My Mom's been brainwashed

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My Mom's been brainwashed

Post by Guest » Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:02 pm

My mom who depends on statins absolutly refuses to listen to me. We had an argument. Im finished trying to persuade her on all the research on the Pauling alternative combo. Its pointless. There is an old saying, "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink", lot of wisdom in that im finding out. She relies on statins and then turns right around and complains about her heart being weak, extreme fatigue etc, etc, etc. Aspirin is another one. What the hell do I know. S**t thats what.

"Your not a doctor you dont know what your talking about", Fine listen to the lies. Just kills me to watch these s**t heads with their rhetoric that lead people to an early death. What the hell do I know. Im just a dumb ass in a pair of levis and a plaid shirt.
And whats worse is too have my "knowlegeble" sister back up the pharm industry and their B.S. to my mom in front of me saying everything that I say is false information no matter what I say.

I give up. I was laughed at when I suggested alternatives to my uncle with cancer. "ha, ha, oh yeah when I get cancer Ill just run down to the vitamin store". Idiots. He died by the hands of oncologist in 3 months." Thanks, said the oncologist that'll be $200,000, there was nothing we could do". Yeah you f**ks there is also something called karma when you profit from a life. There comes a time when you have to leave that fancy yacht and all your toys behind and find out

Im to the point of just not even attempting to persuade anyone ever again. Put your faith in the guy in white lab coat, the one with all the brains. Their track record speaks for itself.

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Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:34 pm

Last edited by ofonorow on Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:27 am, edited 4 times in total.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Post by Kay » Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:39 pm

Two years ago, after filling a prescription and not thinking twice about it because after all, my doctor wrote it, right? I was rushed to the ER. My body swelled up like a balloon, my lips and eyes shut,
my throat rapidly closing up as well. I was terrified. Bumps like welts spread all over my body.
The doctor in the ER said "are you on drugs?" (smart ass) and I said, "only the one my doctor prescribed"

I had a drug reaction that almost killed me because I was not able to swallow and breathing was becoming difficult. Of course, I live 5 minutes from the fire station. The nurse in the ER actually told me that she had someone die from rilafin (spell) the drug I had taken that morning.

They gave me - you guessed it, another drug, some kind of steriod to allow me to swallow. A shot.
After a few days I was okay.
This was not the only time this happened but this was the most severe. Other times, it was NSAID. I will never take them again as long as I live.

When you are forced to look for alternatives you begin to ask yourself why in the hell anyone would want to take a chance on having something like this happening. In many ways, I'm almost relieved that I can refuse with good reason.

I totally understand your frustration. You cannot force people to make informed choices.
Some think that just because it is a doctor telling you something, that is gospel.

It isn't always that way. They can be right but brother, they can be - wrong, sometimes dead wrong.

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Post by Dolev » Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:26 am


You bring up a major problem. Maybe that's one reason for this forum to exist - help us all blow off steam and share our hearts about this frustration. I'm currently writing a book with Don Quixote in the title. We're all attacking windmills. The consolation is that if even one person listens to you, and his life is saved or improved, it makes all your efforts worthwhile. "He who saves one life is as if he saved the whole world" (Talmud). I am lucky to have the consolation of teaching orthomolecular nutrition to some students. I'm sure that their lives will be improved, and that each of them will influence others. All of us are creating a widening circle of knowledge. There really are millions of individuals in the world who are benefiting through this knowledge. Good luck and be strong. I hope somehow your family members wise up.



Post by MKaping » Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:46 am

Back in the early 1980s an old retired doctor told some of us here that, if we wanted to live to a healthy old age, we'd better stay away from doctors. At the time, I thought he was joking, but I have since changed my mind...I think he saw what was coming.


Overcoming people's brainwashing

Post by antioxidant_addict » Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:58 am

I've won over my Brother as he's a gym freak and knows that Vit C is essentially a weak anabolic steroid in terms of enhanced recovery.
The bodybuilding/althete community are often well ahead of everybody with regard to supplements that work and Vitamin C is taken by most bodybuilders because it relieves painful stiff muscle and hardens then up. Its old news and I read about it when I was 13. I was painfully skinny as a kid and started weights and took Vitc 2000mg a day because it works. I couldn't really offord to buy any more only doing a paper-round!!!

I've also won my parents over and they take around 1-2000mgs a day. Better than not taking any a t all ay?

Educate yourself with the facts! Buy a physical book on Vit C and show your Mum. As it'll be written usually by a Doctor, this will give it some credence. However, it is an uphill battle. You have to explain why VIT C is King as if your're explaining it to a 5 year old. Remember that most people have no scientific qualifications and the older they are the more defiant people are unwilling to change their viewpoints. Deal with the facts (what an antioxidant is, how it prevents cholesterol being oxidised ("Keeps blood like Olive oil instead of rancid lard" ) it protects cells from being damaged by free radicals(What "Free radicals are"), VITC 100% Non toxic, its cheap, your body does not make it, its stimulates all parts of the immune system...and so on...) Speak clearly with an air of authority which will be easy once you're "clued up" on Vit C and other anti's. Read read read!!!!

