause neuropathy in many people.
Last edited by Blanko on Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by Blanko » Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:59 am

I'm willing to bet that if she started Vitamin C and iodine back then, instead of choosing surgery

Agreed. Seems truly common these days to hear of people having valuable organs removed. Medical doctors are dangerous. So many blindly trust them.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Fri Mar 15, 2024 1:32 pm

pamojja wrote:I know some rare cases on the ME/CFS forum, for which any Pyridoxine causes neuropathy. But P-5-5 not.

But in your case, it's probably indeed the prediabetes. Had no difficulty stopping industrially fabricated foods, simply exchanged sugar with stevia extract.

Funny you mention stevia....I take 2g of powdered "Swanson's" Ascorbic Acid plus 1g of "Now" powdered Lysine with a few drops of stevia when I get tired of the tart, and it tasted sort of like a fruit drink......spaced throughout the day 3 or 4 times. That and Magnesium night and morning has brought me back from the brink and I feel more cramping legs and nervous feet to get neuropathy suddenly, was a surprise.

I will stop the B-100 and try to find a better source of the B vitamins without Pyridoxine. I Thank you, Blanko, and Ofonorow for your replies.

Blanko wrote:Your supplement regime is very aggressive. 8 drops of Lugol's a day!
What effect have you been noticing from that level of iodine?
RE: neuropathy, you need to cut out the pyridoxine immediately. 106 mg/day over time WILL cause neuropathy in many people.

My Iodine dose matches my wife's dose, and was suggested by Lynne Farrow in her The Iodine Crisis book. She said the dose was comparable to the daily dose Japanese coastal people ingest in their normal daily diet containing Iodine-rich Seaweed, their vegetable staple.....those coastal people who don't have breast, thyroid, or prostate cancer, normally, unless they go inland, and start eating Western food. My wife is seeing a lady doctor now who will consider giving her T3 thyroid hormone.....finally.....after being stuck with just T4 (standard of care) for two years. So the doc wants her to stop the Iodine first....claiming her blood test shows too much! T3 will finally (maybe) allow her to lose the weight, her lack of a Thryroid caused. I predict that if she does stop Iodine the new T3 hormone will be compromised....since with no Iodine in our diet, T3 won't have a source for it will it. We are a long way from any Iodine source in the soil.....and Iodized salt is a dissapates once you open the container.....and besides other salt sources are healthier than processed salt.

But the reason my wife no longer has a thyroid is because her goiter convinced the MD's that she might have cancer. Biopsy after the Thyroidectomy said otherwise.....but what she did have is NO Iodine.....just like most breast cancer patients, prostate cancer patients, and other glandular cancer patients. Logically in my mind comes the thought that T4, the storage hormone of Iodine, in her body was NOT being converted to the active hormone since then, given only T4 Levothyroxine, she still has low T3 and weight gain.......but at least she won't get the goiter back because she has no thyroid! :roll:

Chances are the 8 drops I take didn't cause anything....because stopping my Iodine didn't stop the Neuropathy....least not yet. We will see if stopping Pyridoxine helps.....hope so, took my last doses last night and this morning. Thank you all.....will let you all know.....

Oh, I forgot, you asked about "effects" of 8 drops of Lugol's, 5%. No effects if the neuropathy was caused by Pyrodoxine.....well, except that I don't have to pee as often since my prostate is much better. Taking the powdered Vit. C and Lysine, and Proline, and my other vitiamins and minerals at night means I drink lots of water, maybe 16 to 25 ounces, just before bed. I wake up by bladder pressure about 5 AM ....that sure beats 4 times a night 2 years ago.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by Blanko » Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:33 pm

Have you been taking selenium with your iodine? I have heard that iodine can damage the thyroid if there is not sufficient selenium in the body to protect the thyroid.

Personally, I think I did some damage when taking very high doses around 2011 during the Fukushima scare. I used a product called ThryoSafe meant to protect against nuclear radiation although I did break down the tablets so I was not taking the full dose. However, I felt so good taking that high level of iodine that I began experimenting with other sources, like Dulse and Lugol's, and became hooked on iodine because of how it made me feel. The whole time I was not taking any selenium, not during or prior.

You don't have any sleep issues from your Lugol's regime?

