Father Now Ready to Try Pauling Therapy

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Father Now Ready to Try Pauling Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:15 am

Dear. Dr. Fonorow,

Carol Smith gave me your information years ago. My father was stubborn and did not try. Due to my new baby and my father now knowing he has to change started asking me about the products. I will gladly list all of the medications that he is taking. I just dont know with my research which products for him to take because of diabetes type 2 and the blood thinners he is taking.

What information do you need from me so you could kindly help me. Thank you in advance. It has taken me 3 years to get my father to do this. it has been a long battle!

Better late than never, however he is probably succumbing to his medications. Diabetes is a severe complicating factor.

The key is vitamin C, how much is he taking now?

If not much, then purchase some "clean" 500 mg ascorbic acid vitamin C tablets. By clean, I mean as few fillers as possible. Nature Made, or Sam's Club 500s, etc.

Have him begin the program by taking one 500 mg vitamin C tablet every 4 hours. (If you can get him a watch with a timer, great.) He needs to be religious about this during waking hours.

If this dosage causes diarrhea, let me know, if not, then after a week to ten days, he can begin increasing the dosage, say increase the first and last daily dosages to 1000 mg, for some time, until you find his tolerance level. Knowing this level is important.

Once you know his C tolerance level (and in heart patients, this is usually over 10,000 mg daily) I would begin adding 500 mg lysine pills with the vitamin C pills. Start with 500 mg per day, then 1000 mg per day, up to around 6000 mg daily lysine daily.

At this point he would be on the basic Pauling therapy, and we will see how he feels.

The tricky part is weaning him off the drugs he is taking which are zapping him of strength and hardening his arteries, not to mention the diabetes. (I don't know what else nutrition wise he is taking, however since he has diabetes, there is another protocol he should be adopting at the same time he starts the vitamin C - a very low processed foods/transfat diet. If Diabetes Type II (and even Type Is can suffer Type II) he should abandoned all artificial/trans fats in the diet in favor of natural fats. I would find a good Omega/3 fish oil and flood his body.

You can read about the history/method at healingmatters.com (Another thought while posting this is that you should get him on 600 mg of a good Alpha Lipoic Acid for the diabetes. This will help his cells absorb both the vitamin C and glucose in his blood.)

As I continue writing, most of this is in Chapter 7 of my book, which is available as an excerpt from http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutali ... /protocol/ online.

There are other nutrients that can be started at almost any time, such as vitamin E, CoQ10 and magnesium, as these, while secondary, are also going to be helpful, after you determine his vitamin C bowel tolerance - gradually.

In summary, start him on vitamin C, 500 mg every 4 hours, gradually increasing the dosage to tolerance. If the tolerance is low, there are other options, such as Lypo-C from livonlabs.com

Add Omega/3 fish oils and Alpha Lipoic Acid. Have your dad avoid any processed foods, and avoid carbs around the time he is taking the vitamin C. Proteins are fine, and will even chelate and enhance the absorption of vitamin C.

Add lysine, magnesium, CoQ10 and vitamin E plus a good multivitamin/mineral, after you know his vitamin C tolerance.

If all goes well, we can discuss the Tower products that combine all this into a pleasant tasting drink, without any fillers, as well as discuss his medications, many of which are designed for people with chronic low vitamin C levels in the blood.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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