SOME OTHER TRICKS : Get 20 Vitamin 1000MG tabs and eat them all over an hour.
Speak about it in a fun way - speak in terms of what other people have said about the Pauling Therapy - like I say deal with the evidence and the facts and people will change thir viewpoint....


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Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:42 am

These are all great ideas, but the fact remains that what we are up against is a massive vitamin debunking campaign that has used the media as a tool for more than 35 years. ( And lately, the pharmcos have been allowed to advertise directly to consumers in the USA!)

Debunking campaigns are designed to make people who take the side being debunked look like nuts. (I am sure this is why Dr. Dolev is so comfortable wearing the Quack title.)

Pauling made a huge dent - his prestige resulted in a 300% increase in vitamin C intake after 1970, which resulted in a 40% decline in cardiovascular disease mortality (according to the Linus Pauling Institute.)

I have a cousin who is very intelligent, but he believes entirely in his cardiologist (who has, after all, 8 plus years of medical training) and thinks I am basically an irrational nut, not skeptical and easily swayed by any claim favorable to vitamin C. He takes his statin daily, emails me every time a favorable article about statins makes the newspaper (which appearsto be every other week) and has told me he would rather die than read all the material I try to get him to read.

On the other hand, he did decide to take CoQ10 - just in case, and he also decided to take some good multi-vitamins, again, just in case. Recently he told me he had "graduated" from his doctors cholesterol lowering program. He was the only one who had ever graduated. Yet he was unable to put 2 and 2 together, that the supplements might have had something to do with that.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Post by antioxidant_addict » Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:45 am

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Post by Dolev » Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:36 pm

quack, quack, who's a quack?

The RDA is absolutely enough... for a cockroach.


Post by Kay » Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:28 pm

It can be frustrating but i do want to say that when my collarbone broke, I needed a doctor. No, I didn't want surgery but well, there it was sticking through the skin and me going into shock. I have great respect for a doctor.

The thing is I'm just adamant about continuing a life of pills when there could be and is a better way. I even refused a steriod shot for pain for the shoulder and when I went into surgery, they had to work around my allergies. They admitted it was difficult but it was doable. I had my husband bring me my C and my Mineral Rich and I bounced back.
At age 55, that's not always easy to do, believe me.

I preach I guess you could call it that to members of my family. Some listen, others don't. My brother is off the Lipitor and his Doctor is upset. He had bruises on his arms. We don't know if that was the cause. The dr. didn't know.
But my brother is a body builder.
I told him about the CoQ10. He didn't have a clue as to any of that.

But I'm supposed to be on Prevacid (had a little heartburn last summer, imagine that) I shucked it for enzymnes and pineapple, doing great. I'm supposed to be on Zoloft, I had a bad day a couple visits but I'm not depressed. Just needed more sunshine and a change of scenery. And they wanted me to take of course, the Lipitor, Paxil, and several other meds. SORRY, Charlie, my insurance pays for them in full but I still do not think its necessary at this point in my life.

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Post by Dolev » Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:30 pm

I also sure am glad that there are doctors to take care of broken bones and all other trauma events, cause they are really good at that. They should only know that C helps post-trauma healing, including from surgery. In fact, part of Dr. Cathcart's discovery of vitamin C was that his orthopedic surgery patients healed so fast that the other doctors couldn't understand it. When the patient would announce to them that it was the vitamin C that was helping, the doctors filed out of the room with no comment, and stopped referring their patients to Cathcart. Talk about frustration :!:



Post by antioxidant_addict » Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:49 am

Well Dolev,

If Doctors behave like that, then the planet really is doomed I'm afraid....maybe the human race is too dumb to understand Vitamin C powers...Doctors are supposed to be clever poeple, yet over 100,000 studies on Vitamin C which is the 2nd most studied nutrient ever, only and handful of then on the planet seems to prescribe it !




History and the way of the world/society

Post by davids » Sat Dec 31, 2005 2:55 pm


I believe even a superficial examination of history will show that many, if not most, new discoveries (be they medical, mechanical, or whatever, e.g. Socrates, DaVinci, Lind, Semmelweis, Pasteur, Klenner, Krebs, Pauling, etc., etc., etc.) were resisted by the existing "hierarchy" if those discoveries could not be used to/for their advantage [which, in my view, has been the majority of such inventions/discoveries]. Invariably, the existing hierarchy has a vested interest in the status quo. And that same hierarchy invariably has the means to control what the masses learn about, i.e. they control the usual means of mass communication. That heirarchy must invariably die off first, before the discovery can become common knowledge. It has always been so, and probably always will be so. This fact has not "doomed" society yet, and probably will not. Society will just continue to move forward at its own ["snail's"] pace. It is painful for those in the "know" to watch, but I suspect we have no choice [in the short run].

For our own sakes [first] though, I think we must do what we can.



a joke

Post by Guest » Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:26 am

Hehe! This reminds me of a joke I heard: This guy goes out to work, and finds an insurance sitting on his car , arms spread out. So he asks "Hey insurance what are you doing hugging my car?", and the insurance answers "I'm not hugging, i'm a BLANKET". :lol: :lol: :lol:

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