Also, what benefits have you experienced from high doses of B vitamins? In my understanding the high B6 non P5P form in most B complexes causes neuropathy in many people. They often don't understand what is happening until the damage is relatively advanced. The P5P form can cause issues as well if you aren't careful. In your case, until your neuropathy improves at the least I would avoid all supplemental B6 regardless of form.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by Blanko » Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:59 pm

Just read this in a YouTube comment:

"Too much iodine gave me hyperthyroidism which I didn't know about until I had a heart attack due to it. Don't listen to this idiot!"

I know at times when I was taking lots of iodine I had hyperthyroidism. I would get so hot and struggle so much with sleep.

Iodine can be something of an elixir but also warrants caution. These days I have not been taking any except an occasional kelp tablet (NOW brand), which can be broken in half for a milder dose. It is 150 mcg per tablet. With that said, I know that many things we take build up in the body. Since for an extended period I was taking high doses of iodine, my personal body presumably has larger iodine stores than most others.

By the way, still to this day I find dulse absolutely delicious, and I know it makes me feel good. The thing is that it's so easy to overdose on it.

Another writes: "Every time I take this Iodine, I get heart palpitations. Any idea why? Is it the potassium in it?"

Almost certainly the iodine. It can really stimulate the thyroid.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:12 pm

Blanko wrote:Have you been taking selenium with your iodine? I have heard that iodine can damage the thyroid if there is not sufficient selenium in the body to protect the thyroidY

I take 200mcg of Selenium/day

Personally, I think I did some damage when taking very high doses around 2011 during the Fukushima scare. I used a product called ThryoSafe meant to protect against nuclear radiation although I did break down the tablets so I was not taking the full dose. However, I felt so good taking that high level of iodine that I began experimenting with other sources, like Dulse and Lugol's, and became hooked on iodine because of how it made me feel. The whole time I was not taking any selenium, not during or prior.

I haven't felt anything but normal....nothing that would make me even notice.....except less trips to the head. :) I use JCrows Lugols 5%.
My wife only noticed the lack of the common post Thyroidectomy symptoms....except weight gain even eating very little of anything, but she is Diabetic so she deals with that too.

You don't have any sleep issues from your Lugol's regime?

Never....unless you call an automatic 7:30AM body clock an issue....the only two things that wake me up besides when I have to set an alarm, is daylight, and bladder.....and thankfully I'm finally done with the bladder problems for the most part. My single trip to the head comes at about 5AM if it comes at all, and I go back to sleep practically instantly when my head re-hits the pillow. As for B vitamins....B12 subliminally is for Homocysteine reduction, Niacin for heart, I can't, offhand, remember why the rest. I'll have to look at my notes.;) I hope your B6 info makes the difference. Backing off the B complex completely for a while to test that. Crossing fingers.

Also, what benefits have you experienced from high doses of B vitamins? In my understanding the high B6 non P5P form in most B complexes causes neuropathy in many people. They often don't understand what is happening until the damage is relatively advanced. The P5P form can cause issues as well if you aren't careful. In your case, until your neuropathy improves at the least I would avoid all supplemental B6 regardless of form.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:02 am

I hate to ask GWS, but have you taken the COVID Vax?

Start listening at minute 45 of this interview of Dr. Pierre Korry
describing how the spike protein syndrome includes a very painful "small fiber neuropathy." Maybe some of Kory's work will help.

I am also interested in any good scientific references to findings that vitamin B6 "causes neuropathy"
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Sun Mar 17, 2024 5:28 pm

ofonorow wrote:I hate to ask GWS, but have you taken the COVID Vax?

Start listening at minute 45 of this interview of Dr. Pierre Korry
describing how the spike protein syndrome includes a very painful "small fiber neuropathy." Maybe some of Kory's work will help.

I am also interested in any good scientific references to findings that vitamin B6 "causes neuropathy"

Most interesting interview. We are being governed by the most despicable excuses for humanity, but we already knew that. Thankyou for the link!

Yes, I was talked into the Moderna Vaccine and the first booster......but no more. If I had known at the time, I was already protected by the Vitamin C
protocol.....and a product my ER doctor brother soon encouraged me to add called ADK 10, by Biote, which is a Vitamin A, D3, K2 capsule....1,500mcg, 250mcg, 250mcg respectively. Don't know how effective that is, but i never got Covid in at least 4 direct and close exposures.

So the plot thickens......maybe the neuropathy is vaccine related.....I will check out Dr. Karry's web site....thanks...

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