On PT five years, but now experiencing increasing angina

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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On PT five years, but now experiencing increasing angina

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:02 am

Thomas Till from the vitamin c foundation suggested that I seek your comments. 5 years ago I experienced some angina discomfort. After taking a stress test I was advised to take crestor and aspirin. my research indicated that crestor was not ideal. Instead I took a product called Cardio -C. After 6 months it was obvious to me that the angina problem was gone.I was retested and had no angina pain during the test and the Dr. was amazed. Cardio-c made the difference.

3 years ago I had a biopsy and a non aggressive cancer was found in my prostate. ( level 4 on the Gleason scale) A year later I had another biopsy because my PSA increased and they found that the cancer could no longer be found. However, the Dr. recommended that I should remain on Avodart ( Type 1 and type 2 5 Alpha-Reductase Inhibitor and Flomax -Tamsulosin HCL) The latest yearly check up indicated that my prostate was smaller and my PSA had decreased but the Dr. said to keep taking the meds.)

Last October I had a hip replacement. ( perhaps due to 50 years of active tennis) I have been going to the gym and working out in a pool to get my body back to normal. However ,about 3 months ago I started to experience angina pain and it appears to be increasing when I do cardio.

Over the past 5 years I have been on Cardio -C maintenance dose.( about 2.5 grams of vit. C and L-Lysine) I increased the dose three months ago to three times a day with no apparent reduction in angina discomfort while doing cardio.

I just read the fine print on the Avodart / tamsulosin consumer information and it mentions that in rare cases the heart could be affected. It states the one should stop taking the product , which I did immediately,and to call the Dr. or pharmacist. I will contact my Dr. but I still request your advice on the amount of Cardio-C I should be taking each day to lesson the angina. I am very reluctant to go on additional meds and prefer to go the more natural route. I have started on a Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin Seed Oil product that I got from a health food store (produced thru the Dr. Whitaker Wellness Institute. ...Dr. Whitaker use to work with Dr. Linus Pauling)

Your comments or observations would be much appreciated.


I leave the comments on the medications to the docs here.

Given your history, it would be amazing if your adrenals are not fatigued, and while in my experience, you are more likely to get rheumatoid arthritis-like pain if your cortisol is not up to snuff, it would not surprise me if at least some angina-like pain is due to adrenal insufficiency leading to a lack of cortisol (The "only absolutely essential hormone", according to William Mck Jefferies, SAFE USES OF CORTISOL, 3rd Edition, 2004). Finding a doc who understand and will prescribe sub-replacement cortisol is near impossible, but that is probably what you require to lessen the pain.

no more than 35-40 hydrocortisone or 8-10 mg prednisone/methyl prednisolone.

Optimally 15-20 mg hydrocortison or 4-5 mg preds.

Increasing vitamin C to near bowel tolerance couldn't hurt (See http://www.orthomed/titrate.htm) and here is a formula/table by our resident cardiologist/med school prof) and the MINIMUM amount of vitamin C a person should be taking.

My strong recommendation would be to add LivonLabs.com Lypo-C - up to five
packets daily. Each packet is roughly equivalent to 5000 mg of ordinary vitamin C.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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