How Long Before Noticing Positive Changes on PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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How Long Before Noticing Positive Changes on PT

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:48 am

From the email...

Dear Owen,

Please give me the average time required (using the prescribed 4 scoops daily dosage, i.e., 6000 mg vitamin C and 6000 mg lysine) for one to start seeing the results of the therapy. I have been taking the pauling-therapy dosage for three weeks and have yet to see any changes.

Also, should one discontinue his daily high blood pressure medicine? I had double by-pass surgery on December 20, 2007. Thanks for your reply.


Dear Sir,

I am not a doctor and I am not giving medical advice.

Re: > "start seeing results of the therapy" -

The answer depends on your symptoms. What are they?

For example, if you have angina, then most people experience relief in about 10 days. In recent years, there have been more people who haven't seen good effects. We believe we have traced the problem to the "medicated" stents that cardiologists routinely insert into the arteries of heart patients.

If you have no overt symptoms, then the only way to measure benefit (other than a general feeling of well-being) is from blood tests. You can monitor total cholesterol to some degree - if you are getting enough vitamin C and utilizing it, your number should be around 180 mg/dl.

And Lp(a). However, if you are a bypass patient, there may be other issues about lowering Lp(a). Again, sorry to have to refer you to the upcoming book which discusses the potential issues.

If you have a toxic load, say from dental work, you may be an individual who requires much more vitamin C than the average person. See to help estimate your vitamin C requirement.

All this is soon to be available in book form.

Monitor this web site for book availability:
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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