Severe Heart Palpitations - Ordered Ascorbade

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Severe Heart Palpitations - Ordered Ascorbade

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:39 am

I'm 59, female, had rheumatic fever age 9. Nearly three years, August 2009, I began having severe heart palpitations. Numerous tests, cardiologist visits, $3000. Results: ,THREE STRIKES-more common in women, shows up more as we age and more common if you've had rheumatic fever.

Cardiologist advised coumadin, digoxcin, and or beta blockers. I asked what it would do for the afib. Dr. stated NOTHING, but must do it. Thanks but no thanks!

Have been attempting research on my own via internet, radio-talk, Michael Savage
mentioned how important large dosage of powdered Vitamin C is in protecting against swine flu and boosting the immune system, infomercials, work- WDS-demos in Costco, and interest in healthy alternatives. Also have been taking supplements, Standard Process, from my chiropractor since husband of 34 years,who was exceptionally healthy, never ill, never took a sick day from work in 36 years, fell into no predisposed category for cancer, at age
54 was diagnosed with stage 3 adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Our only child was 10 when his father died. I hadn't worked outside the home in over 20 years, no marketable skills in today's world. Ten months, $175,000., $25,000. our share after the insurance, my dearest friend dead and gone. I believe that the sudden onset of such severe afib is mainly due to stress and aging.

Have been reading your web site for weeks, and have ordered the AscorbAde, 6, wholesale, one time offer, but wonder if I shouldn't order the Cardio C also and take one AM, one PM? Am planning to give to my son, 17, as he has developed severe allergies past two years. I don't want to take him to an allergy specialist. He takes one Catalyn from Standard Process and two Pau D' Arco from NOW a day, unless he forgets?

Thank you for your ear and the Vitamin C Foundation web site. I think it -your web site- is what Michael Savage was referring to without saying so directly, and I found the info about natural vitamin c complex and Dr. Royal Lee who started Standard Process quite interesting. I remember reading an article by LInus Pauling in the late 70's, early 80's about L-Lysine and Herpes Simplex -1, fever blisters which I have had since age 12. I started taking the L-Lysine
immediately and still take when I feel the virus trying to break out, which is quite severe, even stiking my cornea at the edge of the iris in the late 80's.Thank you for your expertise, Paula C.

Sorry about your husband and current medical difficulty. You were probably wise to avoid those prescription drugs. I have seen a recent study/write-up showing the value of vitamin C - alone - in the treatment of atrial fibrilation. See: ... eart_rhyth

Here is what I know. The ascorbade is an excellent product, and I don't see an additional need for Cardio-C (have to check whether there is proline in ascorbade.. hmm), but you might require more vitamin C up to your personal bowel tolerance, e.g.

Your son too. In fact, when I adopted Pauling's regimen in his book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, (high vitamin C, E, A, B-complex, low sugar, lots of water) ALL my allergies disappeared.

As a product to overcome the atrial fibrilation - Ascorbade is an excellent choice, especially because of the fine form of magnesium. I believe that other than vitamin C, magnesium is key to irregular heart beats. (Also, check your other supplements and make sure you are not getting more than 2 mg manganese daily. Long story if you are interested and detailed in the excerpt Chapter 7 of my book: http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutali ... /protocol/ .)

Generally at the times you are not taking the Ascorbade (I would split Ascorbade doages to twice per day) and I would also consume at least 500 mg of ordinary vitamin C as mostly ascorbic acid every 3/4 hours.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: Severe Heart Palpitations - Ordered Ascorbade

Post by Ralph Lotz » Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:33 am

Magnesium will be helpful, any kind except oxide. Also supplement with omega-3 fish oil, at least 2 or 3 caps that contain 180 mg of EPA and 120 mg of DHA.
Vitamin E will also be helpful, but it is imperative to start with very small doses. I don't think anybody still makes 30 IU caps, so you can get this liquid here: ... erm=nextag
Shute Vitamin E Treatment Protocol
Chronic rheumatic heart disease: give 90 IU daily first month, 120 IU daily second month and 150 IU daily for third month. 150 IU may be ideal dose. Occasionally more is necessary and advisable. Response will necessarily be slow.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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